Born 05.11.1961. Doctor of Geographical Sciences. Professor. In 1984, he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Tashkent State University (now the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek) with a degree in “Physics of the Atmosphere.” In 1999-2006 – Head of the Department of “Physics of the Atmosphere,” in 2021-2022 – Head of the Department of “Meteorology and Climatology.” In 1995, he defended his Candidate’s dissertation, and in 2019, his Doctoral dissertation. More than 130 scientific and educational works have been published. Co-author of a number of textbooks, such as “Climatology,” “Synoptic and Space Meteorology,” “Physics of the Atmosphere,” “Cloud Physics,” “Methods of Remote Sensing.” 2 textbooks, 7 study guides, 4 methodological manuals, and published in journals.