Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Women scientists of NUUz were awarded at a prestigious forum

Recently, the Forum of Women Scientists of Uzbekistan was held at the Hilton Hotel in Tashkent. Presidential Assistant Saida Mirziyoyeva participated in it and congratulated the women who have been contributing to the field of science.

At the event, certificates were awarded to female scientists who received grants within the framework of state scientific programs.

It is gratifying that a group of professors and teachers of the National University of Uzbekistan were also awarded certificates as grant holders:

• Djumabaeva Jamila Sharipovna, Professor of the Faculty of Foreign Philology
• Gafurova Dilfuza Anvarovna, Professor of the Department of Polymer Chemistry
• Gulomova Iroda Botirjonovna, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Polymer Chemistry
• Utamurodova Sharifa Bekmuradovna, Director of the Research Institute of Semiconductor Physics and Microelectronics at NUUz
• Atoeva Gulhayo Rakhmonovna, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Soil Science, UZ
• Head of the Department of Psychology, Mukhamedova Dilbar Gafurdjanovna
• Shaydullaeva Guljahon Shapulatovna, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Source Studies and Archival Studies.
• Komilova Nilufar Karshibayevna, Professor of the Department of Ecology;
• Stelmakh Anna Grigoryevna, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Geology and Engineering Geology
• Tojieva Zulkhumor Nazarovna, Head of the Department of Economic and Social Geography
• Tadjibayeva Nodira Ruziyevna, Associate Professor of the Department of Geophysics and Hydrogeology

– Today, at the Forum of Women Scientists of Uzbekistan, we are celebrating International Women’s Science Day. I am proud that supporting women in the field of science is a priority in our country.

The numbers themselves tell us: 48 percent of scientists in Uzbekistan are women! Their research, discoveries, and dedication inspire and show that science is necessary for them, and they are necessary for science.

“We will work together with the international community to build a future where science serves peace and prosperity!” said Saida Mirziyoyeva.

NUUz Information Service