The National University of Uzbekistan has been cooperating with many universities of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan for many years, and official memoranda have been signed.
In February 2023, 11 students from Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Osh State University of the Kyrgyz Republic arrived at the National University of Uzbekistan to study the spring semester as part of the academic mobility program.
The students were warmly welcomed by the staff of the International Student Affairs Department of NUUz and placed in the dormitories reserved for them. After that, a meeting was organized with the students in the Department of International Relations.
At the meeting, the staff of the International Relations Department, professors and teachers of the faculty and other responsible staff informed the students about the educational processes, internal procedures of the university and the dormitory, as well as the conditions created for them, and successfully planned the study plans of the students. it was agreed to create the necessary conditions for their implementation.
Let’s remind that Eurasian National University of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after L.N. Gumilyov and Osh State University of the Kyrgyz Republic are organizing conferences in cooperation with NUUz not only within the framework of the academic mobility program, but also by inviting professors and teachers to the educational process. and participating in international scientific projects. In particular, one researcher of this university completed an internship at the Department of International Relations of NUUz in 2022, and a total of 81 students from Osh State University came to study under the academic mobility program last year.
It is planned to send UzMU students to study at the above universities this year as part of the academic mobility program.

During the international scientific-practical conference organized by the “Sociology” department of the Faculty of Social Sciences of UzMU, the Committee on Youth, Culture and Sports of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, partners from about 10 foreign countries, including the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Eurasian National University named after Gumilev, South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagin, Indian Society of Sociologists, St. Petersburg State Technical Institute, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, nationwide movement “Rise”, Professors and teachers of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, practicing specialists, scientific staff, doctoral students, researchers, masters and students participated.