Imyaminova Shuxratxon Salijanovna – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 90 135-05-12
e-mail: rumrreich@mail.ru
The Department of German Philology was founded in 1962. Qualified teachers of the department are Rashidova D.F., Dansiger O.A. and others. The first head of the department was assoc. Rashidova D.F. Then the department was headed by Ph.D., associate professors Abdukadirova GM, Iskhakova AA, Ph.D., prof. Avazbayev N.A., dos. N.Yu.Shakirova, senior teacher Medjitova H.T. Until 2017, the department was headed by teacher N.V. Tyan. Currently, the department is headed by Ph.D., Professor Sh.S.Imyaminova.
Sh.S.Imyaminova – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor. Specialist in modern German and Uzbek languages. He specializes in comparative literature, comparative linguistics and translation studies. Author and translator of 9 textbooks, 2 monographs, 15 textbooks, 10 manuals, 4 biobibliographic indexes, 6 dictionaries and 6 translations of works of art from German into Uzbek and from Uzbek into German. Author of more than 200 articles and theses published in foreign countries and in the country. Sh.S.Imyaminova is a scientist who created the school of theory and practice of comparative phraseology and translation. She is the leader of the Young Translator circle. She is a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology at the University of World Languages of Uzbekistan and a member of the Scientific Council under the Special Council for the Defense of Doctoral Dissertations and the Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Seminar at the National University of Uzbekistan. She is the only female German professor in Uzbekistan.
At present, the department has a candidate of philological sciences, professor (Sh.S.Imyaminova), candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor (Zulkhonov M.J.), candidate of philological sciences, senior teacher (Turakulova ST), 4 senior teachers and 10 teachers.
Department of German Philology prepared from 1962 till today 1 doctor of sciences, prof. Avazbayev NA and 10 candidates of sciences (candidate of philological sciences Rashidova DX, can.philol.sc. Abdukadirova GM, can.philol.sc. Iskhakova AA, can.philol.sc. Kirshner VT, N.Yu.Shakirova, Shadijonova Sh.U. (defended in Germany), can.philol.sc. Rezyapova NF, Sh.S.Imyaminova , STTorakulova and DTIbragimova). Department of German Philology participates in the training of professionals in the field of Philology and Language Teaching (German) and Translation Theory and Practice. It trains bachelors in German language and literature in secondary and special secondary schools, as well as in philology in combination with production and translation activities, and specialists in master’s degree programs in linguistics (German). In addition, teachers of the department teach German to students of the faculties of social and natural sciences of the university.
The department of German philology conducts research in two areas:
1) Comparative study of German and Uzbek phraseology.
2) Indo-European and non-Indo-European relations in language, literature and culture. From 1994 to 2016 cooperated the department with the Institute of German Studies at the University of Westphalia named after Wilhelm in Münster, Germany.
On December 5, 2003, the University of Münster (Germany) signed a project on cooperation in the field of scientific relations between universities from 2003 to 2006. Since 2004, the project has been supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) under the Partnership for German Studies (GIP) grant. The leaders of grant were prof. Thomas Tomasek (Münster) and Ph.D., Assoc. A.A.Iskhakova (Tashkent). The GIP grant was later extended from 2004 to 2008. The GIP project has been continuing since 2015. On December 5, 2003, an agreement on scientific cooperation was signed between the University of Münster (Germany) and the above-mentioned universities from 2003 to 2006.
The Department of German Philology was provided with more than 2,000 scientific and educational books by the Institute of German Studies at the University of Westphalia in Münster, and a reading room and library were established.
Within the framework of the grant (GIP) VVU scientists (Prof. Dr. T. Tomasek, Prof. Dr. F. Honemann, Dr. E. Noyce and Prof. Dr. D. Kremer) supervised master’s dissertations. Since March 2004, VVU scholars have conducted 13 block seminars at the National University of Uzbekistan, which were attended by students and masters of the German language department of the faculty of foreign language and other universities in the country. The students of the faculty of foreign language and doctoral students from the University of Westphalia (Katya Sheller, Katherine Hyoner, Kristina Rchekhak, Lily Tonger-Erk) undergo pedagogical internships.
In the framework of the International Grant (GIP) VVU scientists (Prof. Dr. T. Tomasek, Prof. Dr. F. Honemann, Dr. E. Noys and Prof. Dr. D. Kremer) awarded postgraduate students of the Department of German Philology (Ibragimova DT, Tyan NV, Turakulova ST, Achilova G.), as well as well-known scientists from the Institute of German Studies at the University of Münster supervised students’ courses, graduation theses and master’s dissertations. During the partnership, 35 students and masters from the Department of German Philology studied at the University of Westphalia. During this time, 10 tutors from the University of Westphalia conducted workshops and seminars with students of the German Philology Department.
