Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

The National University of Uzbekistan (QS Subject Rankings – 2025) achieved a high result in the ranking of scientific fields.

Today, March 12, the international rating agency Quacquarelli Symonds – QS World University Rankings announced the results of the “Subject Rankings” of world universities for 2025.

According to it, the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek is among the strongest universities in 3 areas of science:

• in the “Mathematics” direction – 401-450th place (increased by 50 positions compared to last year’s result);

• in the direction of “Modern Languages” – 301-350 places;

• in the field of “Physics and Astronomy” – 601-675 places.

It is gratifying that the National University of Uzbekistan significantly improved its position on a number of indicators in 2025. According to the results of the rating, the following growth was observed in a number of areas in NUUz compared to previous years:

• Education – 50 points (increase by 10.8 points);

• Petroleum Engineering – 46.4 points (6.7 points increase);

• Business & Management Studies – 42.7 points (3.3 points increase);

• Computer Science & Information Systems – 38.8 points (increase by 2.8 points).

For reference, this year QS analyzed 5,200 higher education institutions and included 1,747 universities in the ranking, which indicates a further intensification of international competition.

These results confirm the growing scientific potential, the scale of international cooperation, and the quality of education at the National University of Uzbekistan.

NUUz Information Service