Zaitov Elyor Holmamatovich – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998999821266; +998909001266.
zaitov1987@mail.ru , e.zaitov@nuu.uz
2012-2014 yy. – Teacher of the Department of Sociology of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
2014-2016 yy. – Teacher of the Department of Sociology and social work of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
2016-2016 yy. – Teacher of the Department of Sociology of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
2016-2017 yy. – Senior lecturer of the Department of Sociology of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
2017-2018 yy. – Senior lecturer of the Department of Social work of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
2018 y. 2023 yy. – Associate professor of the Department of Social work of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
2020 y. 2023 yy. – Associate professor of the Department of Social work of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, doctor of philosophy in sociological sciences (PhD)
2023 y. – etc – Head of the Department of Sociology of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, doctor of philosophy in sociological sciences (PhD)
Deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan participated in the organization of the election-2019 process for local people’s deputies, district and city councils as an active Republican trainer. On October 24, 2021, he participated as a member of the working group, which organized the Strategic and interregional research institute under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the occasion of the election day of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In June and August 2022, participated as a Republican trainer on the topic “Socio-psychological practice of working with different groups of the population by the mahalla chairmen” in a training seminar organized for the newly elected mahalla chairmen of citizens’ gatherings.
2021 y. from May and etc. – member of the scientific seminar under the digital DSc.20/30.12.2019.S.23.02. scientific council under the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Scope of scientific interests:
–sociology of management, sociology of conflict, social policy, sociology of family and gender, social work with orphans and children left without parental care;
Scientific degree:
In sociological Sciences (PhD), specializations: 22.00.02 – social structure, social institutions and lifestyle.
Knows foreign languages:
Russian language-free, English – (intermediate)
Scientific grants:
1. Expert of the international project “Improving the quality and practice of education in the field of social work in Uzbekistan” in cooperation with the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek and the UNICEF office in Uzbekistan within the framework of the program for improving the welfare of families and children in Uzbekistan for 2016-2020. Extract from the command. 19.04.2019. №01-320.
2. Member of the research project “Comparative analysis of family views of modern foreign and Uzbek youth” short-term JHBL-39, which is carried out at the expense of settlements allocated by the state target fund for women and family support for the period 2020-2021 of the Research Institute of the Mahalla and family.
3. Grant A-OT-2021-61 for 2019-2022 is a senior researcher of the project “Creating a mobile application for the provision of high-quality and fast social services to families”. Extract from the command. 28.01.2021. №02-181.
4. During 2021, the participant of the short-term project №75 “Social Rehabilitation of the elderly living in the houses ”Muruvvat“ and ”Saxovat“ of the Institute of research ”Mahalla and family” under the Ministry of Mahalla and family support of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Command 06.09.2021. № 103-L.
5. Participant of the short-term project “Development of new approaches to social work with persons prone to harmful habits” of the ZHBL – 73 of the Research Institute “Mahalla and family” under the Ministry of Mahalla and family support of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2021-2022. Command 06.09.2021. № 101-L.
6. In 2021-2022, a member of the social order grant on the topic “Creating a methodology for the formation of an ”barrier-free environment” for students with disabilities in the higher education system”.
Professional development, certificates:
1. UNICEF’s office in Uzbekistan under the technical support of the project “Improving education and practice in the field of social work in Uzbekistan” participated in the 6-day training for trainers on “Social work practice with families II” (48) within the framework of the cooperation project between the National University of Uzbekistan and the faculty of Social work of Columbia University. The general full training hour was attended by 132 hours of training.
2. The Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations, the International Labor Organization, the entire World bank, as well as UNICEF’s office in Uzbekistan participated in the CODI 2-day seminar on the topic “Assessment of the social protection system in Uzbekistan”.
3. Deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan trained in training for the organization and organization of the election-2019 process to local people’s deputies, district and city councils and received a Certificate of Republican training.
4. From April 5, 2021 to May 29, 2021, he trained in 288 hours of “Social Work (by type of activity)” at the network (Regional) Center under him and was positively assessed by the Attestation Commission. MA №042341.
Membership in the editorial board:
1. 2021 y. and etc. – Ideosphere is a scientific, educational, popular journal. Ideosphere journal ISSN 2181-2640 2021. Editorial member of the scientific-theoretical and socio-political journal Ideosphere. https://ideosphere.uz/tahrir-hayati member.
2. 2022 y. and etc. – Member of the editorial board of the international scientific journal Research Focus.
Membership in professional associations:
1. Member of the Association of sociologists of Uzbekistan. Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent City.
List of scientific works:
Author of more than 100 published works. Included: 2 in Scopus scientific base, h-index-9.