The department carries out exchange of student practitioners. German students sent by the University of Westphalia have pedagogical internships at 2 academic lyceums of the National University of Uzbekistan (more than 50 students are currently undergoing internships).
On a grant basis, the best student goes to Germany each year to improve his or her master’s skills. The department has hosted four international conferences since 2003:
1. November 18-19, 2002. The first international scientific conference “Indo-European and non-Indo-European contact in language, literature and culture” was held in Tashkent. 26 Uzbek and German scholars participated in the conference with their presentations.
2. December 1-3, 2003. The Second International Scientific Conference on Indo-European and Non-Indo-European Contact in Language, Literature and Culture was held in Münster.
3. January 9-10, 2007. The third international scientific conference “Indo-European and external Indo-European contacts in language, literature and culture” was held in Tashkent. For the first time, in addition to German and Uzbek scholars, students of the German language department of the Faculty of Foreign Philology also took part in it. Talented students and masters of the Department of German Philology participated in the third International Conference on their research topics. In December 2009, Tashkent hosted the Fourth International Scientific Conference on Indo-European and Non-Indo-European Contact in Language, Literature and Culture. The fourth international conference on this topic was held in November 2012 in Tashkent. In April 2008, with the support of VVU and the DAAD of the National University of Uzbekistan and the Embassy of Germany in Uzbekistan, the “Center for German Studies” was opened within the Department of German Philology of the faculty of foreign language.
Four collections of scientific articles from all scientific conferences were published in Germany. The collection of articles of the scientific conference held in 2012 was solemnly presented to the authors on March 10, 2016 at the NUU administration with the participation of the FRG Ambassador to Uzbekistan Mr. Nighthart Hefer-Wissing. Graduates of the Department of German Philology work in higher educational institutions, academic lyceums, professional colleges, as well as in various sectors of the economy. These include diplomats working abroad, government officials, law enforcement officers, and German language teachers at universities.
Teachers of the department are improving their skills by participating in DAAD, Goethe Institute and various other seminars. Students of the German Philology Department participate in various national and international German language Olympiads, competitions, and exchange programs at the University of Münster (Germany). Over the past three years, students have twice won first place in the Republican Olympiad in the German language and in prestigious competitions in the art of public speaking organized by the German Embassy. Special attention is paid to talented students at the department. Today, the department has a “Young Translator” circle, which includes one of the leading teachers of the department, Ph.D., prof. Imyaminova Sh.S. and senior teacher Kochkarova X. In recent years, 2 books of translations by talented students have been published. In addition, talented students participate in national conferences with their supervisors with articles on the results of their research. For the last 2 years, our talented students have been participating in the international conference of young scientists organized by the department in cooperation with the Department of Foreign Languages of Novosibirsk Technical University. This collaboration continues.
2. Subjects taught at the department
Т/р | The name of the science | A brief description of the science |
60230200 – Translation theory and practice (German) 1 course | ||
Country studies of Uzbekistan | The purpose of teaching the subject is to familiarize students with the thousand-year history of the Republic of Uzbekistan and our people, who have embarked on a long and bright path, the latest achievements of modern civilization, the study of spiritual wealth, traditions, achievements of the economy, culture, science of our Motherland, issues of its current life and development prospects and instilling them in the minds of students. | |
Introduction to Translation Studies | The purpose of teaching the subject is to form knowledge, skills and competencies about the quality, formation and development trends of the science of translation, the first schools of translation, the scholars of translation who contributed to the development of science and the modern school of translation, and the development of translation. | |
Translation practice skills | The purpose of teaching science is to give a general theoretical understanding of the formation and development trends of translation studies as a science. The task is to transfer the theoretical knowledge accumulated in the field of language to specific types of translation. To form the first fundamental concepts in young people who have the ability to translate. The analysis of the theoretical problems of translation and their practical solutions from the point of view of translation is carried out within the framework of this discipline. | |
Practical aspects of the studied language | The purpose of teaching the subject is to improve the level of knowledge and skills of students in a foreign language in accordance with the established norms. The task of the discipline is to integrate teaching students a foreign language and language skills, as well as to ensure the free use of a foreign language as a means of communication. | |
Second foreign language | The purpose of teaching the discipline is to teach to analyze the communicative, linguistic, sociological, discursive, strategic, professional, cultural skills of a second foreign language and to use an integrated communicative approach. | |
