Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.



Today, the modern world is characterized by global migration processes that ensure the effective functioning of not only the economy of each state, but also world economy. Migration flows affect international relations, the demographic situation, the formation of the labor market and their segmentation.

Taking into account the relevance of this topic, The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek is planned to hold an international scientific and practical conference on “economic and legal aspects of international migration” on June 25, 2024 in cooperation with the KONKUK University of South Korea. In this regard, everyone is invited to participate in this international conference
we will.

Within the framework of the conference, it is planned to discuss the following problematic issues:

1. Legal, economic and institutional foundations for the regulation of international migration;
2. International migration as an important factor in increasing population income and reducing poverty;
3. Stages of development of the labor migrant movement in Uzbekistan: retrospective analysis;
4. Impact of international migration on the national and economic security of the country;
5. The development of the real and financial sector in the economy of Uzbekistan and the role and role of external migration in it;
6. Changing trends in the geography of labor migrants of Uzbekistan;
7. The role and role of labor migrants in the socio-economic development of the regions of the Republic;
8. Macroeconomic processes, and the impact of labor migration on it;
9. Ways of development of the social sphere in the country and the effective use of labor resources in it;
10. Fiscal and monetary policy of the state and the impact of migration processes on it;

Conference materials are issued electronically. In this regard, theses from all participants of the conference will be published by June 15, 2024 we ask you to send your E-address or Uzbek-language summaries (+99899) to Telegram numbers 039-62-49, Russian and English-language makolas (+99897) 462-30-73 and (+99890) 933-28-05.

Requirements for the release of theses:

1. Abstracts should be presented on current topics related to the directions of the conference, with practical recommendations based on scientific analysis and completed opinions.
2. Thesis volume-up to 5 pages.
3. Text format: MS Word, Times New Roman font, must be 14 kegel in size. The row spacing is 1.5 intervals. Border measurements: upper and lower – 2 cm, left – 2 cm, Right – 2 cm. At the beginning of the text, 1 cm abzas are thrown, formatted by row width.
4. The naming of images and tables can be determined by Arabic numerals (Figure 1, Table 1, etc.k.), it is necessary to refer to them in the text of the article; entries within the tables should be 12 kegl. The literature used is given a link in the text.
5. The text of the article is formalized in the following order: – surname, first name of the author (co-founders) (scientific degree, scientific Title, place of work, position, phone number, ye-mail) conference direction number; – the name of the article is placed in large letters in 14 Kegl and in the middle part.

Articles and theses that do not meet the above clearance requirements, are not related to the topic of the conference, are not accepted.
• Articles / theses must not have been previously published. All articles are reviewed and checked through the antiplagiat program, and positive past works are recommended for publication.
• Each author can participate with a thesis, both solo and co-authored, at the same time.

Responsible persons:
1. Eshmirzayev F.I – (+99899) 039-62-49;
2. Razakova B.S.- (+99897) 462-30-73;
3. Kim T.V.- (+99890) 933-28-05