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Department of macroeconomics

Head of the department - doctor of science, DSc Vahabov Abdurakhim Vasikovich

100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4

Wednesday - Friday, 15:00 - 17:00

+998 98 360-33-30


History and activities of the department

The Department of Macroeconomics (formerly International Economic Relations) was founded in 1996 on the basis of the Department of Economic Theory of the Faculties of Natural Sciences of the University. From 1996 to 2009, the department trained bachelors in the field of world economy and international economic relations and masters in international economic relations, economics of foreign countries. In 2010, the department was renamed into the department "Macroeconomics" in connection with the beginning of the training of masters in the specialty of macroeconomics. Since the 2010-2011 academic year, the department has been training bachelors in the direction of social work (pension provision) and masters in the specialty  social work (pension provision). Head of the Department of Macroeconomics since 1996, Doctor of Economics, Professor Abdurahim Vasikovich Vakhabov.

Subjects taught at the department

Subject name Brief information about the subject
1 Accoun-ting and auditing Theoretical foundations of economic knowledge, objects of accounting and auditing, economic resources and sources of their origin, establishment of mutual settlements between enterprises, reduction of accounts receivable and accounts payable, types and forms of audit, formation of complete and reliable information about the financial activities of enterprises, to present, to teach him the regulatory framework and to form the ability to apply them in practice
2 Statistics formation of deep professional knowledge and necessary pedagogical skills in the field of methodology and practice of statistics
3 Microeco-nomics and macroeco-nomics teaching the theoretical foundations of economic knowledge, basic concepts and categories of economics, economic laws and principles and developing the ability to apply them in practice
4 World economy and interna tional economic relations Provision of theoretical and practical know-ledge of the world economy and inter-national economic relations, formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the profile of the direction for in-depth analysis of the patterns of development of the world economy and international economic relations.
5 Labor economy legislation in the field of labor relations, including the essence of the category of labor, specific forms of labor processes, the effectiveness of labor market development and its mechanism, theoretical and practical aspects of employment, labor organization, wages, labor productivity, to teach a number of issues related to labor productivity, standard of living and income, labor migration and develop the ability to apply it in practice
6 Money and banks to provide deep theoretical and practical knowledge about the necessity, the essence of money, theory and monetary circulation, credit and credit relations, banks and the banking system, the organization of international currency movement
7 Human develop-ment Teaching theoretical and practical aspects of human development and living standards in Uzbekistan and in the world.
8 Global economic develop-ment Providing a number of theoretical knowledge about the content, main directions, socio-economic consequences of modern concepts and ideas, etc.
9 Intro-duction to social security and social policy Improvement of the mechanism of implementation of the state social policy, consistent improvement of the level and quality of life, training in the essence of the system of measures aimed at supporting socially vulnerable segments of the population.
10 The economics of the social sphere training in the theoretical foundations of social economics, laws, principles and categories of development and the formation of skills to apply the knowledge gained in practice
11 Funda-mentals of sustainable develop-ment and green economy theoretical knowledge, practical skills, methodological approach to the green economy and the formation of a scientific worldview, knowledge of the content of laws and categories, the role and significance of a person in life through the formation of a personal attitude to them
12 Money, credit and banking to provide deep theoretical and practical knowledge about the necessity, the essence of money, theory and monetary circulation, credit and credit relations, banks and the banking system, the organization of international currency movement
13 Finance Expansion and deepening of theoretical and practical knowledge about the financial system, corporate finance, public finance, the budget process in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the execution of the state budget, the formation of skills to improve the efficiency of budget execution in the financial system, including financing;  
14 Foreign experience of pension system develop-ment The emergence and stages of development of pension systems, models of reforming pension systems in the world, the formation of systemic, comprehensive knowledge, economic views and skills for the formation and development of the pension system in Uzbekistan.  
15 State pension provision and calcu-lation of pensions to provide theoretical knowledge about state pension provision, to form professional knowledge and necessary skills in them to learn from world experience and the role of institutional reforms in this area in the management of the pension system  
16 Accumu-lative pension provision to provide theoretical knowledge about accumulative pension provision and activation of the investment process, to form comprehensive knowledge and practical skills about the benefits of accumulative pension provision and management and to improve the activation of the investment process  
17 Poverty and ways to reduce it formation of a system complex of knowledge, economic outlook and skills about the concept of poverty, its causes, the need to strengthen the targeted social protection system in reducing poverty, the essence and mechanism of implementation  
18 Social insurance to study the theoretical and practical foundations of social insurance in a market economy based on world experience  

Information about the scientific school created at the department

The scientific school "Modernization of the national economy and improvement of the conceptual foundations of sustainable economic growth" was created at the department under the leadership of the famous scientist, Doctor of Economics. prof. A.V. Vakhabov. 33 doctors and candidates of economic sciences, including citizens of the Republic of Korea, China, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, have successfully defended their dissertations.

