Madaeva Shakhnoza – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 71 246-52-44
Detailed information on the history and main activities of the department, the head
The scientific potential of the department in the 2018-2019 academic year was 93%, and in the 2019-2020 academic year, 16 professors and teachers worked in the main staff unit. Of these, 3 doctors of sciences (DSc), 11 candidates of sciences (PhD), due to the recruitment of young professionals, the scientific potential is 88%, in 2021 the scientific potential is 93.3%.
In the last two years, patents have been obtained for educational and methodological developments created by professors and teachers of the department. Including:
members of the department dots.v.b. H.Toshov, dots.v.b.T.Hojiev “English-Uzbek dictionary” (in Braille) “by the State Unitary Enterprise” Intellectual Property Advisory Center”of the Intellectual Property Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan №001664 Certificate protection of copyright (patent).
members of the department Prof.D.Fayzikhojaeva, docent.v.b.Kh.Toshev, docent.v.b.T.Hojiev for the electronic textbook “Logic” Intellectual Property Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Intellectual Property Advisory Center ”Was issued by the state unitary enterprise № DGU 08749 Certificate (copyright protection).
During 2015-2017, prof. Under the leadership of GM Ruzmatova “ITD-1. According to the order of the state program ‘Study of spiritual and moral and cultural development of society, spiritual values, national idea, cultural heritage, history of the Uzbek people and statehood and the continuity and continuity of education, upbringing of harmoniously developed generation” + (A-1-132) Scientific research on the practical project “Study of the mechanism of spiritual and moral education of youth on the basis of the study of the history of philosophy” (2015-2017).
Work with ITD programs at the department continues in 2021-2022. The project “Creation of an electronic transdisciplinary platform of religious and national values of the Uzbek people” is funded under the “Olima” grant for 2021-2022.
The department participates in the international program for the exchange of specialists in the field of philosophy in cooperation with a number of European universities under the program EA of Erasmus Mundus 2021-2022.
In the last three years, professors and teachers of the department have published 30 articles in local journals, 4 in international scientific journals, 6 in impact factor journals, 17 in Scopus.
On January 28-31, 2019, she trained at the “Training of Women Leaders of Higher Education and Academic Institutions”, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the British Council with the participation of international experts.
From January 20 to February 20, 2020, the head of the department, Professor Sh.O. Madaeva returned from training in Madrid, Spain, by the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan to train specialists abroad and communicate with compatriots.
In December 2019, the department became dots.v.b. H. Toshov received the first prize of the Youth Union in the field of science.
The disciplines taught at the department are in a separate form for bachelors and masters
№ | The name of the science | Brief information about science |
Bakalavriat | ||
History of Philosophy | to acquaint students with the emergence and development of philosophical thought, the role of philosophical currents and schools in social life, the philosophical and historical foundations of worldview, and thus to inculcate in their minds the content of philosophical values and national ideas. | |
History and theory of logic | to acquaint students with the necessary set of knowledge of logic, as well as the essence of logical teachings, research objects, methods and teach them theoretical and practical knowledge about the laws of development of logic, as well as their application in practice. aimed at increasing the intellectual potential of students, strengthening their professional training, improving communication skills by teaching the essence of approaches and modern concepts of argument theory | |
Oriental language (Arabic, Persian): Hence: (Arabic) | to teach students to read and research original manuscripts of historical sources, in particular, manuscripts of philosophical, historical, natural sciences, created in the Middle Ages | |
Philosophical anthropology | in students, the role of man in society, its essence and origin, the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities for the formation and development of culture and civilization. | |
Social philosophy | Students will learn about the principles of society, man, social development, the priority of social values, social stability, social norms and their role in the development of society, regional features of socio-economic and political integration processes, specific features, opportunities and prospects of civil society in Uzbekistan. and focused on the formation of practical knowledge | |
