Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

The university stage of the “Student Theater Studios” competition was held at NUUz.

In order to develop the creative potential of students and support their interest in art, the university stage of the traditional “Student Theater Studios” competition was held at the National University of Uzbekistan.

Theatrical studios from various faculties of the university participated in this competition and made a bright impression on everyone with their stage works. The creative performances presented by the students covered a wide range of topics, from classical works of Uzbek literature to contemporary stage productions.

Participants were evaluated based on criteria such as acting skills, stage design, directing, and creative approach. The audience watched the students’ performances with great interest.

At the end of the event, the jury determined the winners and active participants, who were awarded diplomas and commemorative gifts. Performances by the best theater studios received a ticket to defend the honor of the university at the Republican stage.

Results of the republican review competition “Student Theater Studio”:

1st place: the “Humo” team of the Faculty of Physics

2nd place: “Kashfiyot” team of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics

3rd place: Team “Billur” of the Faculty of Social Sciences


Nurbek Toshturdiyev, a member of the “Humo” team from the Faculty of Physics, won the “Best Actor” nomination, while Kamola Qodirova, a member of the “Kashfiyot” team from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, won the “Best Actress” nomination.

The nomination “Team Creative Student” was awarded to Rano Atamkulova, a member of the “Billur” team of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

This competition not only contributes to the development of students’ creative thinking and teamwork, but also makes a worthy contribution to the further enrichment of the cultural environment at the university.

Information Service of NUUz