5120200 – Translation Theory and Practice (German) 2 course | ||
1 | Country studies | The purpose of teaching the subject is to develop students’ knowledge, skills and abilities, sociolinguistic and general cultural competencies in geography, history, literature, art, science and culture of the countries where the language, education systems, and information about their environment are studied. The task of the discipline is to develop students’ worldview, aesthetic taste, independent thinking skills, memory, a culture of mental work, a culture of communication, skills and abilities of independent acquisition of knowledge. |
1 | Introduction to Translation Studies | The purpose of teaching the subject is the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities about the trends in the formation and development of translation studies as a science, early schools of translation, scientific translators who have contributed to the development of science, and the modern school of translation, as well as about the development of translation. The task of science is to provide deep and comprehensive knowledge about the science of translation studies, the development of translation and translation schools. |
3 | Translation practice skills | The purpose of teaching science is to give a general theoretical understanding of the formation and development trends of translation studies as a science. The task is to transfer the theoretical knowledge accumulated in the field of language to specific types of translation. To form the first fundamental concepts in young people who have the ability to translate. The analysis of the theoretical problems of translation and their practical solutions from the point of view of translation is carried out within the framework of this discipline. |
4 | Practical aspects of the studied language | The purpose of teaching the subject is to improve the level of knowledge and skills of students in a foreign language in accordance with the established norms. The task of the discipline is to integrate teaching students a foreign language and language skills, as well as to ensure the free use of a foreign language as a means of communication. |
5 | Translation theory | The purpose of teaching the subject is to critically study the views, opinions, observations, various experiments related to the broad practice of translation, to explain to students the rules and principles of translation, their boundaries and norms. The main goal is to acquaint students with the history of translation in Europe and Uzbekistan, the translation process and the main problems of translation. |
6 | Second foreign language | The purpose of teaching science is to teach the analysis of communicative, linguistic, sociological, discursive, strategic, professional, and cultural skills of a second foreign language and to use an integrated, communicative approach. |
5120200 – Translation Theory and Practice (German) 3 course | ||
1 | Translation theory | The subject “Theory of Translation” occupies an important place in translation studies, studying the role of translation in human activity, types of translation, the language itself, interlanguage translation, various forms of translation, oral and written translations, literary and technical translations, especially translations of literature and special texts, history and modern trends, principles of translation theory, as well as in solving lexical, semantic and phraseological problems of translation. |
2 | The main foreign language | The subject “The main foreign language studied” provides for teaching students to understand spoken language in a foreign language, expressing their opinions in a foreign language, reading and writing, understanding the culture of foreign languages and understanding various authentic materials published in a foreign language. |
3 | Integration of language skills | The integration of language skills is a linguistic course and includes the modules of Integration of Language Skills and Oral Practice (listening and speaking). The subject helps to develop the four skills of language learning: speaking, listening, reading and writing through interactive skills. During the course, students will be able to practice the foreign language they have studied in accordance with the Council of Europe’s Common European Standards on Foreign Language Competence: Learning, Teaching and Assessment (CEFR) from B1 to C1. This course is taught in grades 1-4 in two modules: Integration of Language Skills and Oral Practice. |
4 | Stylistics and text editing | Stylistics aims to acquaint students with the basic theoretical concepts of language, the role of language in the system of scientific knowledge, to teach them the basic laws of language levels observed in the process of speech. The purpose of teaching science is to enable students to acquire knowledge of the nature of natural language, to develop the skills to study the internal structure, layers and units of language on a scientific basis, and to gain an understanding of their interrelationships. |
5 | Consecutive translation | The main purpose of teaching the subject is to determine the knowledge acquired by students in the specified subject, based on international normative acts of the common European competences of foreign language proficiency: study, teaching and assessment (CEFR). At the same time, preparation for communication in the studied languages, taking into account the communicative, integrated and other approaches to teaching a foreign language, consists in developing students’ skills and abilities to translate from a foreign language into their native language and from their native language to a foreign one. |
6 | Written translation | The purpose of teaching the discipline is to develop students’ skills in translation. The task of the discipline is the use of modern translation methods in the educational process, the analysis of translated texts by comparing them with the original, the study of criteria for determining the quality of translation, an orientation towards the ability to distinguish between modern and traditional methods. |
