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Djumabayeva Jamila SharipovnaHead of department

 100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent

 Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00

 +998 9


The Department of English Philology was established in 1962 as part of the Romano-Germanic Faculty. During the years of the organization, the department set itself the task of creating new, highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff and training leading specialists for higher education institutions and higher education institutions of the republic. Since then, the staff of the department conducts scientific and methodological work in accordance with the requirements of the educational process in the field of linguistics, such as theoretical phonetics and grammar, stylistics and translation, history of language and lexicology. As a result, Nazirova Sh.O., Yusupova Sh.B., Sadullayeva N.A., Siddiqova I.A., I.A. Teachers of the department, including Juraeva, Djumabaeva J.Sh., defended a number of successful dissertations and contributed to the development of the scientific potential of the department. In 2013, the department was renamed the Department of English Philology. Since 2014, the department is headed by Associate Professor, Associate Professor J. Sh.Djumabaeva. Associate Professor J.Sh. Djumabaeva pays special attention to the organization of scientific seminars and attracts teachers to participate in various online seminars and courses on teaching English. Professor, Doctor of Philology Yusupov U.K. 2009 – 2012 Member of the General Joint Council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations at the Uzbek State University of World Languages ​​K.067.44.02. Professor, Doctor of Philology Yusupov UK created a school of comparative linguistics. In accordance with the decision of August 27, 2021, the Department of English Philology was divided into two departments: English Linguistics and Applied English Language and Literature. Area of ​​Education 5120100-Philology and Language Teaching (English) is widely used in various philology and social, philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and other disciplines. In this direction, the department teaches the following subjects:

Introduction to Linguistics
Independent learning skills
Applied phonetics
Practical aspects of the studied language
Communicative grammar
Country studies
Intercultural communication
Local lore of Uzbekistan
The language of the media
Methods of teaching languages
Teacher’s speech literature
Theoretical phonetics and theoretical grammar
Integrated course of foreign language teaching
Basics of editing
Distance learning English
Teaching foreign languages ​​in primary school
Fundamentals of Linguocultural Studies
Comparative typology
Theory and practice of translation
Introduction to Corpus Linguistics

Address of the department

Subjects taught at the department:

Subject name  Brief information about the subject  
1Introduction to Linguistics  Formation of basic knowledge of linguistics to students, the formation of knowledge about the functions of language, its structure, phonetics, phonology, lexicology, morphology and syntax  
2Independent study skills  The task of subject is to inculcate students to the importance of independent research in the system of higher education and the responsibility of the student for the development of experience and skills in the formation of foreign language skills.  
3Practical phonetics  The purpose of teaching the subject is to form a basic knowledge of English phonetics, to teach the properties of vowels and consonants, as well as to study the knowledge of intonation and rhythm  
4Practical aspects of the target language  Forming General English Skills, the four different aspects of this language from intermediate to advanced are: oral speaking skills, listening comprehension, written speaking skills, and reading comprehension competencies. development It also enhances the skills needed to develop language grammar and vocabulary needed to communicate from simple topics to abstract and complex topics.  
5Communicative GrammarTo form the basic knowledge of the use of English grammar in oral speech, to teach grammatical features, as well as to apply grammatical structures and theories in the context  
6LexicologyPhonetic structure of the studied foreign language, basic concepts and categories of grammatical structure and vocabulary, methods of word formation  
7Country Study Provides theoretical knowledge of the political economy of the United Kingdom and the United States, the economic, socio-political system in terms of historical development and modernity, international relations, its geopolitical role in the world community and apply information about them in practice.  
8Cross-cultural communicationIntercultural communication, international cultural complementarity, the importance of differences between cultures, linguistic, historical, social and cultural factors influencing the formation of the studied foreign language as an international language, as well as aspects of foreign language culture, creation of study materials, analysis of existing ones, adaptation  
9Country study of UzbekistanThe study of local areas in Uzbekistan is aimed at increasing the knowledge of students in the field of philology about their homeland and the development of their ability to speak in English.  
10Mass MediaTo learn the knowledge and ability to interpret various articles on various topics in the media, such as newspapers, magazines and Internet materials of different character, created and published in foreign languages, recent world events, theoretical and political articles
11Methods of teaching languages  Consists of theoretical and practical preparation of students for the professional activity of a foreign language teacher. Introduction to the main problems of modern methodology is the main task of the subject “Methods of language teaching”  
12Teacher speech culture  Formation of basic knowledge of the culture of teacher’s speech, formation of knowledge about the types and tasks of teacher’s speech, its structure, its phonetic, sociological, cultural, pragmatic features  
13Theoretical phonetics and theoretical grammar  Formation of basic knowledge of theoretical phonetics and theoretical grammar, teaching concepts and terms related to phonetics and grammar, English phonetics and grammar, morphological and syntactic features of grammar, morphemes, phrases, sentences, phrases and sentences to form knowledge of the parts  
14StylisticsTo provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge of style, functional methods, the importance of stylistic tools in text analysis and their application, to teach the types of stylistic tools found in texts  
15Integrated study skills  This subject is a practical discipline, the main purpose of which is to inform students about the advantages of integrated language skills teaching methods, to teach students how to use a foreign language as a key communication in their future careers, to develop professional specialization.  
16Basics of editing  The growing contribution of higher education institutions in solving the problems of scientific research and editorial development in the general development of the country and the need to improve the quality of training in higher education  
17Distance learning English  In an age of advancing science and technology, modern students are not satisfied with traditional teaching methods such as boring lectures, seminars, debates, and debates. The Basics of Distance Learning is designed to help teachers acquire and maintain basic knowledge and skills in technology for professional purposes through hands-on activities.    
18Teaching foreign languages ​​in primary school  The subject of foreign language teaching methods in primary school is taught in close connection with other theoretical and practical disciplines. The course is aimed at teaching students a foreign language, enriching the vocabulary of learners with new words and terms, communicating with the living language, teaching the peculiarities of modern English.  
19Fundamentals of Linguocultural Studies  It is taught in connection with the block of general and specialized sciences, as well as modern directions. The acquired knowledge is widely used in scientific research, pedagogical practice, art and literature and other fields.  
20Comparative typology  Provides information on the history of comparative typology, scientific and theoretical issues, and problems related to the methods of comparative typology. In the practical part, the representation of categories in the system of foreign and native languages ​​is intended to reveal the features of all languages, as well as the specific features of only one of the compared languages.  
21Translation theory and practice  This course covers issues such as the linguistic basis of non-linguistic translation, methodological aspects of translation, its grammatical, stylistic, and pragmatic problems, and the translation of nationally specific words. Oral and written forms of translation, literary translation, translation of texts in various fields help to develop theoretical knowledge and skills  
22Introduction to Corpus Linguistics  This subject is taught in integration with other disciplines and plays an important role in the development of communicative competence in a foreign language. The acquired knowledge is used in the process of scientific research in pedagogical practice, scientific research, rational and extensive use of electronic resources.  

 About researchers and scientific works: 

The research  led by Professor  Academic degree, title  The topic of the dissertation  
1Abdullayeva Muxtasar AbdullayevnaHuman values ​​in Uzbek and American literature   and their recreation in translation  
2Bekmurodova Firuzabonu NormurodovnaLinguopragmatic aspects of customs and traditions in the translation of novels (on the example of translations in English and Uzbek)  

The structure of the department:

Members of the department  Email adressess  
1Djumabayeva Jamila
2Yusupova Shoira
3Jalolova Shahnoza
4Abdullayeva Nargiza
5Abdullayeva Muxtasar
6Djabbarova Nozima
7Kengboyeva Mavluda Yo’
8Israilova Dilxumor Sherzod
9Akbarova Ma’suma Islomjon
10Ismoilova Nurxon Adxamjon
11Abdulkadirova Kamila
12Abdurazakova Shohruza
13Dadajonova Aziza
14Otaboyeva Dilshoda Laziz
15Ahmadjonova O’g’iloy Ma’rufjon
16Bekmurodova Firuzabonu
17Sobirova Nodira