Methods of teaching philosophy | to give students lectures on philosophy, to hold seminars, to provide them with in-depth knowledge and a culture of use so that they can engage in independent philosophical practice and scientific creativity in the future. | |
Phenomenology of Oriental Philosophy | enriching their philosophical worldviews, in particular helping them to assimilate national and universal philosophical values and expressing the student’s place and identity in the life of society. | |
Philosophy of the peoples of Central Asia | The purpose of teaching this subject is to explain to students the place and role of the philosophy of the peoples of Central Asia in the development of world philosophical thought, to explain the laws of development and formation, to create a system of scientific aging in this area. In achieving this goal, students will be able to use primary sources, analyze the scientific materials of schools formed in the study of advanced scientific research and the study of these sources in terms of ideology, culture and scientific development. | |
Philosophy of engineering and technology development | the role of information, informatization and information technology in the development of society, the analysis of information as a mechanism of social development, the acquisition of knowledge about the current problems and future tasks in this area. | |
Cultural anthropology | In the field of cultural anthropology, students study the role of human creativity in culture and society, the analysis of factors of cultural development, cultural diversity. | |
Philosophy of values | to form in students the ability to feel the universal and national values, as well as the material and spiritual values that form the basis of a democratic society in Uzbekistan, to gain in-depth knowledge about them | |
Modern concepts of natural science | to study and know the ontological content of the world in which students live, to acquire a holistic knowledge of the new scientific landscape of the world on the basis of scientific evidence of the development of nature. | |
Magistratura | ||
Ontological problems of modern philosophy | The main problems of modern ontology in masters are the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities to teach approaches to the ontology of the universe, concepts and teachings of modern ontology, the problem of existence in the history of philosophy, new models of ontology, synergetic approaches to being and ontology of values. | |
History and philosophy of Islamic theology | To study the role and spiritual-enlightenment significance of mystical sects in the development of socio-philosophical thought in Central Asia, to study the succession in the field of philosophy, to study the works of Sufi scholars as a first source, to develop philosophical thinking, analytical thinking, scientific, develop writing skills and creative thinking. | |
Socio-philosophical thought of the peoples of the Near and Middle East (VIII-XVIII centuries) | to improve the philosophical knowledge of graduate students by analyzing the essence of ontological, epistemological and moral ideas in mystical philosophy, showing their directions and studying its impact on the manifestation of humanistic ideas in the socio-philosophical thought of the peoples of the Middle East | |
An Ontology of Ancient and Ancient Philosophy | to enable students to study in depth the problems of existence in the philosophy of the Ancient World, and on this basis to have a perfect knowledge of the formation and early stages of the history of philosophy | |
Methodology of the history of philosophy | The purpose of the transition to the master’s degree in “Methodology of the History of Philosophy” The relevance of the subject is determined by the need to develop students’ practical skills in conducting philosophical and historical research, study, analysis and hermeneutic interpretation of philosophical texts. | |
Current Problems of Modern Western Philosophy | to study the opinions of modern Western philosophers in the minds of students, to form a critical attitude towards them, to explain the role of knowledge of the history of philosophy in the worldview of a person from a scientific point of view and to analyze the universal, historical and logical features of modern Western philosophy. | |
Philosophical comparative studies | The importance of the issues considered in the course “Philosophical Comparativeism” for today is determined by the development of a culture of philosophical thinking, the definition of modern priorities. | |
