Muminov Nozim Gaffarovich – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 71 246-62-32
The Department of Political Economy was organized in 1944 as part of the Central Asian State University. The department was headed by: from 1944-1949. Doctor of Economics, prof. Amines Olim Muminovich with the 1949-1959 biennium, Ph.D., Assoc. Stolyarov D.D., from 1959-1963 Ph.D., Assoc. Tarasyuk I.A. Since 1964, the department has been divided into two departments: the Department of Political Economy for the Faculties of Humanities and the Department of Political Economy for the Faculties of Natural Sciences.
The Department of Political Economy was organized in 1968 as part of the Faculty of History. The department was headed from 1968-1974. Doctor of Economics, prof. Ibragimov Alikhon Ibragimovich, in 1975 Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor, Kosimov Narimon Azizovich. In 1975, this department was merged with the Department of Political Economy for Humanitarian Faculties and headed the department 1975-1988, Doctor of Law, Prof. Natochiev Fedor Stepanovich.
In 1979, the Faculty of Philosophy and Economics was formed and the Department of Political Economy was formed in its structure. The head of this department from 1979 to 1990 was Doctor of Economics, Professor Rasulov Mukhtor Rasulovich. In 1991, the Faculty of Economics was formed and the Department of Economic Theory began its activity within it.
The heads of this department were:
– 1991-1992 – Doctor of Economics, Professor Zainutdinov Sayfutdin Mukhiddinovich
– 1993-1996 – Doctor of Economics, Professor Abduganiev Abdukokhid Abduganievmch
– 1997-2002 – Ph.D., Associate Professor Fazliddin Zukhurovich Hoshimov
– 2003 – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Tolametova Zilola Abdujabborovna
– 2004 – Doctor of Economics, Professor Khamraev Odil Khamzaevich
– 2005 Doctor of Economics, Karimov Rakhmonkul Karimovich
– 2005-2012 – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Umarov Kamal Yusupovich
– 2013-2015 Doctor of Economics, Shodmonov Erkin Sherkulovich
From 2015 to the present day, the head of the department is Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor Nozim Gaffarovich Muminov.
The formation of the Department of Economic Theory was facilitated by the training of teachers in economic disciplines for higher educational institutions of the country and highly qualified personnel for various industries and sectors of the economy.
The Department of Economic Theory is considered a department that prepares bachelors in the direction 60310100 – Economics and masters in the specialty 70310102 – Economics.
Professors, teachers, doctoral students, applicants, undergraduates and gifted students conduct their research activities on the basis of fundamental and practical grants from the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
1 | Economic theory | Developing the theoretical foundations of economic knowledge collected all over the world and integrated into a single system, basic concepts, categories, laws, principles of economics, their characteristics and mechanisms of action, as well as the ability to apply them in practice. |
2 | History of economic studies | formation of an economic worldview based on the analysis of the formation and development of economic thought, views, ideas, theories and doctrines representing the interests of individuals, social groups and society as a whole |
3 | Business planning | formation of knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of formation of a set of knowledge on the development and implementation of a business plan as a document defining the strategy and tactics of doing business |
4 | Innovative economy | The development of skills for the effective use of innovations in the field of economics, including scientific research, economic analysis and pedagogical activity, as well as the formation and application of theoretical knowledge on theoretical and practical issues of accelerating scientific and technological progress and improving the efficiency of industrial production. |
5 | Shadow economy | development of skills of economic secrecy and anti-corruption, providing knowledge about the causes, nature and socio-economic consequences of clandestine economic activity |
6 | Branch economy | formation of the necessary knowledge on theoretical and practical issues of the development of the market economy, agriculture, industry, economic construction in a crisis situation based on the laws and rules of the free market |
7 | Digital Economy | formation of perspective ideas about high-tech and advanced technological methods of organizing economic activity based on digital platforms and the development of economic, technological, organizational and managerial knowledge based on the determinants of the digital economy, the formation of theoretical and practical knowledge about the scale and content of the digital economy; the introduction of interrelated (effective, high-tech) technologies and their implementation |
8 | Institutional economics | formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the study of both theoretical and practical aspects of the formation and development of institutional economics, methods of studying the activities of economic entities |
9 | State regulation of the economy | features, forms and methods, means of state regulation of the economy, the formation of systematic, comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical skills of economic policy of the state. |
10 | Economic security | Providing theoretical and practical knowledge about the priorities of the country’s economic security, recognizing the vital interests of the state and the individual. |
11 | Labor economy | legislation in the field of labor relations, including the essence of the category of labor, specific forms of labor processes, the effectiveness of labor market development and its mechanism, theoretical and practical aspects of employment, labor organization, wages, labor productivity, to teach a number of issues related to labor productivity, standard of living and income, labor migration and develop the ability to apply it in practice |
