Babanov Shakhobiddin – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 9
The history and main activities of the department, information about the head.
The Department of “Physical Education and Sport” of the National University of Uzbekistan, as an independent educational unit in the discipline “Physical Education and Sport” dates back to 1939.
The Turkestan State University, founded in September 1920, marked the beginning of the development of higher education of the peoples of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.
In 1922, a military department was established at the University, in the program of which a great emphasis was placed on physical training.
In 1928, the subject “Physical Education” was introduced into the compulsory curriculum at the university.
Already in the mid-twenties, students and teachers of the university organized amateur sports clubs in football, volleyball. Chess was also developed, which both students and teachers were fond of.
In 1939, the Department of Physical Education and Sports was organized at the university. The first head of this department was P.P. Klyaus.
Over the years of independence, structural and substantive reforms have been carried out in Uzbekistan, affecting all levels and components of the education system, which were aimed at ensuring its compliance with the long-term objectives and interests of the country, the requirements of the time.

In particular, an appropriate legal framework for reforming this sphere was created, which determined as a priority the growth of investments and investments in human capital, the training of an educated and intellectually developed generation, which is the most important value and decisive force in achieving the goals of democratic development, “Physical culture and sport” as a social phenomenon is a high social value, an organic part of the general culture and public life.
The complex of measures carried out by the National University and the Department of Physical Education and Sports together with the trade union organization of the university on the development of physical culture and sports are aimed at the harmonious and moral education of students and its employees, strengthening their health, preserving creative longevity, preparing for high-performance work and protecting the Motherland.
The discussion on the restructuring of the discipline “Physical Education and Sport” in higher educational institutions revealed many ways and directions in improving physical education. From the standpoint of the theory and methodology of physical culture, the most significant is the way to achieve goals, taking into account the interests and needs of students and their attitude to physical culture.
Physical culture in higher education is an integral part of the formation of the general and professional culture of the personality of a modern specialist, the system of humanitarian education of students. As an academic discipline, it is mandatory for all specialties and is one of the means of forming a comprehensively developed personality, a factor in strengthening health, optimizing the physical and psychophysical state of students in the process of professional training.
As a compulsory discipline of the humanitarian educational cycle in higher educational institutions, physical culture is declared in accordance with the state educational standard of higher professional education. With the acquisition of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 1991, the National University of Uzbekistan takes the baton with dignity and continues sports traditions at a high level.
In 1991, there were two departments at the University: the Department of Physical Education (head Zhukov M.M.) and the Department of Sports (head Iskhakov Yu.A.).
In 1994, a sports complex was put into operation; consisting of two gyms (24×42 and 18×36), an athletics stadium, a football field, flat sports fields for basketball and volleyball. The main goal is to engage in physical culture and sports for students, employees and residents near the lying mahallas.
1995-2000 – consolidation of departments into one – “Physical education” (head candidate of Biological Sciences Zhukov M.M.).
2001-2020 (head candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor Nabiev T.E.)
2020 – present (head Babanov Sh.Zh.)
Subjects taught at the department.
№ | Subject | Subject content |
1. | Physical education and sports | The discipline program is aimed at studying the general education discipline “Physical Education and Sport”, which provides for physical training in accordance with international education standards. The program defines the joint cooperation of the teacher and the student in the process of physical education throughout the training in the context of the requirements for the level of mastering the discipline. As an academic discipline, mandatory for all specialties, it provides profiled physical readiness, education of the conscious need to lead a healthy lifestyle, is one of the means of forming a comprehensively developed personality, a factor in strengthening health, optimizing the physical and psychophysical state of students in the process of professional training. The purpose of physical education of students is the formation of physical culture of the individual, the presence of which ensures readiness for social and professional activities, inclusion in a healthy lifestyle, systematic physical self-improvement. The objectives of the discipline is to form students’ commitment to a healthy lifestyle, motivational and value attitude to physical culture, physical self-improvement and self-education, the need for regular physical exercises and sports. |
About the researcher and scientific work.
№ | Full name | Academic degree, title | Dissertation topic |
1 | Babanov Shakhobiddin Zhiyanmurodovich | – | Mathematical modeling of the training process of highly qualified judoists. |
2 | Fayzieva Oidin Lukmonovna | – | Technologies for improving the health of students through physical education classes in higher educational institutions |
Information about local and foreign partners.
№ | Name of the organization | Date of signing the contract | Term of the contract |
1 | Chuvash State Agricultural Academy (Russia) | December 2017 | December 31, 2022 |
2 | Yakkasarai district No. 2 BOSM | September 2019 | August 31, 2022 |
3 | Uzbekistan Handball Federation | September 2019 | August 31, 2022 |
4 | Basketball Federation of Uzbekistan | September 2019 | August 31, 2022 |
The composition of the department
№ | Full name | |
1. | Babanov Shakhobiddin Zhiyanmurodovich | Shaxob1973@mail.ru |
2. | Nabiev Timur Erikovich | t.nabiev64@mail.ru |
3. | Platunov Andrey Igorevich | a.i.p@inbox.ru |
4. | Burnes Lyubov Anatolyevna | xiaomi5pulsssssssss@gmail.com |
5. | Khalikova Lilia Sagdullayevna | Xalikova1201@mail.ru |
6. | Razakova Feruza Saifievna | r.feruza1966@mail.ru |
7. | Turkmenova Mukarram Shermakhamatovna | turkmenovamukarram@gmail.com |
8. | Fayzieva Oidin Lukmanovna | luqmonovnaoydin@gmail.com |
Schedule of sections
Weekday Time | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Responsible for the sport |
Sports pavilion | |||||||
16.00-19.00 | Basketball (m) | Basketball (w) | Basketball (m) | Basketball (w) | Basketball (m) | Basketball (w) | Platunov A.I. |
Central | Central | Central | Central | Central | Central | ||
16.00-18.00 | Volleyball (m) | Volleyball (w) | Volleyball (m) | Volleyball (w) | Volleyball (m) | Volleyball (w) | Boltaev A.A. |
Left hall | Left hall | Left hall | Left hall | Left hall | Left hall | Otajonova L.B. | |
17.00-19.00 | Kurash,judo | Belbogli kurash | Kurash,judo | Belbogli kurash | Kurash,judo | Belbogli kurash | Babanov Sh.J. |
Right hall | Right hall | Right hall | Right hall | Right hall | Right hall | ||
16.00-18.00 | Chess | Checkers | Chess | Checkers | Chess | Checkers | Ravshаnоv G.Х. |
Auditorium | Auditorium | Auditorium | Auditorium | Auditorium | Auditorium | ||
16.00-18.00 | T/tennis | T/tennis | T/tennis | Platunov A.I. | |||
Left hall | Left hall | Left hall | |||||
16.00-18.00 | Arm wrestling | Arm wrestling | Arm wrestling | Murоdоv К.N. | |||
Small hall | Small hall | Small hall | |||||
Stadium | |||||||
16.00-18.00 | Athletics | Athletics | Athletics | Аrziboyеv К.О. | |||
Stadium | Stadium | Stadium | Fаyziyeva О.L. | ||||
16.00-18.00 | Football | Football | Football | Ruzmеtоv R.Т. | |||
Stadium | Stadium | Stadium | |||||
16.00-18.00 | Futsal | Futsal | Futsal | Коdirоv А.А. | |||
Artificial field | Artificial field | Artificial field | |||||
16.00-18.00 | Rugby (m) | Rugby (w) | Rugby (m) | Rugby (w) | Rugby (m) | Rugby (w) | Кuliкоv D.А. |
Stadium | Stadium | Stadium | Stadium | Stadium | Stadium | Gulyamоv А.А. | |
Universal sports hall (42х24) | |||||||
16.00-18.00 | Handball (m) | Handball (m) | Handball (m) | Handball (m) | Handball (m) | Handball (m) | Rаhмаtillаеv М.S. |
Futsal | Futsal | Futsal | Коdirоv А.А. | ||||
Universal sports hall (36х18) | |||||||
16.00-20.00 | Taekwondo | Taekwondo | Taekwondo | Pulаtоv L.А. | |||
Taekwondo | Taekwondo | Taekwondo | Soliev F.Sh. |