Argumentation and communication | By acquainting them with the basic principles and norms of argumentative analysis of speech, to teach them to effectively conduct all forms of dialogue, the effective use of means to change the point of view of the interlocutor. | |
Systematic analysis | The purpose of the transition to the master’s degree in “Systems Analysis” is closely related to the expansion (change) of competence requirements and criteria for today’s staff, as well as the need to train specialists who can adequately respond to the students of the employer. Especially in the current complex period, ie uncertain, chaotic, accelerated flow of information, instability, non-linear conditions in the systemic solution of systemic problems in social life, the need to understand the current problems in the interdisciplinary field, to equip young people with scientific and methodological knowledge. | |
Eurasian philosophy | The subject “Eurasian Philosophy” helps to enrich the philosophical worldview of students, in particular, to help them master national and universal philosophical values, and to use the theoretical findings of science in the work to further deepen democratic reforms in our society. The main purpose of this course is to show the role and importance of Eurasian philosophy in the history of world philosophy, the need to equip young people with scientific and methodological knowledge. | |
The Renaissance and the Transformation of the Philosophy of the New Era Humanism | It consists of an in-depth knowledge of the current problems of the science of “Renaissance and the transformation of the philosophy of humanism in the New Age” and the attitude to the history of philosophy in modern times. The formation of Christianity and humanism and its influence on the traditions of Western philosophy of the Renaissance and the New Age, the restoration of ancient philosophy in it, the return to skepticism and the impact of these teachings on subsequent development. |
About researchers and scientific work
№ | The research professor-teacher N.S. | Academic degree, title | The topic of the dissertation |
1. | 09.00.03 – 2nd stage of basic doctoral studies (PhD) in History of Philosophy Khujaev Davron | No. | “Socio-philosophical principles of the concept of justice in the teachings of Alisher Navoi” |
2. | 09.00.03 – 2nd stage of basic doctoral studies (PhD) in History of Philosophy Saidmurodov Jobir | No. | “The concept of development in Gegel’s philosophy” |
3. | 09.00.03 – 1st stage of basic doctoral studies (PhD) in History of Philosophy Rakhimdjanova Dilnavoz | No. | “Transformation of the phenomenon of freedom in antiquity” |
4. | 09.00.01 – Juraeva Nigora in the 3rd stage of basic doctoral studies (PhD) in ontology, gnoseology, logic | No. | “Philosophical and historical analysis of the theory of paradigms of civilization and its application to modern Uzbekistan” |
5. | 09.00.01 – 1st stage basic doctoral degree (PhD) in ontology, gnoseology, logic Shukurov Akmal | No. | “Methodology of the national strategic approach to virtualization of public life” |
Mahalliy va xorijiy hamkorlar bo‘yicha ma’lumot
Philosophical Research Center under the National University of Uzbekistan, Republican Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment, Imam Bukhari International Research Center, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Oriental Studies Research Center, Tashkent University of Information Technology, Tashkent Institute of Railways, Nukus State University named after Berdakh, Tashkent State Agrarian University Cooperation with the Surkhandarya branch (Social and Humanitarian Departments) has been established and is being carried out on the basis of demand.
Kafedra tarkibi
№ | Last name, first name | |
Madaeva Shaxnoza Omonullaevna | sh.madaeva@nuu.uz | |
To‘xtaev Xakim Primovich | h.tuhtaev@nuu.uz | |
Karimov Raxmat Raxmatovich | r_karimov@nuu.uz | |
Kobulniyazova Gulchexra Toshpulatovna | g.qobulniyozova@nuu.uz | |
Fayzixo‘jaeva Dilbar Ergashevna | d.fayzixodjayeva@nuu.uz | |
Ro‘zimatova Gulnoza Miraxrarovna | g.ruzmatova@nuu.uz | |
Yokubova Mavluda Iskandarovna | m.yoqubova@nuu.uz | |
Tulyaganova Muxayyo Kutumbekovna | m.tulaganova@nuu.uz | |
Toshov Xurshid Ilxomovich | x.toshov@nuu.uz | |
Majidova Oysafar Umarovna | o.majidova@nuu.uz | |
Odinaeva Zebiniso Ibroximovna | z.odinayeva@nuu.uz | |
Amirov Azamat Odil o‘g‘li | a.amirov@nuu.uz | |
Bekbaev Rauf Rustamovich | r.bekbayev@nuu.uz | |
Stepanova Olga Ivanovna | o.stepanova@nuu.uz | |
Maxmudova Guli Tilavovna | g.maxmudova@nuu.uz | |
Shukurov Akmal Sharofovich | a_shukurov@nuu.uz | |
Djuraeva Nigora Avazovna | d.xujayev@nuu.uz | |
Xo‘jaev Davron Nuritdinovich | n.djurayeva@nuu.uz | |
Foziliya Mahliyo O‘roqboy qizi | m_fozilova@nuu.uz | |
Tursunalieva Muslimabonu Abduvosit qizi | m.tursunaliyeva@nuu.uz |
The department has a regular methodological seminar and the scientific circle “Epistema” and “Maevtika” for many years.