Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Labor activity

Tojieva Zulkhumor Nazarovna, Head of the Department, has been working as the Head of the Department of Economic and Social Geography since March 18, 2019. Z.N. Tojieva began her scientific and pedagogical work as a laboratory assistant at the “Research Laboratory of Population Studies” at Tashkent State University (now NUUz) on June 18, 1993. From December 10, 1993, to 1998, he studied at the Geography Faculty of the same university as a postgraduate student specializing in 11.00.02 – Economic and Social Geography. From 1998 to 2006, Z.N. Tojieva worked as a lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor at the Department of Social Geography and Regional Economics of the Faculty of Geography of NUUz, and from 2006 to 2007 – as the head of the department at the “Department of Demography.”

Z.N. Tojieva actively participates not only in the main academic and scientific activities, but also in the organizational work of the faculty. From 1998 to 2000, Z. Tojieva served as the Scientific Secretary of the Geography Faculty, from 2000 to 2003 – as the Chair of the Faculty’s Women’s Committee, and from 2007 to 2016 – as the Chair of the Faculty’s Quality Commission. Z.N. Tojieva, since 2016, has been a member of the Scientific Council for the Award of Academic Degrees DSc.03/30.12.2019.Gr.01.06 at the National University of Uzbekistan and Chair of the Scientific Seminar under the Scientific Council DSc.03/30.12.2019.Gr.01.06.

Tojieva Zulkhumor Nazarovna conducts relevant and significant work in the areas of economic and social geography, geodemography, geography of the population and demography, in the development of research work aimed at increasing the ranking of departments, faculties and universities, attracting foreigners to teach at the department, lecturing at universities included in the Top 1000, attracting young specialists to the department, and improving their qualifications abroad.

She is working on a joint program, co-authored scientific works and projects with scientists from Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, the Russian Higher School of Economics (HSE), Russian Peoples’ Friendship University (RUDN) and Kazan Federal University, Hitosubashi, Tenri University in Japan. As a result of these works, 10 foreigners were attracted to teach at the department in the 2022-2024 academic year.

In 2021-2022 and 2023-2024, qualification was raised at the Higher School of Economics (HSE, Institute of Demography) in Moscow and Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation. Also, in 2021-2022, she will take an internship in the Demographic Forecasting program at the Karlova University of the Czech Republic. In addition, they participated with their lectures at Russian KFU and Russian Peoples’ Friendship Universities (RUDN).

Z.N. Tojieva’s research was on the topic “Demography of Uzbekistan,” and in 1998, she defended her PhD dissertation on the topic “Socio-economic Problems of Population Growth and Settlement in the Jizzakh Region,” and in 2017, she defended her doctoral dissertation (DSc) on the topic “Demographic Processes in the Republic of Uzbekistan and Their Territorial Features.” A total of about 200 scientific and popular science articles have been published in republican and international scientific journals and collections. In addition, 12 teaching and methodological works, 4 scientific monographs have been published. More than 40 of his scientific articles have been published in periodical scientific journals in Uzbekistan, CIS countries and abroad. To date, under the scientific guidance of Z.N. Tojieva, more than 40 masters, 2 foreign independent researchers and 5 basic doctoral (PhD) and 1 doctoral (Dsc) dissertations have been successfully defended.

Under her scientific supervision, researcher N.N. Yuldashev defended his PhD dissertation in Geography on the topic “Social-demographic factors and regional features of the formation of labor resources in the Kashkadarya region” in 2019; in 2022, L.Z. Ibragimov defended his Doctor of Science (DSc) dissertation in Geography on the topic “Economic-geographical characteristics of population employment in Southwestern Uzbekistan”; in 2023, B.M. Musaev defended his PhD dissertation in Geography on the topic “Economic-geographical features of the development and settlement of cities in the Mirzachol economic region,” and O.I. Sherkholov defended his PhD dissertation in Geography on the topic “Geographical issues of population growth and settlement in the Navoi region.” In 2024, M.Sh. Sabirova defended her PhD dissertation in Geography on the topic “Geodemographic issues of family structure in the population of the Tashkent economic region,” Zhao YongFeng defended his PhD dissertation in Geography on the topic “Research issues of the new type of urbanization process and the relationship with the environment in the Yellow River basin of Inner Mongolia (People’s Republic of China),” Zheng Hui defended his PhD dissertation in Geography on the topic “Research issues of the relationship between population structure and regional economy in Inner Mongolia (People’s Republic of China),” and A.A. Olimova defended her PhD dissertation in Pedagogy on the topic “Technology for developing analytical skills in students through historical comparison and cartographic methods.”

Zulkhumor Nazarovna Tojieva adheres to the discipline established by labor legislation and has earned a reputation for her perseverance within the team.

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