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Department of chemistry of polymers

Head of the department - Gafurova Dilfuza Anvarovna

 100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent

 Wednesday-Friday, 15:00 – 17:00

 +99897 735-50-53


Development of fundamental research on polymer chemistry in the Republic, led to a sharp increase in demand for chemists-polymers, In order to improve the efficiency and quality of training highly qualified personnel in this field, on October 15, 1979 by the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR was established "Department of Polymer Chemistry" at the Faculty of Chemistry of Tashkent State University.

The founder of the department is one of the leading scientists of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Utkur Nosirovich Musaev. U.N. Musaev headed the department from its inception to the end of his life (2007).

Currently, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor D.A.Gafurova, heads the department. Professors T.M.Babayev, M.G.Mukhamediyev, associate professors H.A.Mirzoxidov, T.Kh.Raximov, M.A. Makhkamov, D. Bekjanov, D.N. Shaxidova, teachers B. Orzikulov, I. Gulomova and others are carrying out effective scientific and pedagogical work.

Subjects taught at the department in the field of undergraduate education

The name of the science Brief information about science
Bachelor, Department of Chemistry 5140500
1 High molecular compounds Obtaining high molecular weight compounds, gives students insights into their properties and areas of application.
2 Chemical technology Chemical enterprises produce a variety of products from various raw materials, which are formed efficiently and comprehensively.
3 Polymers with special properties Methods for obtaining special properties of polymers currently used in various industries, provides knowledge about their properties and prospects for their use.
5141400-Chemistry of polymer composite materials.
1 Chemistry of polymeric materials Provides knowledge about the methods of synthesis of polymeric substances, their properties, areas of application, the various compositions on which they are based.
2 Chemistry of polyelectrolyte materials Provides knowledge about polyelectrolyte materials, methods of their production, properties and applications.
3 General chemical technology Effective integrated use of raw materials in industry, the structure and principle of operation of various tools and equipment used in their processing, the basic chemical processes involved in the production of various products, as well as the necessary knowledge and understanding of processing technologies.
4 Polymer nanomaterials Provides knowledge of the theoretical basis for the production and properties of polymer-based nanomaterials.
5 Production of polymeric materials in industry Provides knowledge about the properties of important polymeric materials, their areas of application, methods and technology of industrial production, technology of processing of the obtained material.
6 Physical properties of polymeric materials This science provides knowledge about the relationship between the structure and physicochemical properties of polymers and the methods of studying them.
7 Carbon fiber materials Provides knowledge about the production of carbon fiber materials, their properties, the use of composite materials based on them.
Petroleum and gas chemistry
1 Synthesis of polymers based on petroleum and gas chemistry Science provides knowledge on obtaining monomers from oil and gas products and synthesizing various polymers based on them.

Disciplines taught at the department in the specialty of master's degree.

Master's degree 5A 140501-Chemistry (in the field of science)
1 Polymeric materials with special properties Science forms knowledge on polymers that are sensitive to various stimuli and have different specific properties, their areas of production, as well as current and future applications.
2 Kinetics and mechanism of formation of macromolecules Science provides knowledge about modern methods of polymerization, modern ways of its control and mechanisms of processes.
3 Multi-tonnage polymers Science provides students with up-to-date information on the properties, applications, and production technologies of certain polymers produced in large quantities in the industry, providing them with relevant knowledge, skills, and competencies.

3. About researchers and scientific works

The name of the research professor teachers Academic degree, title The topic of the dissertation
1 Shaxidova D.N. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry Obtaining and studying the properties of ion exchange materials based on nitron fibers.
2 Gulomova I.B. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry Synthesis of citric acid-based acrylic polymers and their properties
3 Orzikulov B.T. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry Synthesis of new complexes based on polyacrylonitrile

Information on local and foreign partners:

The department has extensive scientific cooperation with foreign and CIS countries.

University of Vienna (Austria), Research Institute of High-Molecular Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences,Scientific relations have been established with the Department of High Molecular Compounds of Moscow State University, Kazan Federal University (Russia), National Technical University of Kazakhstan, Research Institute of Polymer Materials and Technologies (Kazakhstan).

In collaboration with the NZHK plant in Novosibirsk, Russia, research was conducted to collect mercury ions from wastewater and process wastewater and to create and implement filter materials that trap mercury vapor from the air.

Research Institute "High Molecular Compounds" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of "High Molecular Compounds", Moscow State University, Institute of Chemistry of High Molecular Compounds, Prague, Czech Republic University of Vienna, Austria, Scientific relations have been established with the Technical Universities of Munich, Germany.

Professors and staff of the department carry out research work in collaboration with the Republican production enterprises: JSC "AKMK", JSC "Navoiazot", JSC "Ferganaazot", JSC "Maksam-Chirchik", Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combines.

The results achieved on the basis of international cooperation and scientific relations with foreign countries.

The Institute of Polymer Chemistry and Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the Tashkent State Medical Academy has signed a scientific agreement on the development of new binders with combined antimicrobial properties for surgical use.

Scientific research is being carried out in collaboration with the Veterinary Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources in Samarkand to develop new polymeric drugs for the prevention and treatment of various infectious and invasive diseases of farm animals and obstetric and gynecological diseases.

Professors of the department are participants of the EU project "TEMPUS" "CANDI" and "COCUS". Together with professors and teachers of the University of Vienna, he participated in the preparation of e-learning complexes in chemistry for distance learning.

The structure of the department

Ф.И.Ш Электрон почта
1 Gafurova D.A.
2 Babaev T.M.
3 Muxamediev M.G
4 Maxkamov M.A.
5 Bekchanov D.J.
6 Raximov T.X
7 Mirzaxidov X.A.
8 Shaxidova D. N
9 Gulomova I.B.
10 Orzikulov B.T.

The Young Polymer Circle operates at the department. It is headed by Associate Professor Dilbar Nematovna Shahidova, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemistry.