Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Creation of an interactive 3D technology based schoolbook for the subject of Chemistry.

Scientific adviser: Bekchanov Davronbek

Implementation period: 02/01/2021-01/31/2023

Project code: A-OT-2021-133

Project type: Innovative

Expected results and their significance: The main expected result of the project is the introduction into the educational process of an interactive electronic textbook on chemistry for students in grades 7, 8 and 9 of general education schools and can bring social benefits, for example: the total number of general education schools run by the Public Education authorities of our Republic, is 10 008, at present, 6 million schoolchildren study in these schools, of which more than 5.3 million students receive education in the Uzbek language. Chemistry is taught in grades 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of high school. With this in mind, from the 7th to the 11th grade, an average of 2.5 million students receive education. Secondary school students, mostly high school students, pay an annual rent for textbooks. The average rent is 2200 soums for 1 book. The average amount of money that students in grades 7-11 pay for teaching materials in chemistry is 5.5 billion soums. Taking into account the results of the above average calculation, the introduction of electronic textbooks in chemistry for students of secondary schools from grades 7 to 11 brings in 5.5 billion soums.

Important results achieved during the reporting period (at the end of the project): From the beginning of the project to the present, the following works have been completed, specified in the schedule of the project contract:

1. On the basis of the state educational standard, a project has been formed to improve the curricula and plans of general education schools under the Ministry of Public Education in accordance with modern educational standards.

2. On the basis of Avogadro and ChemSketch software tools, a 3D database of chemical compounds was formed in accordance with the topics of textbooks for grades 7, 8 and 9.

3. On the basis of the computer software Autoplay Media studio, lecture topics of textbooks for grades 7, 8 and 9 have been translated into electronic format.

4. Visual laboratory work prepared using the Crocodile Chemistry and Video programs was included in the textbook for grades 7, 8 and 9.

5. Using the iSpring Quizmaker software tool, self-assessment tests for students in grades 7, 8 and 9 were prepared as an interactive element of the e-learning tool.

6. An electronic interactive textbook prepared for students in grades 7, 8, 9 of general education schools has successfully been tested in general education schools and institutes for advanced training of teachers.

Author certificates

  1. Bekchanov D. J., Muxamediуev M. G., Raximov T. H., Gafurova D. A.,Razakov G’. A. 7-sinf kimyo fanidan 3D texnologiyalariga asoslangan interaktiv elektron o’quv qo’llanma. 2021. Муаллифлик гувоҳномаси. № DGU20213221.
  2. Bekchanov D.J., Muxamedуiev M.G., Raximov T.H., Gafurova D.A., Razakov G.A., Хasanov Sh. 8-sinf kimyo fanidan 3D texnologiyalariga asoslangan interaktiv elektron o’quv qo’llanma. 2021. Муаллифлик гувоҳномаси. № DGU20213609.
  3. Bekchanov D. J., Muxamediуev M. G., Raximov T. H., Gafurova D. A.,Razakov G’. A., Хasanov Sh.  9-sinf kimyo fanidan 3D texnologiyalariga asoslangan interaktiv elektron o’quv qo’llanma. 2021. Муаллифлик гувоҳномаси. № DGU20213785.

Scientific works published within the project

  1. Davron Bekchanov, Tohir Rakhimov, Mukhtar Mukhamediev, Eshchanov Ruzumboy, Khasanov Shadlik,ICT resources in chemistry: impact on the structure of education in Uzbekistan. Philosophical Readings XIII.4 (2021), pp. 2650-2655.
  2. Бекчанов Д. Ж., Мухамедиев М. Г., Гафурова Д. А., Рахимов Т. Х., Хасанов Ш. Б. Преимущества использования виртуальный лабораторийв обучении химии в средней школе. Universum: психология и образование. 2021. Ст. 1-5. 
  3. Рахимов Т.Х., Мухамедиев М.Г., Гафурова Д.А., Хасанов Ш.Б., Бекчанов Д.Ж. Сохранение и развитие навыков лабораторных занятий по химии в условиях самоизоляции. XORAZM MA’MUN AKADEMIYASI AXBOROTNOMАSI –9/2021. Ст. 164-166.
  4. Рахимов Т.Х., Мухамедиев М.Г., Бекчанов Д.Ж., Мирзаахмедова У.С., Хасанов Ш.Б. Проведение лабораторных занятий по дистанционному обучению. «КОМПЛЕКС БИРИКМАЛАР КИМЁСИНИНГ ДОЛЗАРБ МУАММОЛАРИ» мавзусидаги Республика илмий-амалий конференция. Тошкент 2021. Ст. 229-231.
  5. Рахимов Т.Х., Мухамедиев М.Г., Бекчанов Д.Ж., Хасанов Ш.Б. Роль интерактивного электронного учебного пособия в
    дистанционном обучении предмета химия. «КОМПЛЕКС БИРИКМАЛАР КИМЁСИНИНГ ДОЛЗАРБ МУАММОЛАРИ» мавзусидаги Республика илмий-амалий конференция. Тошкент 2021. Ст. 237-239.