7 | Lexicology and the basics of lexicography | The purpose of teaching the discipline is to form students’ appropriate skills and abilities to reveal the patterns of development of the vocabulary of the modern German language. Also, the goal of the discipline is to form students’ linguistic, linguocultural and communication skills and abilities through the vocabulary of the German language. The task of the discipline is to teach students the peculiarities of the meaning of a word, the basic units of the lexical composition of the language, the morphological, lexical and semantic structure of the word, word formation, phraseological combinations, the origin of words. |
8 | Comparative typology | The main purpose of the training is to teach students the theoretical foundations of linguistic knowledge, basic concepts and categories, the principles of comparative typology, as well as the formation of skills in their application in practice. To achieve this goal, science ensures the formation of students’ theoretical knowledge, practical skills, a methodological approach to the processes of language development and scientific worldview, the application of accumulated theoretical knowledge in language practice. |
9 | Language of the media | In the field of mass media, students are taught important knowledge of modern media, language and style of media, expression of language units in the language of the media, use of media language and style, word and text skills, grammatical structure of media texts. The purpose of this course is to provide students with the development of socio-cultural language skills in the professional field, in particular, the functional forms and methods of the studied foreign language, as well as the ability to freely apply knowledge, skills and abilities in professional and scientific activities. |
10 | Foreign language (second foreign language) | The purpose of the science is to teach the second foreign language in an integrated approach to communicative, linguistic, sociolinguistic, discursive, strategic, professional, and multicultural competence. Competence, communicative and integrated approaches are defined according to the principles of practical application of a foreign language as an active means of communicative communication in professional activities. |
60230100 – Philology and language teaching (German) 1 course | ||
1 | Introduction to Linguistics | The purpose of teaching the subject is to provide information about the science of linguistics, its departments, objects of study, their relationship with other disciplines, to provide students with knowledge of the basic concepts and categories of linguistics, to develop students’ ability to apply knowledge. |
Independent learning skills | The purpose of teaching the subject is to provide students with the necessary knowledge about the specifics of higher education, the independent choice of teaching and learning methods based on their personal characteristics, the importance of reflection in education, self-assessment, goal setting and future plans. consists of. | |
Practical aspects of the studied language | The purpose of teaching science is to bring students’ knowledge and skills in a foreign language to a level that meets established standards. The mission of the subject is to teach students a foreign language by integrating the skills of the four languages and to ensure that they can use the foreign language fluently as a means of communication. The main task of science is to teach language aspects and develop communication skills necessary for students to master the foreign language at the C1 level in accordance with generally accepted international standards. | |
Practical phonetics | The purpose of teaching the discipline is to teach students oral and written forms of the language within the framework of the professional direction, develop their skills in socio-cultural communication, in particular, improve the functional forms and styles of the foreign language being studied, practical and theoretical knowledge about the language, as well as ensure the free application of the acquired knowledge and skills. and skills in professional and scientific activities. | |
Communicative grammar | The purpose of teaching the discipline is to improve the practical and theoretical knowledge of the grammar of the language within the framework of the professional direction and to ensure the free application of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in professional activities. | |
Introduction to Literary Studies | The purpose of teaching the subject is to provide students with knowledge about the essence, characteristics, ways of development of literature, literary works and literary events in the subject “Introduction to Literary Studies” and to develop skills of literary analysis. | |
Second foreign language | The purpose of teaching science is to teach the analysis of communicative, linguistic, sociological, discursive, strategic, professional, and cultural skills of a second foreign language and to use an integrated, communicative approach. | |
5120100 – Philology and language teaching (German) course | ||
1 | Practical aspects of the studied language | The purpose of teaching science is to bring students’ knowledge and skills in a foreign language to a level that meets established standards. The mission of the subject is to teach students a foreign language by integrating the skills of the four languages and to ensure that they can use the foreign language fluently as a means of communication. The main task of science is to teach language aspects and develop communication skills necessary for students to master the foreign language at the C1 level in accordance with generally accepted international standards. |