Researchers who defended their dissertations at the department

Full name of the researcher The topic of the dissertation work
Ким Се Гон (Citizen of the Republic of Korea), PhD, 2000 year  Reproduction of gross domestic product in the countries of Central Asia in the context of the transition to a market economy
Муминов Нозим Гаффорович, PhD, 2001 йил Structural changes in the economy of Uzbekistan during the formation of market relations
Долимов Равшан Тўрабекович, PhD, 2002 year  World experience in reforming the pension system and its application in a transitional economy
Ахмедов Бехзод Боходирович, PhD, 2002 year  Cash income and expenses of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the conditions of a transitional economy
Бахар Буртан Доган (Citizen of Turkey), PhD, 2005 year  Бозор иқтисодиётига ўтиш даврида Ўзбекистон-Туркия иқтисодий муносабатларининг ривожланиши
Мирзаев Шакир Арипович, PhD, 2006 year  Ways to Strengthen the Targeting of Social Protection of the Population in the Conditions of a Transition Economy (based on materials from Uzbekistan)
Нуралиев Нуриддин Нуралиевич (Citizen of Kyrgyzstan), PhD, 2006 year  Liberalization of Foreign Trade of the Kyrgyz Republic in a Transition Economy
Умаров Абдувахоб Турсунович , PhD, 2007 year  Environmental aspects of increasing the efficiency of the economic potential of the region (on the example of the Tashkent region)
Зикриллаева Надира Ахмедовна, PhD, 2008 year  Theoretical aspects of increasing the competitiveness of the national economy in a transitional economy (based on the materials of the real sector of the economy of Uzbekistan)
Джуманова Раъно Файзуллаевна, PhD, 2008 year  Living standards: indicators and ways to improve it
Рўзметов Шерзод Бахтиярович, PhD, 2009 й year  ил  Ways to strengthen the deposit base of commercial banks of Uzbekistan
Мусаев Бехзод Анварович, PhD, 2009 year  Improvement of the financial control mechanism in the execution of the State budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Акромов Хуршид Мажлимбоевич, PhD, 2010 year  Impact of macroeconomic policy on the development of the securities market of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Махмудова Гулжахон Нематджоновна, PhD, 2010 year  Directions for increasing the efficiency of investments in agriculture
Расулова Дилфуза Валиевна, DSc, 2010 year  Improving the theoretical and methodological base of labor migration in the system of market relations.
Даминов Дилшод Шарипович, PhD, 2011 year  Improving the mechanism for the correct calculation of taxes in the tax system of Uzbekistan
Разыкова Гульнора Хикматовна, PhD, 2011 year  Economic mechanism for the implementation of industrial policy in the context of modernization of the economy of Uzbekistan
Абдуназарова Нодира Ўктамовна, PhD, 2011 year  The place of the banking sector in the economic development of regions
Эргашев Илхом Обидович. PhD, 2011 year  Ways to Effectively Use Excise Taxes to Protect the National Market
Алиқориев Олимхон Фурқат ўғли, PhD, 2011 year  Directions for the development of new services in commercial banks
Сирожиддинов Камолиддин Икромиддинович, PhD, 2012 year  Improving Economic Diagnostics in Farms
Захидова Ширин Ширзатовна, PhD, 2012 year  Improving the efficiency of the market mechanism for higher education services (based on materials from Uzbekistan)
Султанбекова Мунира Баходировна, PhD, 2012 year  Using foreign experience in the development of investment funds in the Republic of Uzbekistan
Муродова Нодира Қуллиевна, DSc, 2016 year  Improving the theoretical base of state support for small business and private entrepreneurship
Махмудова Гулжаҳон Неъматжоновна, DSc, 2018 year  Improving the theoretical foundations of models of economic modernization
Рахмонов Норим Раззоқович, DSc, 2019 year  Improving the quality of training in higher education based on the socio-economic development of the regions.
Имомов Рустам Назруллаевич, PhD, 2020 year  Improving the system of financial support for agriculture by the state
Режабов Хайрулла, PhD, 2020 year  Improving the relationship between higher education services and the labor market
Бахтиёров Бобур Баходир ўғли, PhD, 2020 year  Directions for improving the economic mechanism of the social protection system
Хаджикулова Саодат Наримоновна, PhD, 2020 year  Improving lending to small businesses by international financial institutions
Худойбердиев Зафар, DSc, 2020 йи year    Improving the mechanism of the labor market functioning in the context of economic modernization.
Умаров Жасур Турсунович,Ю PhD, 2021 year  Methodological aspects of improving the public procurement system
Умурзакова Мўтабар Нодир қизи, PhD, 2021 year  Prospects for the development of health insurance in the field of social protection in Uzbekistan