- E.Kh.Zaitov. Improving the system of social protection of graduates of institutional institutions in Uzbekistan. – Monograph / – Tashkent: VNESHINVESTPROM, 2021 – 155 p.
- Sociology. Textbook. – Tashkent: UzNU, 2019. (co-author).
- A.A. Abdukhalilov., E.Kh.Zaitov. “Social policy”. Teaching manual. -Tashkent: VNESHINVESTPROM, 2021. 432 p.
- Explanatory Dictionary on the field of Social work. Methodical manual. – Tashkent: VNESHINVESTROM, 2020. – 170 p. (co-author).
- E.X.Zaitov. “Institutsional muassasa bitiruvchisida individuallikni shakllantiruvchi omillar”. Ijtimoiy tadqiqotlar jurnali. №1.2019. DOI http:// dx.doi.org/10.26739/2181-9297-2019-1. – Б. 104-109.
- E.X.Zaitov. “Sotsial yetimlikning ijtimoiy hodisa sifatida institutsionallashuvi”. XXI asrda sotsiologiya va ijtimoiy ishning dolzarb muammolari. Davriy to‘plam. 3-qism. Halqaro ishtiroki bilan. Aholining turli guruhlari bilan ijtimoiy ish amaliyoti. – Toshkent: Universitet, 2019 – B. 112-115.
- E.X.Zaitov. Ta’lim tizimida axborotlar bilan ishlash madaniyatining sotsial masalalari // SamDU Xabarlari. – Samarqand, 2018. – №2. B.55-59.
- E.X.Zaitov. Institutsional muassasa bitiruvchisi fenomenini shakllantiruvchi ijtimoiy-psixologik omillari. Ilmiy Axborotnoma 2019-yil, 2-son Gumanitar fanlar seriyasi (114). SamDU. –B. 187-191.
- E.X.Zaitov. O‘zbekiston tarixiy taraqqiyot davrlarida yetimlikning sotsial hodisa sifatida ilmiy o‘rganilishi. O‘zMU Xabarlari № 1\2. Ijtimoiy gumanitar fanlar turkumi. Toshkent 2019 y. – B. 104-108.
- E.X.Zaitov. Ўзбекистон институционал муассасаларида ногиронлиги бор болалар манфаатларининг hимояси. МАТЕРИАЛЫМЕЖДУНАРОДНОГО ФОРУМА «Укрепление социалной работыв обеспечении благополучия детей исемей в Узбекистане»21-22 ноября 2019 г.ТАШКЕНТ, – Б. 76-78.
- E.Kh.Zaitov. Forms of accommodation fororphans and children leftwithout parental care in Uzbekistan. ACADEMICIA. An International Multidiscipinary Research Journal. ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 10. Issue 3, March 2020. Impact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 7.13. – Р. 243-249.
- E.Kh.Zaitov. Retrospective Approach to Scientific Researches on “Orphan hood” at Different Periods. International Online Conference on Economics and Social Sciences. Samarkand Branch of Tashkent University of Economics. // UZBEKISTAN. PROCEEDING BOOK. A collection of proceedings from. Six different countries. May 20-21, 2020. – P.103-106.
- E.Kh.Zaitov., Qayumov Q.N., Akhmedov Q.A., Makhmudova M.D. “Social monitoring” as a component of the social protection system in the postinstitutional adaptation period. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7 (5), (2020) pp. 827-831.
- E.X.Zaitov. Institutsional muassasalarda tarbiyalanayotgan bolalarga nisbatan streotipga aylangan stigmalarning shakllanishi. Falsafa va huquq. Ijtimoiy-siyosiy, ma’naviy-ma’rifiy, falsafiy-huquqiy jurnal. – Toshkent, 2020. №1. – B. 62-64.
- E.X.Zaitov. Institutsional muassasa bitiruvchisi fenomenining ilmiy o‘rganilishida xorij tajribasi. “O‘zbekistonda nogironligi bor shaxslarning turmush sifatini oshirishning tibbiy va ijtimoiy jihatlari”. “XXI asrda sotsiologiya va ijtimoiy ishning dolzarb muammolari” nomli Davriy to‘plam. –Toshkent. 2020. – B 175-181. UDK: 009:37(575.1)
- E.X.Zaitov. Institutsional muassasalar bitiruvchilarini postinstitutsional ijtimoiy himoya tizimini takomillashtirish. “Sotsiologiyani o‘qitish va sotsial tadqiqotlarni tashkil etishning dolzarb masalalari” mavzuidagi ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya. Toshkent, 2020. –B 97-99.
- E.X.Zaitov. O‘zbekistonda institutsional muassasa bitiruvchilarini ijtimoiy himoyalash tizimini takomillashtirish. Fokus-guruh dasturi.// O’zbekiston Respublikasi Adliya vazirligi huzuridagi Intellektual mulk agentligi “Intellektual mulk konsultativ markazi” davlat unitary korxonasi. IP CONSULTING CENTER. Guvohnoma № 002089. 2020-yil 11-mart.