2 | Intercultural communication | The purpose of teaching science is to form the idea of culture as a system that encompasses all aspects of human life, including its communicative activities. Objectives of science teaching – to gain knowledge about different types of cultures and their main features, cultural factors that affect people’s communicative behavior; Analyze differences in communicative behaviors from a cultural perspective, develop communication strategies and tactics specific to other cultures, and develop specific intercultural communicative competencies. |
Country studies | The purpose of teaching the subject is to form students’ knowledge, skills and abilities, sociolinguistic and general cultural competencies in geography, history, literature, art, science and culture of the countries of the target language, the education system, as well as information about their environment. The task of the discipline is to develop students’ worldview, aesthetic taste, independent thinking skills, memory, a culture of mental work, a culture of communication, skills and abilities of independent acquisition of knowledge. | |
Country studies of Uzbekistan | The purpose of teaching the subject is to familiarize students with the thousand-year history of the Republic of Uzbekistan and our people, who have embarked on a long and bright path, the latest achievements of modern civilization, the study of spiritual wealth, traditions, achievements of the economy, culture, science of our Motherland, issues of its current life and development prospects and instilling them in the minds of students. | |
The language of the media | The goal of teaching the subject is to form students’ understanding of modern media, their language and style, to develop their skills to analyze the grammatical structure of media and media libraries, their lexical-semantic and morphological-syntactic features. | |
Lexicology | The task of the science of lexicology is to know how to use modern German in various spheres of life, to acquaint students with the theories and concepts of scientists about the word, the vocabulary of the German language, the processes of its development and its phraseological fund, from a practical point of view to provide so that the lexical composition of the language is closely connected with the life of society and, to form knowledge that a number of words and phrases are going out of active use and the meanings of words are changing, to be able to give complete information about this means to ensure the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities. | |
Second foreign language | The purpose of teaching science is to teach the analysis of communicative, linguistic, sociological, discursive, strategic, professional, and cultural skills of a second foreign language and to use an integrated, communicative approach. | |
5120100 – Philology and language teaching (German) course | ||
1 | Literary Studies and World Literature | Reading and comprehension of fiction in a foreign language, reading and obtaining information about published works of art, major events in periodicals, as well as their oral presentation, written description of the content, etc. plays an important role in their work. Lectures and seminars on this subject provide an opportunity for students to master a variety of speaking styles by improving their speaking skills. The training focuses on the communicative approach. |
2 | Oral communication skills | Oral skills are designed to help students understand spoken language in a foreign language and express themselves in a foreign language. In this course, students learn to comprehend and express their oral material in accordance with the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching and Assessment (CEFR). |
3 | Reading and writing skills | The discipline involves teaching students the skills of reading and writing in the foreign language being studied. Within the framework of this discipline, students, in accordance with the generally recognized international norms of the Council of Europe “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Study, Teaching and Assessment” (CEFR), learn to understand language materials corresponding to levels B1 – C1, analyze their content, read and listen to various types of texts on topics, understand their content and express your thoughts in writing. |
4 | Listening comprehension competence | The purpose of this discipline is to teach students the verbal forms of the language within the framework of the professional direction, the development of their skills in socio-cultural communication, in particular, the improvement of the functional forms and styles of the foreign language being studied, practical and theoretical knowledge of the language, as well as ensuring the free application of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in professional and scientific activities. |
5 | Media language | The discipline provides for teaching students to understand the media and style in a foreign language, the use of linguistic and stylistic features of the media, expressing their opinions in a foreign language, understanding the culture of the studied and foreign-speaking peoples, as well as understanding of authentic materials published in various print sources in a foreign language. |
6 | A culture of speech | The goal of teaching the discipline is to give students comprehensive information about the history of studying the culture of speech, the requirements for it, to give an idea of the basic qualities of speech (correctness, accuracy, purity of logic, expressiveness, expediency), to form literary skills on the basis of the theoretical knowledge gained. |
7 | Methodology for teaching foreign languages | Language Teaching Methodology and Educational Technology is a specialty that prepares students for both the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching in higher and secondary education. The relevance of science is determined by the need to develop pedagogical skills and competencies that are primary to the teaching profession. |
