The scientific schools established at the National University of Uzbekistan contribute to the development of specific scientific fields and contribute to the development of science and education in the republic.
Т.р | The name of the scientific school | Founder |
1. | Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics | academician Sirozhiddinov Sadi Khasanovich |
2. | Scientific School of Functional Analysis | academician Sarimsokov Toshmuammad Alievich |
3. | Scientific School of Mechanics | professor M. F. Shulgin |
4. | Scientific school of differential equations | academicians М.S.Salakhiddinovи T.Dj.Djuraev |
5. | Scientific school of the spectral theory of differential operators | academician Sh.O.Alimov |
6. | Complex analysis and theory of pluripotentials | academician A.Sadullaev |
7. | Scientific school of management and the theory of differential games | academician N.Y.Satimov |
8. | Scientific School of Weather forecasters | professorsB.A. Giorgio and V.A. Bugaev |
9. | Science School of Physics | academician М.М.Musakhanov |
10. | The scientific school of nuclear physics and cosmic rays | academician S.A.Azimov |
11. | Scientific School of Optics and Spectroscopy | academician P.K.Khabibullaev |
12. | Scientific School of Physics of Alloyed Silicon | professor А.Т.Teshaboev |
13. | Scientific School of Organic Semiconductor Physics | professor М.А. Magrupov |
14. | School of Quantum Radiophysics | professor А.Т.Mirzaev |
15. | Scientific School of Nonlinear Astrophysics and Cosmogony | professor S.Kh. Nuritdinov |
16. | Scientific school of natural compounds and biorganic chemistry | academician О.S.Sodikov |
17. | Scientific School of Chemistry of High Molecular Compounds | academician Kh.U.Usmonov |
18. | Scientific School of Colloid Chemistry | academician K.S.Akhmedov |
19. | Scientific School of Analytical Chemistry | academician Sh.Т.Tolipov |
20. | Scientific School of Chemistry of Coordination Compounds | academician Kh.А.Parpiev |
21. | Scientific School of Macrocycle Chemistry | professor А.K.Toshmukhamedova |
22. | Scientific School of Vertebrate Zoology | academician Т.Z.Zokhidov |
23. | School of Biochemistry | academician Y.X.Turakulov |
24. | Wheat Genetics School | academician Dj.А. Musaev |
25. | School of Biophysics | academician B.O. Toshmukhamedov |
26. | Scientific School of Genetic Mineralogy and Geochemistry | academician A.S.Uklonsky |
27. | Scientific school of lithology and formations | Academician B.I. Popov |
28. | Scientific School of Hydrogeology of Uzbekistan | professor O.K.Lange |
29. | School of Magmatism and Geodynamics-Petrology | academician Kh.M.Abdullaev |
30. | Scientific School of Micro and Nanomineology of Uzbekistan | professor R.I.Koneev |
31. | Scientific school of natural geography and landscape science | professor L.N. Babushkin |
32. | Scientific School of Social and Economic Geography of Uzbekistan | professor Z.M. Akramov |
33. | Scientific school of hydrogeology of the Tashkent mountain areas | professor V.L.Shults |
34. | Scientific School of Uzbek Literary Criticism | professor О.О.Sharafiddinov |
35. | Scientific School of Uzbek Linguistics | professor А.Gulomov |
36. | Scientific School for the Study of Uzbek Classical Literature | professor G.Karimov |
37. | School of Jadidism and Jadid Literature | professor B.Kosimov |
38. | Scientific School of Archeology of Central Asia | academician М.Masson |
39. | The scientific school of international relations and tolerance | professor R.Kh.Murtazaeva |
40. | Scientific School of Philosophy of Culture | professor А.Ayupov |
41. | Scientific school of psychology of management and cooperation | professor E.Goziev |
42. | Scientific School of Translation of the Uzbek Language | professor G.Salomov |