Abdurahmonova Nilufar Zaynobiddin qizi – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 9
e-mail: n.abduraxmonova@nuu.uz
The Department of Computer Linguistics and Digital Technologies was created on the basis of the Uzbek Language Department established in 2023. The activity of the department provides students with knowledge on natural language processing (NLP), automatic translation, solving practical problems on creating language corpora, development of philological information systems, search systems, computer graphics, database creation and use, skills and forms skills. Laboratory of Computer Linguistics was established under the department. This center is responsible for modeling philological issues, creating and researching their information and knowledge bases; creates language modeling methods for artificial intelligence, as well as researches problems of lexical databases – linguistic ontology, information search systems, computer lexicography, machine translation, terminology of computer linguistics, computer language didactics, and conducts research on the development of linguistic digital technologies.
Department of Computational Linguistics and Applied Linguistics of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. Scientific-practical conference on the theme of “MODERN TECHNOLOGIES OF COMPUTER LINGUISTICS – CTCL.2023” in cooperation with Japan Digital University (JSU), Scientific Research Institute for Development of Digital Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, and “ASMIRUS” Scientific Conference Support Center will be held.
The department is taught by 3 professors with scientific degrees. Among them, 1 doctor of philology (DSc), 2 doctors of philosophy (PhD). Scientific potential of the department: 40%.
Head of the department: Doctor of Philology, Professor Abdurakhmanova, daughter of Nilufar Zaynobiddin.
At the moment, the following professors and teachers are working in the department: Ph.D., prof. Z.T. Takhirov, f.f.n. F. Egamberdieva, Z. Chorieva, senior teachers: N. Bekmukhamedova, U. Khalmukhamedova, N. Inoghamova, F. Topildieva, teachers: O. Yulbarsov, F. Aliev.
Priorities of the department:
- Development of the electronic corpus of the Uzbek language http://uzbekcorpus.uz/;
- Creation of linguistic and software for Uzbek language computer linguistics and NLP (natural language processing);
- Development of modern computer lexicography of the Uzbek language;
- Improvement of artificial intelligence models and technologies analyzing language and speech phenomena;
- Implementation of translator programs and parallel corpus technologies;
- To increase the communicative capabilities of the Uzbek language by applying best practices in linguistic expertise and practical linguistics in solving language problems;
- Improvement of methodological methods such as corpus-based education, corpus-based translation studies, corpus-based analysis within the framework of the Uzbek language.
Courses and specializations taught by the department
For Master’s majors:
70230801 – Computer linguistics
Subjects taught at the department
- Computer linguistics
- Uzbek language
- Use of the Uzbek language in the field
- Applied linguistics
- Statistical methods for natural language processing
- Programming for natural language processing (Python)
- Machine translation technologies
- Corpus linguistics
- Computer lexicography
- Ontologies and semantic technologies
The following subjects are taught for bachelor’s education courses: - Computer linguistics
- Uzbek language
- Use of the Uzbek language in the field
- Applied linguistics
- Abdurakhmonova N. Computer linguistics (textbook). -Tashkent: Nodirabegim, 2021. -398 p.
- Abdurakhmonova N. Linguistic basics of machine translation (study guide, 2012);
- Abdurakhmonova N. Universal guide to the Uzbek language (co-authored, 2014);
- Abdurakhmonova N. Linguistic support of machine translation (monograph, 2018);
- Abdurakhmonova N. English-Uzbek dictionary of phrasal verbs (2018);
- Abdurakhmonova N. Annotated dictionary of computer linguistics terms (2019)
- Abdurakhmonova N. Ontologies and semantic technologies (co-authored, study guide 2020)
- Abdurakhmonova N. Computer models of the electronic corpus of the Uzbek language (monograph, 2021);
- Abdurakhmanova N. Educational dictionary of homonyms of the Uzbek language (2022)
- Abdurakhmonova N. A. Sharipbai, A. S. Mukanova, R.S. Niyazova, B.SH. Razakhova, A. S. Omarbekova, N.Z. Abdurakhmonova ONTOLOGIES, SEMANTIC TECHNOLOGIES (Electronic textbook) – Nursultan, 2021. – P. 88.
- Abdurakhmonova N. Ismailov A. Programming for the process of natural languages (Python)” (tutorial), 2022