8 | Lexicology | Lexicology is the main branch of linguistics, which studies the lexical structure of a language, the semantic features of language units, phraseological combinations, word-formation methods, the etymology of a lexical structure, lexicography, language variants, dialects, and other current issues. describes the features and laws of words in the language being studied. |
9 | Stylistics | The purpose of teaching science is to enable students to acquire knowledge of the nature of natural language, to develop the skills to study the internal structure, layers and units of language on a scientific basis and to gain an understanding of their interrelationships. |
10 | Semantics of language units | The purpose of teaching the discipline is to develop the ability to understand the essence of linguistic terminology and be able to apply theoretical knowledge in the process of practical learning of foreign languages. The main tasks of the discipline are to give students a clear idea of the semantic systematicity of the language; teach students to consider the meaning of a word as a result of its historical development; to teach students to determine the semantics of linguistic units in paradigmatics and syntagmatics, to classify words according to semantic features; consists in acquainting students with the problems of semantic research, modern methods and approaches of semantic research. |
11 | Tasks and exercises in German lessons | The purpose of teaching tasks and exercises in German lessons is to prepare students for the professional and theoretical activities of a foreign language teacher. The main task of the subject is to acquaint students with the main problems of modern methods, to teach students the choice of tasks and exercises related to the level of knowledge, interests of students in the organization of the lesson. |
12 | Use of educational and media materials | The purpose of teaching the use of educational and media materials is to prepare students for the professional and theoretical activities of a foreign language teacher. The main task of the subject is to acquaint students with the main problems of modern methodology, to teach students to choose educational and media materials related to the level of knowledge and interests of students in the classroom and their effective use in the classroom. |
13 | Foreign language (Second foreign language) | The purpose of the science is to teach the second foreign language in an integrated approach to communicative, linguistic, sociolinguistic, discursive, strategic, professional, and multicultural competence. Competence, communicative and integrated approaches are determined by the principles of practical application of a foreign language as a means of active communicative communication in professional activities. |
5120100 – Philology and language teaching (German) course | ||
1 | The main foreign language | The subject “The main foreign language studied” provides for teaching students to understand spoken language in a foreign language, expressing their opinions in a foreign language, reading and writing, understanding the culture of foreign languages and understanding various authentic materials published in a foreign language. |
2 | Linguistics | The main purpose of linguistics is to provide information about linguistics, its departments, objects of study, their relationship with other disciplines, to equip students with knowledge of the basic concepts and categories of linguistics, to develop students’ ability to apply knowledge in practice. |
3 | Literature of the countries where the language is studied | The purpose of the course is to acquaint students with the representatives of German literature and their works, to analyze the classical examples, to form their theoretical and practical knowledge, to cultivate an educational and artistic-aesthetic spirit. |
4 | Theoretical aspects of the studied language | The theoretical aspects of the target language include such theoretical disciplines as theoretical phonetics, theoretical grammar, lexicology, history of the target language, stylistics, comparative typology. Theoretical aspects of the studied language aspects of the language, grammatical structure (structure) of the language, vocabulary of the language, general patterns of formation and development of linguistic units linguistic variants, functional aspects of phenomena and similar topical problems are comprehensively considered, highlighting the history of words in the studied language, features of types of changes in meanings and periods of the history of languages, as well as patterns of language development. |
5 | Comparative typology | The main purpose of teaching the subject is to teach students the theoretical foundations of linguistic knowledge, the basic concepts and categories of comparative typology, the principles, as well as the ability to apply them in practice. |
6 | Translation theory and practice | The purpose of teaching the subject is to teach students the theoretical and practical aspects of translation from a foreign language into their mother tongue and from their mother tongue into a foreign language, to develop knowledge, skills and competencies in written and oral translation practice. |
7 | Literary Studies | The main purpose of science is to teach students the essence of art and the psychology of art, literary types and genres, the form and content of art, poetic speech, style and a number of other theoretical principles applied to specific works of art. |
8 | Lesson planning | The purpose of teaching lesson planning is to prepare students for the professional activities of a foreign language teacher. The main task of the subject is to acquaint students with the main problems of modern methods, to teach students lesson planning in the planning and organization of the lesson, taking into account the level of knowledge, interests, relevance of topics and opportunities of students. |
