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Representatives of the leadership of NUUz take part in the international forum held in China

Vice-Rector of the National University of Uzbekistan Ravshan Musurmanov and Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Philology Khabibulla Bakiev went on a business trip to Xi’an, People’s Republic of China.

Our representatives are participating in the international forum on the topic “Mutual integration of production, education, research in the countries of the Silk Road and its implementation in practice, as well as cooperation in the field of education,” held in this foreign country, as well as the international seminar on the topic “Prospects for teaching Chinese in Central Asia,” hosted by Xi’an University of Foreign Languages.

Proposals were made to strengthen international cooperation during these events, which are planned to be held from 2 to 6 December this year. The state of Chinese language teaching in Central Asia was discussed, and recommendations were given for solutions to current problems in the development of the industry.

Information service of NUUz