12 | Economy Practice | possession of practical skills of theoretical knowledge and formation of methodological approaches to economic phenomena and processes |
13 | Human development | Teaching theoretical and practical aspects of human development and living standards in Uzbekistan and in the world. |
14 | Real sector economics | Teaching theoretical and practical aspects of economics in production, trade and services. |
15 | Macroeconomic analysis | To provide knowledge on the methodology and practice of economic analysis of the activities of economic sectors. |
16 | Investment Management | To provide knowledge about the mechanism of formation of the investment system, organizational, economic, regulatory, scientific and methodological foundations of investment assessment, the main directions, forms and methods of investment assessment. |
17 | Analysis of investment projects | The purpose of teaching the subject “Analysis of investment projects” is to teach students the theoretical and practical basics of designing, analyzing and selecting effective projects in practice. |
18 | Strategic planning | teach the scientific foundations of strategic planning and forecasting and develop the ability to apply them in practice |
19 | State budget and treasury system | Expansion and deepening of theoretical knowledge about the budget process of the Republic of Uzbekistan, treasury execution of the state budget, formation of practical skills on the priorities of modernization of the public finance system at the present stage of institutional reforms in the country. |
20 | Practical accounting | Knowledge about the use of information software packages used in accounting is provided. |
21 | System analysis | Improving public administration, allocating production capacity, determining the demand for labor and equipment, determining the needs for various products, etc. |
22 | Macroeconomic analysis and forecasting | To provide knowledge on theoretical and practical issues necessary for the analysis and forecasting of the country’s economy in a modern market economy. |
Name of the organization and institution | Information about branches |
Ministry of economic development and poverty reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan | In each region there is an economic department, and in each district there is a branch. |
Extrabudgetary Pension Fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan | Each area has a department, each area has a department. |
State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan | Each area has a department, each area has a department. |
Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan | Each area has a department, each area has a department. |
Uzkimesanoat Joint Stock Company | Tashkent (Practice up to 2 people) |
Stock Market Focal Point | Management is in every area |
“Uzbekinvest Hayot” Insurance Company | Management is in every area |
Rural Construction Bank | Each area has a department, each area has a department. |
ATB “Agrobank” | Each area has a department, each area has a department. |
Tashkent Republican Stock Exchange | Tashkent (Practice up to 15 students) |
Joint Stock Company “Alokabank” | Mirabad branch, Kokand branch, Andijan branch, Bukhara branch, Kashkadarya branch, Navoi branch, Namangan branch, Karakalpak branch, Samarkand branch, Surkhandarya branch, Khorezm, Ferghana branch, Jizzak branch |
AKB Microcreditbank | Each area has a department, each area has a department. |
Private joint-stock commercial bank “DAVR-BANK” | Tashkent, Tashkent region (Kibrai, Zangiotinsky, Bektemir districts) |
XALQ SUGURTA LLC Insurance Company | Tashkent City |
Joint-Stock and Commercial Halyk Bank Tashkent City Uchtepinsky Branch | Uchtepa district of Tashkent |
AQIB Ipoteka Bank Yakkasaray filial | Tashkent city Yakkasaray district |
Asaka Bank Joint Stock Company | Zarafshan of Navoi region |
Furniture factory “KENG MAKON” | Located in Tashkent and Tashkent region |
Full name of Professor-teachers | Academic degree, title |
Muminov Nozim Gaffarovich | Head of the Department, doctor of economics Professor |
Abulkosimov Hasan Pirnazarovich | doctor of economics Professor |
Egamberdiev Farmonkul Tursunkulovich | doctor of economics Professor |
Yuldashev Shuhrat Ganievich | doctor of economics Professor |
Mamedov Husan | doctor of economics Professor |
Mambetjanov Kahramon Kurbandurdieviсh | doctor of economics, Associate Professor |
Hashimov Pazliddin Zukurovich | Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor |
Mahmudova Guljahon Nematjanovna | doctor of economics Professor |
Elov Dilshod Abdujabborovich | Candidate of Economic Sciences, , Associate Professor |
Karimov Diyor Mukhtarovich | Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor |
Olimjonova Shoira Olimjonovna | Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor |
Tolametova Zilola Abdijabborovna | Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor |
Ambartsumyan Anastas Alekseevich | Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor |
Juraboev Ibrokhimjon Tursunkulovich | Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor |
Khaidarov Miryakub Tajievich | Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor |
Kim Tatiana Valerevna | Phd, Associate Professor |
Abdullaeva Rano Gafurovna | Phd, Associate Professor |
Zohirova Gulnora Muhammadievna | Old teacher |
Mukhitdinova Nasibakhon Keldibayevna | Old teacher |
Khamraev Olimjon Yakhshiboevich | Old teacher |
Jannazarova Gavhar Kaipnazarovna | Old teacher |
Normurodov Xusan Eshmaxmatovich | Old teacher |
Razakova Barno Sayfievna | Old teacher |
Umarov Oqil Omiljonovich | Old teacher |
Khamidova Nargiza Miryusup qizi | Teacher |
Holmatjonov Farhod Mahammatisanovich | Teacher |
Raxmatullaeva Dilbar Olimovna | Teacher |
Hasanova Nigora Hasan kizi | Teacher |
Pulatova Shahnoza Aʙdurashidovna | Teacher |
Eshmirzaev Faruddin Ilkhomjonovich | Teacher |