Based on the Decision of the Council of the National University of Uzbekistan No. 10 on June 19, 2020, the Department of “Organic Synthesis and Applied Chemistry” (OSAK) according to the order No. 01-337 of UzMU Rector A.R. Marakhimov dated June 25, 2020 was established.
Goals and tasks of the department in 2020-2030 the Department of “Organic Synthesis and Applied Chemistry” (OSAK) is a constituent unit of UzMU. The strategic goal of the department is to actively participate in the processes of increasing the competitiveness of UzMU, to create and implement competitive educational programs, to train highly qualified specialists in chemical sciences, to develop and promote theoretical and applied scientific research at a high level. is to do.
Priority tasks of the department:
• development and renewal of personnel potential, increasing creative and innovative activity and initiative of employees;
• Establishing long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation relations with UZR FA ITIs and educational organizations;
• creation of a modern system of commercialization of the results of research and development in the department’s priority directions;
• creation and introduction of competitive educational programs required by the department for bachelor’s and master’s degrees in accordance with the professional requirements of employers;
• introduction of computer modeling software products and modern physical research methods to basic academic subjects in order to form innovative competencies of undergraduate and graduate graduates.
• development and implementation of joint educational programs in cooperation with foreign universities;
• increase the requirements for master’s theses, publish the obtained results in scientific journals included in databases such as RINTs, Scopus, Web of Science;
• involving teachers who teach their subjects in English in the educational process;
• attracting highly professional scientific and pedagogical personnel from production and specialized organizations to the educational process on the basis of employment;
• to ensure the participation of leading scientists of universities and research centers of foreign countries in educational and scientific activities;
• constantly improving the level of professors’ qualifications through various forms of internship, retraining and professional development;
• regular participation in national and international seminars and conferences with the results of scientific research and scientific-practical developments;
• preparation of a monograph with a font (at least 1 per academic year), textbooks and methodological developments (at least 2 per academic year);
• Expanding relations with graduates of the department and employers.
Organic and petroleum chemistry
Head of the department

Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
Katta ilmiy xodim
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
English Content
International cooperation
English Content