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QS Sustainability Rankings 2025: NUUz ranked in the TOP-1000

The ranking of the best universities in the field of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (QS Sustainability Rankings 2025) has been announced.

In this ranking, which covers about two thousand universities around the world, the National University of Uzbekistan took 931-940th place and entered the top 1000.

For information, 7 higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan, including the National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” took 828th place, Tashkent State Economic University 1161-1180, Tashkent State Technical University 1251-1300, Tashkent State Transport University 1401-1450, Tashkent University of Information Technologies 1501+, Urgench State University 1051+ places in this ranking.

Ensuring stability on a global scale is becoming an urgent task. The National University of Uzbekistan also actively participates in these global initiatives and makes a worthy contribution to the development of stability.

It is gratifying that in 2024, NUUz significantly improved its position on a number of indicators.

It ranked 279th in terms of environmental sustainability (428th in 2023).

It ranked 402nd in terms of governance. Environmental education rose to 825th place (1001+ in 2023).

Knowledge exchange rose to 952nd place and improved its results by 100+ points (1001+ in 2023).

Higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan showed the strongest indicators in the “Sustainable Development in the Field of Environmental Protection” indicator, four higher educational institutions of the country are included in the top 500 higher educational institutions of the world in this indicator, two of them are included in the top 300: National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek took 279th place and Tashkent State Transport University took 295th place.

Information service of NUUz