Rector of South Kazakhstan University named after Mukhtar Auyezov Daria Kojamzharova at the National University of Uzbekistan
The National University of Uzbekistan has been cooperating with the neighboring universities of Kazakhstan for many years, and more than 30 memorandums have been signed with these state universities. On October 12, 2023, Daria Kojamzharova, rector of the University of South Kazakhstan in the name of Mukhtar Auyezov, one of the universities with which the official memorandum was signed, visited the National University of Uzbekistan.
It is known that the National University of Uzbekistan has been cooperating with this university for many years in exchange of professors, teachers, students, international scientific conferences and international scientific projects.
Within the framework of the visit of the rector of the university, a number of issues related to the further expansion of these partnerships, expansion of the internal and external internationalization policy of the university, and further growth of academic mobility were discussed. In the 2023-2024 academic years, the two universities in cooperation with the Nobel Prize laureates held international events, as well as the issues of joint organization of events directed at 16 directions of sustainable development goals were considered.
Rector of Mukhtar Auezov University Daria Kojamzharova highly recognized the international achievements of the National University of Uzbekistan in recent years. At the end of the meeting, it was agreed to develop a strategic cooperation plan for all discussed issues.

Academic Exchange with the South Kazakhstan University Named after Mukhtar Auezov.
The National University of Uzbekistan has long-standing collaborations with many universities in Kazakhstan and has signed official memorandums. The South Kazakhstan University named after Mukhtar Auezov is among them.
Under the academic mobility education program signed between the Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan and the South Kazakhstan University named after Mukhtar Auezov, two students from Mukhtar Auezov University had visited.
During the autumn semester, they studied at the faculties of History and Applied Mathematics and Intellectual Technologies, and were awarded certificates for their active participation during the studies.
Plans are underway to continue the exchange of students under the academic mobility program and to further expand the scope of the program in the future.

Students from the Mukhtar Auezov South Kazakhstan University participated in an academic mobility program at the National University of Uzbekistan.
Based on the collaboration agreement between the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek and the South Kazakhstan University named after Mukhtar Auezov, two students visited for academic studies within the academic exchange program in the fields of Physics and World Economy and International Economic Relations from September 20, 2023, to January 20, 2024.
During the autumn semester, they will study at the faculties of Physics and Economics. Today, the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Raima Shirinova, and the head of the department for working with foreign students, Diyora Islamova, met with these students to provide detailed information about education at the university, dormitory requirements, and other aspects of student life.

On May 10-11, 2023, professors and teachers of the “Sociology” department of the Faculty of Social Sciences of UzMU, including the head of the department, associate professor (PhD) Elyor Zaitov, associate professor, doctor of sociology (Dsc) Umida Sobirova, associate professor, etc., philosophy Doctor (PhD) Feruza Akhmedova and Associate Professor V.B. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Khusan Akramov gave a lecture to undergraduates and graduate students within the framework of the memorandum of understanding of South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov in Shimkent, which is in the Top-500 of Kazakhstan.
During the visit, students and graduate students got answers to their questions and got a lot of information.