Born in 1952 in the village of Nomdanak, Parkent district, Tashkent region. Doctor of Geographical Sciences (2002), Professor (2009), Professor of the Department of Land Hydrology and Meteorology of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. He is the author of 11 monographs, 6 textbooks, 25 teaching aids, 3 teaching aids, about 10 atlases, and more than 200 scientific articles. In the republican competition “Author of the best textbook and educational literature of the year,” he took first (2015) and second (2005) places.
In the “Best Teacher of a Higher Educational Institution” competition of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in 2016 and 2017, that is, consecutively, he became the winner of NUUz, and in 2018 – the winner of the republican stage of this competition.
F. Hikmatov is a renowned scientist in the field of mountain river hydrology. Research on improving methods for calculating and forecasting river flow is recognized internationally. Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Biosphere Sciences, awarded the “Honorary Diploma” of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (2005). He has scientifically supervised 5 applied, 3 fundamental and 2 innovative projects, and is a participant in 2 international projects. Currently, the Uzbek-German joint project FZ-2020110111 “Climate Change, Renewable Energy Resources and Public Health in Uzbekistan” is being implemented under the leadership of F. Hikmatov.
Under the leadership of F. Hikmatov, he has trained more than 40 masters, 3 candidates of science, 11 doctors of philosophy (PhD) and 5 doctors of science (DSc). Member of the Specialized Councils at NUUz, GMITI, and NTU “TIIAME.” Editor-in-Chief of the journal “UzGJ axboroti,” included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Hydrometeorology and AMM.” Recipient of the Order “Mehnat shuhrati” (2008), the honorary title “Honored Mentor of Youth of the Republic of Uzbekistan” (2021), the breastplate “Mehnat faxriysi” I degree (2023).