9 | Actual problems of phraseology and phraseography | The purpose of teaching a special course is to inform students that the basis of the vocabulary of the German language is its phraseological fund, which includes a phraseology section, which is the object of studying the special course on topical problems of phraseology. The enrichment of the lexical composition of the language through phraseological units is closely related to the life of society. |
10 | Foreign language (second foreign language) | The purpose of the science is to teach the second foreign language in an integrated approach to communicative, linguistic, sociolinguistic, discursive, strategic, professional, and multicultural competence. Competence, communicative and integrated approaches are defined according to the principles of practical application of a foreign language as an active means of communicative communication in professional activities. |
2. Subjects taught at the department
Т/р | The name of the science | A brief description of the science |
70230101 – Linguistics (German) 1st year | ||
1 | Modern linguistics | The purpose of teaching the subject is to teach masters the methods of linguistic analysis and the necessary terms and concepts related to them, as well as the creation of these methods, their stages of development, founders and the scientific nature of scientific concepts. The task of the subject is to provide students with the ability to apply the method of comparison in the interpretation of modern trends in general linguistics and their application in practice. |
2 | Comparative Linguistics | The purpose of teaching the subject is to teach students the theoretical foundations of comparative linguistics, its basic concepts and terminology, categorization problems, methods and principles of comparative linguistics. |
3 | Methods of linguistic analysis | The purpose of teaching the subject is to teach masters the methods of linguistic analysis and the necessary terms and concepts related to them, as well as the creation of these methods, their stages of development, founders and the scientific nature of scientific concepts. The task of the subject is to provide students with the ability to apply the methods of linguistic analysis in the interpretation of modern trends in general linguistics and to apply them in practice. |
4 | Specialty Elective Science 1: Text Linguistics | The purpose of the subject is to form and improve scientific knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of text linguistics, as well as to develop research skills in the field of text linguistics. |
5 | Specialty Elective Science 1: Fundamentals of Linguoculturology | The purpose of teaching the subject is to form and improve scientific knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the profile of the specialty on the methodological principles, current problems and basic concepts of linguoculturology, as well as to develop research skills in modern linguistics. |
6 | Specialty Choice 2: Basics of Lexicography | The purpose of teaching the subject is to form and improve scientific knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the profile of the specialty on the methodological principles, current problems and basic concepts of lexicography, as well as to develop research skills in modern linguistics. |
7 | Specialty Choice Science 2: Actual problems of comparative phraseology | The purpose of teaching the discipline is to teach students the theoretical foundations of their knowledge of comparative phraseology, its basic conceptual and terminological apparatus, categorization problems, methods and principles of comparative vocabulary. The task of the discipline is the formation of students’ skills in the application of comparative methodology in the interpretation of modern directions of phraseology and their practical application. |
8 | Specialty Choice Science 3: Semantics | The purpose of teaching the subject is to acquaint students with the basic theoretical concepts of language, methods and approaches to learning a foreign language, the role of language in the system of scientific knowledge, to teach them the basic laws of language. |
9 | Specialty Choice Science 3: Fundamentals of Psycholinguistics | The purpose of teaching the subject is to acquaint students with the basic theoretical concepts of language, methods and approaches to learning a foreign language, the role of language in the system of scientific knowledge, to teach them the basic laws of language. |
5А 120102 – Linguistics (German) 2nd year | ||
1 | Specialty Elective Science 4: Corpus Linguistics | The purpose of teaching the subject is to acquaint masters with the concepts of corpus linguistics, to teach the basics of corpus technology, to master the technology of working with corpus. |
2 | Elective subject 4: Methods of teaching special subjects | The purpose of this course is to acquaint graduate students with the methodology, methodology, theoretical and practical bases of teaching special subjects in higher education, modern pedagogical and psychological knowledge necessary for their future pedagogical and research activities. |
3 | Specialty Choice Science 5: Sociolongistics | The purpose of teaching the subject is to develop and improve the scientific knowledge, skills and abilities of masters in the field of modern linguistics, as well as the formation and improvement of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of methodological principles, current problems and basic concepts of sociolinguistics. |
4 | Specialty Elective Science 5: Pragmalinguistics | The purpose of teaching the subject is to provide undergraduates with basic scientific knowledge on the main problems of pragmalinguistics and to form and improve scientific knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of modern linguistics. |
3. About researchers and research
