Address of the main building:
100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
Sorry, this entry is only available in Oʻzbek.
(Oʻzbek) Favqulodda vaziyatlarda harakatlanish bo‘yicha amaliy mashg‘ulot o‘tkazildi
23:47 / 06.02.2025
The rector checked on students living in rented apartments
23:14 / 06.02.2025
(Oʻzbek) Talabalar ishtirokida profilaktik tadbirlar muntazam tashkil etib borilmoqda
17:56 / 06.02.2025
A promotional event was held at NUUz with the participation of the leadership of the Military Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications.
17:41 / 06.02.2025
(Oʻzbek) Belgiyaning Mons universiteti talabasi Oʻzbekiston Milliy universitetida tahsil olmoqda
14:57 / 06.02.2025
The “Rector’s Cup” of the “Shunqorlar” military sports competition was held at the National University of Uzbekistan.
21:32 / 05.02.2025
(Oʻzbek) Yong‘in xavfsizligi o‘quv mashg‘uloti o‘tkazildi
20:54 / 05.02.2025
(Oʻzbek) Talabalarni 2025/2026-o‘quv yilida Harbiy tayyorgarlik o‘quv bo‘linmalarida o‘qitish uchun saralash tanlovi o‘tkaziladi
16:12 / 05.02.2025
Representatives of the University of Poitiers at the National University of Uzbekistan
14:46 / 05.02.2025
Pedagogical and qualification practices for fourth-year students began on January 27
12:32 / 31.01.2025