The Italian Ambassador In Uzbekistan Was Received By The Rector Of The National University Of Uzbekistan
Italian Ambassador to Uzbekistan Agostina Pinna visited the National University of Uzbekistan.

Address of the main building:
100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
The Italian Ambassador In Uzbekistan Was Received By The Rector Of The National University Of Uzbekistan
Italian Ambassador to Uzbekistan Agostina Pinna visited the National University of Uzbekistan.
The Role of the Creative Heritage of Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur in Human Civilization
15:49 / 10.02.2025
Rector met with the university’s “Zakovat” club team
15:46 / 09.02.2025
The university stage of the “Student Theater Studios” competition was held at NUUz.
15:48 / 08.02.2025
The rector met with the students.
22:23 / 07.02.2025
(Oʻzbek) Favqulodda vaziyatlarda harakatlanish bo‘yicha amaliy mashg‘ulot o‘tkazildi
23:47 / 06.02.2025
The rector checked on students living in rented apartments
23:14 / 06.02.2025
(Oʻzbek) Talabalar ishtirokida profilaktik tadbirlar muntazam tashkil etib borilmoqda
17:56 / 06.02.2025
A promotional event was held at NUUz with the participation of the leadership of the Military Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications.
17:41 / 06.02.2025
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Vakillari Tashrifi University
15:06 / 06.02.2025
(Oʻzbek) Belgiyaning Mons universiteti talabasi Oʻzbekiston Milliy universitetida tahsil olmoqda
14:57 / 06.02.2025