- E.X.Zaitov. O‘zbekistonda yetim va ota-ona qarovisiz qolgan bolalarni noinstitutsionalashtirish muammolari. ISSN2181-9556 Doi Journal 10.26739/2181-9556 ilmiy elektron jurnal, №2; 2020. “ACADEMIA SCIENCE” ILMIV-TADQIQOTLAR MARKAZI UzACADEMIA ILMIY-USLUBIY JURNALI BARCHA SOHALAR BO‘YICHA SCIENTIFIC-METHODICAL JOURNAL ISSN (E) – 2181 – 1334 BARCHA SOHALAR BO‘YICHA VOL 1, ISSUE 10, FEBURARY 2021 PART – 1. – B. 143-147.
- E.Kh.Zaitov., A.A Abdukhalilov. Opportunities to improve the system of social protection of graduates of institutional institutions in Uzbekistan. ACADEMICIA. An International Multidiscipinary Research Journal. ISSN: (Double Blind Refereed & Peer Reviewed Journal). DOI: 10.5958/22497137.2021.00254.8 ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 11, Issue 1, January 2021 Impact Factor: SJIF 2021 = 7.492. – Р.1349-1360.
- E.Kh.Zaitov., J.A.Isaxonov The Main Directions Of Solving The Main Problems Of Young Families In Modern Conditions. The American Journal Of Interdisciplinary Innovations And Research. (TAJIIR) SJIF-5.676 DOI-10.37547/tajiir, Volume 3 Issue 03, 2021 ISSN 2642-7478. – P.70-74.
- E.Kh.Zaitov., J.A.Isaxonov. Innovative Factors in Solving the Main Problems of Young Families in Modern Conditions. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HISTORY VOLUME: 02 ISSUE: 06 | JUNE 2021(ISSN: 2660-6836) Impact Factor: SJIF 2021 = 5.792. P.78-85.
- E.Kh.Zaitov., Akhrorova Ezozakhon Akmal kyzy. VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND ITS MANIFESTATIONS. International Engineering Journal For Research & Development Vol.6 Issue 2 March-Aprel 2021. Impact Factor: SJIF 2021 = 7.169.
- E.Kh.Zaitov., Zaitova Sitora Baxodir qizi. The Socio-Economic Essence of the Pension Provision System and its Role in the System of Social Protection of the Population. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF LITERATURE, PHILOSOPHY AND CULTURE Volume: 02 Issue: 07 | July 2021. – P. 74-76.
- E.Kh.Zaitov. Opportunities to apply the experience of foreign countries in providing medical – social services to the elderly and persons with disabilities in Uzbekistan. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities ISSN: 2249-7315 Vol. 11, Issue 11, November 2021 SJIF 2021 = 8.037 A peer reviewed journal. – P. 54-58.
- E.Kh.Zaitov. Theoretical and methodological approaches to social work with deviant youth prone to harmful habits. International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online) Year: 2021 Issue: 12 Volume: 104. – P.102-104.
- E.X.Zaitov. Institutsional muassasa bitiruvchilarini ijtimoiy kuzatib borish xususiyatlari. Ijtimoiy fikr- inson huquqlari jurnal. – Toshkent, 2021. № 2. – B. 89-92.
- E.Kh.Zaitov., V.A.Fayzullaeva. Theoretical basis of employment of population in Uzbekistan. Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research ISSN: 2278-4853 Vol. 11, Issue 2, February 2022 SJIF 2021 = 7.699 A peer reviewed journal. – P.133-138.
- E.Kh.Zaitov., Ahmedov Qahramon Abdulhamid ugli, Makhmudova Munira Djuraevna, Kholmurodov Gulom Utkir ugli, Saidova Maftunakhon Umarovna. Retrospective approach to comparative analysis of factors of orphans and social orphans. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I2.222 ISSN: 1308-5581 Vol 14, Issue 02, 2022. –P. 2388-2393.
- E.Kh.Zaitov., D.A.Chorieva. Employees of Social Services in Uzbekistan and Their Functions. Eurasian Journal of Research, Development and Innovation. Volume 6. March, 2022 ISSN: 2795-7616. – P. 1-5.
- E.Kh.Zaitov., D.M.Teshayev. Family Conflict and Divorce as A Social Problem. Eurasian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 5. February, 2022 ISSN: 2795-7683. – P. 1-5.
- E.Kh.Zaitov., Kholnazarova Zulfina Chori qizi. Social protection of socially orphaned children legal basis. “Экономика и социум” №1(92) Январ, 2022.