Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.


Mukhtor Ashrafiy mahalla in Tashkent‘s Yashnabad district was attached to the National University of Uzbekistan during a video conference with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the head of the Presidential Administration on 8 February.

In order to ensure the implementation of the tasks set out in the statement of the Cabinet of Ministers of February 11, 2021 “On the work to be done on the ground by the ministries and departments attached to the mahallas to implement the mahalla system” to identify and eliminate problems in the area a number of positive activities are being carried out on a regular basis on the basis of the targeted program of work carried out by the university.


  • “Since February 11, a working group headed by the rector of the National University of Uzbekistan Inom Madjidov, consisting of vice-rectors, vice deans for youth affairs, professors and young researchers, has visited 1,448 people in 362 apartments, a sociological conversation was conducted through a house walk. In addition, a total of 189 problematic cases (housing, employment, social protection, passport registration, pensions, drinking water, electricity supply, inclusion in the “Iron Book”), health, education, credit, business, security, etc.) and 68 were resolved on the spot. 56 facilities (restaurants, streets, apartment buildings, shops, production, service organizations, etc.) located in Mukhtar Ashrafi MFY were thoroughly studied by the university working group, and 77 problematic cases (repair of playgrounds, multi-storey buildings) were studied, internal and external repairs, sewerage system, wire fences, sidewalks, repaired asphalt roads, beautification works, etc.) and information was provided to the Headquarters of Yashnabad district khokimiyat, ”said Kamoliddin Mirzaakhmedov, Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs of the National University of Uzbekistan.

Another of our interlocutors, Fayzullakhon Dumaev, Vice-Rector for Finance and Economics of the National University of Uzbekistan, told us the following.

On February 20-21, landscaping works were carried out in the area at a distance of 3 km along M. Ashrafiy Avenue, and 60 trees were additionally treated. In addition, 12 practicing psychologists from the university conducted individual psychological training with 57 citizens (prone to stress and aggression, family conflicts, disabilities, unorganized youth). , 5 mln. UZS.

The 28 m2 area of​​the Mukhtar Ashrafi MFY building has been completely renovated and the room is equipped with furniture for 1 foreign language teaching circle. Equipped with 500 fiction and non-fiction books. Also, for 2 playgrounds at the expense of extra-budgetary funds of the university were installed 2 pairs of 3-type sports horizontal bar equipment, 2 pairs of sports horizontal bar bars.

Today, the opening ceremony of the “Youth Park of the National University of Uzbekistan” was held in the “Mukhtor Ashrafiy” mahalla of Yashnabad district.

We have witnessed the university officials, who adhered to the wise saying of our wise people: “A good name and a garden remain”, prepared soup for the opening ceremony of the garden and distributed it to low-income, disabled and bereaved families living in the area.