The researchers conducting the study at the Department

Full name of the researcher The topic of the dissertation work
Рахимжонов Азизжон Вохиджон ўғли. Таян докторант Opportunities to use foreign experience in the development of non-governmental pension funds to improve the pension system of Uzbekistan  
Мухамедова Севара Абдукаххоровна. Таян докторант Improving the quality of life of the population and improving the cost structure  
Нарманов Улуғбек Абдугаппарович. Таян докторант Improving the economic mechanism of employment in the household  
Аманова Мафтуна Давлатбой қизи. Таян докторант Improving the mechanism for reducing the shadow sector based on the digitalization of the economy

Information about fundamental, practical and innovative grants at the department

The staff of the department won and implemented four international scientific grants in 2000-2020. In 2005-2020, the staff of the department successfully implemented three fundamental and two practical grants from the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 2021

the teaching staff of the department won an applied scientific grant project A-OT-2021-461 - "Creation of a platform for training courses based on multimedia technologies in the study of the basics of financial literacy and securities markets in secondary schools" (709.3 million soums ) in the announced competition of practical projects and implements it.

Information on domestic and foreign partners

Name of the organization and institution Information about branches
Extrabudgetary Pension Fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan Each area has a department, each area has a department.
State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan Each area has a department, each area has a department.
Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan Each area has a department, each area has a department.
Institute for Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research under the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan  
Private Joint Stock Bank "Trustbank" There are branches
Bremenhafen University of Applied Sciences, Germany  
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy  

Department structure

Full name of Professor-teachers Academic degree, title
Vahabov Abdurahim Vasikovich Head of the Department, doctor of economics Professor
Alimov Rovşhan Arifjonovic doctor of economics Professor
Kulmatov Alimjon Abdilloevich Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Sultanova Lola Sharopovna Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Zohidova Shirin Sherzatovna Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Sharipov Kuvondik Bakhtiyorovich Phd, Associate Professor
Rejapov Khayrullo Hikmatillayevich   Phd, Associate Professor
Babur Baxtiyorov Bakhodir ugli Phd, Senior Lecturer
Umurzakova Mutabar Nodir kizi Phd, Senior Lecturer
Rakhmonov Sherzod Ibragimovich  Senior Lecturer s
Khajibakiev Shukhrat Khujayorovich Senior Lecturer
Rakhmatova Hargiza Agzamovna     Senior Lecturer
Fayzullaev Jonibek Negmatullaevich Senior Lecturer s
Mirzaeva Azizakhon Sherzodovna Lecturer
Rakhmonov  Bekhzod Ibragimovich  Lecturer
Akramov Khurshid Majlimboevich Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer

Textbooks, teaching aids and monographs published over the past two years at the department

Vakhabov A.V., Khajibakiyev Sh.H., Toshmatov Sh.A., Butaboyev M.T. Green economy. Textbook. -Tashkent .: “Universitet” 2020 296
A.V. Vaxabov, Sh.X.Khajibakiev, Sh.A.Toshmatov. Models of development of the "green economy" in the world and features of its implementation in Uzbekistan. Monograph. Tashkent .: “Universitet” 2020, 278 p.  
A.V. Vaxabov, B.B. Bakhtiyorov. Improving the mechanism of strengthening the targeting of the system of social protection of socially vulnerable segments of the population. Monograph. Tashkent .: “University” 2020
Mamanazarov M.Microeconomics: theory and practice. Textbook. - Bukhara: 2020, - 420 p.
Institutional economics: textbook./ - H.P.Abulqosimov, A.A.Qulmatov- T .: 2020. - 430 p.
Vakhabov A.V., Zakhidova Sh.Sh.. Bakhtiyorov B.B. Ijtimoiy ish va ijtimoiy ta'minotga kirish. Darslik. qayta koʻrib chiqilgan va kengaytirilgan nashri. - Toshkent. Innovatsiya - bu aql. 2020, 152-bet
O.S. Dusmukhamedov. Fundamentals of Creative Entrepreneurship. Tutorial. GIIKUz. - Tashkent, 2021 .-- 158 p.
Rejapov Kh. Kh. Methodological problems of improving the relationship between higher education services and the labor market. Monograph. - Tashkent .: “Universitet” 2021
Umurzakova M.N. Prospects for the development of health insurance in social protection in Uzbekistan. Monograph. - Tashkent 2021.131 p.
V. Vakhabov,Amanova M.D.  and others. Modern features of the influence of the shadow economy in the post-Soviet space and ways to mitigate its consequences. International collective monograph. - T .: University. 2021 .-- 372 p.