Online meeting with Canada’s Laval University
In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 11, 2023 No. 2/12-1/25-409, Canadian higher education institutions were studied. Information about educational, scientific and educational policies of these universities was collected. A list of the highest-level universities was developed based on their positions determined by international rating agencies, and an application letter with proposals for cooperation was sent to the e-mail addresses of their international relations officers.
An online meeting was held with Canada’s Laval University, which sent a positive response to the application sent on August 25, 2023 y.
During the meeting, information on educational, scientific and rating in universities was given.
Issues of establishing cooperation relations were discussed. Proposals were made to study the experiences of scientific research and increase the ranking of the university. For information, it should be noted that this university ranks QS WUR – 441, THE WUR – 251-300, ARWU – 301-400 and THE Impact – 14.
At the end of the negotiations, it was agreed to develop a memorandum of cooperation.