№ | The name of the research professors | Academic degree, title | The topic of the dissertation | |||
1 | Imyaminova Shuhratxon Salijanovna | Ph.D., professor | Linguistic and statistical study of syllable formation (on the example of multi-syllable words) | |||
2 | Yakubov Sadirjon Bakiyevich | Ph.D., ass. professor | Literary, cultural, political and economic relations between Uzbekistan and Germany (1960-1975) | |||
3 | Zulxonov Mustafo Jurayevich | Ph.D., ac. ass. professor | Lingvostatistical analysis of two-phonemic consonants at the end of a word in multi-system languages (base on the material of the German and Uzbek languages) | |||
Approved dissertation topics | ||||||
10 | Tyan Natalya Viktorovna | senior teacher | German-Scythian lexical isoglosses, Resolution No. 4 of the NUU Council of October 29, 2021 | |||
11 | Umirzoqova Fotima Irisbayevna | senior teacher | Semantic, syntagmatic study of semantic units in the Uzbek and German languages | |||
12 | Zoirov Alisher Abdugapporovich | teacher | Communicative and cognitive features of the concept “Zamon” in German and Uzbek languages | |||
Topics of master’s dissertations | ||||||
70230101 – Linguistics (German) 1st year | ||||||
1 | Yusupova Iroda Yusupovna | master | Semantics of phraseological units with the concept of “woman” in German | |||
2 | Rizayeva Manzura Numon qizi | master | Phraseologisms based on metonymy in German | |||
3 | Jo’ramirzayev Iqboljon Soxibjon o’g’li | master | Linguocultural and pragmatic aspects of zoonomic phraseological units in German | |||
4 | Mansurova Shahlo Odilbekovna | master | Semantic and pragmatic study of phraseology in German | |||
5 | Ahmedova Gulira’no Ibragim qizi | master | Characteristics of phraseological units associated with monetary relations in German | |||
6 | Ilyosov Alisher Ne’matullayevich | master | Transfer of linguistic means of comic in newspaper and journalistic texts in German | |||
7 | Asilxonova Irodaxon Nuriddinxo’ja qizi | master | Stylistic aspects of the functioning of characterological vocabulary in modern German. | |||
8 | Kaxorova Munisa Tulkinovna | master | Linguocognitive aspect of somatic phraseology in German | |||
9 | Sodiqov Tolibjon O’rolboy o’g’li | master | The linguistic and cultural aspect of phraseological units in German | |||
10 | Ergasheva Gulshan Sadriddin qizi | magistrant | Phraseologisms in German, reflecting the intellectual potential of a person | |||
5А 120102 – Linguistics (German) 2nd year | ||||||
1 | Ergasheva Zuhra Qahramon qizi | master | Research of phraseological anthroponyms and their structural and semantic features in the German language | |||
2 | Primqulova Pokiza Shuxrat qizi | master | Conceptual metaphor in German peculiarities | |||
3 | Nurqulov Javlon Rashid oʻgʻli | master | Structural, semantic and pragmatic aspects of euphemisms in the political discourse of modern German | |||
4 | Ernazarov Uchqun Abdixalilovich | master | A semantic study of phrases in the modern German media | |||
5 | Matxaliqova Nilufar Shukurillayevna | master | Phraseological synonymy in German and its structural-semantic study | |||
6 | Karimova Ozoda Norbek qizi | master | Linguocultural features of idioms in German | |||
7 | Saidzokirov Ahmadshoh Amrumiyayevich | master | Linguocultural features of words that convey irony | |||
8 | Zaripova Ziyodajon Rustam qizi | master | A study of the linguocultural features of anecdotes in German | |||
9 | Jabborova Dilobar Abdiqodir qizi | master | “Schön (hübsch)” in German is a cognitive metaphorical and lingvocognitive study of the concept of beauty | |||
10 | Roʻziyeva Xadicha Nusratullayevna | master | Cognitive characteristics of phraseological units with a “hand” component in German | |||
11 | Umarova Kamola Murodillayevna | master | Phraseological antonym in German and its structural and semantic study | |||
12 | Nekmurodova Dildora Ixtiyorovna | master | A study of the theoretical and practical foundations of the German-Uzbek dictionary | |||
13 | Hamrayeva Muattar Azimjanovna | master | Structural and semantic study of phraseological units in works of art in German | |||
4 Information about domestic and foreign partners
т\р | Name of foreign / local university | Date of signing the contract or memorandum | Name and phone number of the person in charge of contacting the university | The term of the contract |
1 | Goethe Institutes | 13.12.2021 | Jan Helfer, director of the Goethe Institute | 2 years |
2 | School No. 42 of the Ahangaron district of Tashkent region | 15.09.2021 | Director of School No. 42 Sh. Xidirboyev +998(71) 252 43 59 | 10 years |
3 | 60-specialized school named after Goethe in Tashkent | 25.10.2021 | The director of the School No. 60 in Tashkent, T.P. Nekrasova +998 (71) 252 34 59 | 10 years |
5. The composition of the department
№ | Last name first name | |
1. | Imyaminova Shuxratxon Salijanovna | rumrreich@mail.ru |
2. | Yakubov Sadirjon Bakiyevich | sadirjan.yakubov1@gamil.com |
3. | Zulxonov Mustafo Jurayevich | mustafozulxonov@gmail.com |
4. | Umirzakova Fotima Irisbayevna | umirzakova_f@mail.ru |
5. | Boʻribayeva Sharofat Abduraxmanovna | sharofat-74@mail.ru |
6. | Tyan Natalya Viktorovna | nat_tyan@mail.ru |
7. | Narmatova Ayjan Polatovna | naramatova_1982@mail.ru |
8. | Hafizov Gʻayrat Abduhakimovich | gayrat.khafizov@mail.ru |
9. | Achilova Nilufar Mansurovna | nilufar_uz2002@mail.ru |
10. | Tashpulatov Shuxrat Ximmatillayevich | tashpulatov_sh@mail.ru |
11. | Komolova Shaxnozaxon Adxamovna | komolova_shahnoza@mail.ru |
12. | Saidova Durdona Akrom qizi | |
13. | Xudanova Shaxnoza Norbutayevna | xudanova_sh@mail.ru |
14. | Malikov Fazliddin Sabidin qizi | fazliddinmalikovshox@mail.ru |
15. | Xasanova Musallam Moʻminovna | hasanovamusallam@gmail.com |
16. | Shamuroatova Guliston Yuldashevna | guliston.shamuratova@bk.ru |
17. | Zoirov Alisher Abdugapparovich | olmos1978@inbox.ru |
7. Circles
1. “Young translator”. The head of the circle is Imyaminova Shukhratkhon Salijanovna