Usarov Ibrohimjon Kurpashaevich – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 9
The disciplines taught at the department are in a separate form for bachelors and master’s degree
For the bachelors:
№ | Subject | Brief information about the subject |
1 | Reading and writing comprehension (3rd/4th course) | The subject “Practice of reading and writing” involves teaching students the skills of reading and writing in a foreign language. In this course, students will be able to read, understand and write a variety of texts on topics relevant to Level B1 and C1, in accordance with the Council of Europe’s Common European Recognition Standards for Foreign Language Competence: Learning, Teaching and Assessment (CEFR). they learn. |
2 | Methods of teaching a foreign language in non-philological areas (courses 3rd/4th) | The subject “Methods of teaching foreign languages in non-philological areas” involves the integration of all language skills, while increasing students’ knowledge of language models and structures. This subject acquaints students in detail with the methods of teaching a foreign language and directs them to organize the lesson in this way in their future careers. Science serves the effective use of the foreign language taught in the classroom as the main means of communication and the development of students’ professional specialization. |
3 | Introduction to Linguistics (1st course) | “Introduction to Linguistics”is to provide students with information about the science of linguistics, its departments, object of study, its relationship with other disciplines, to provide students with knowledge about the basic concepts and categories of linguistics, to develop students’ ability to apply knowledge. |
4. | Fundamentals of scientific work (3rd course) | The subject “Fundamentals of scientific work” is the formation of students’ scientific outlook, teaching them the theoretical foundations of scientific knowledge and research activities, the main types and structural features of scientific work and the ability to apply them in practice. |
5 | Integrated course of foreign language teaching (1st,2nd and 3rd courses) | The integrated course of foreign language teaching ensures that students are able to freely apply their knowledge, skills and abilities in a foreign language in professional and scientific activities, acquaint them with the theory and practice of assessing knowledge of a foreign language, develop goals and objectives and develop and determine assessment criteria. Teach methods and techniques of language teaching in different age groups and how to overcome age-related problems that may occur in the teaching process |
6 | Foreign language (second foreign language) (1st/2nd/3rd courses) | The subject of a foreign language (second foreign language) is taught in an integrated manner with the requirements of listening comprehension, reading, writing and speaking. The following didactic principles are followed in conducting practical training: clearly defining the purpose of practical training; to arouse students’ interest in the opportunities to deepen the knowledge of the teacher on innovative pedagogical activities, practical training is not only a source of knowledge on a specific topic, but also a source of educating students. |
7 | Practical aspects of language studying (1st and 2nd courses) | The purpose of teaching the subject is to bring students’ knowledge and skills in a foreign language to a level that meets established standards. The task of the science is to teach students a foreign language by integrating four language skills and to ensure that they can use a foreign language freely as a means of communication. The main task of science is to teach language aspects and develop communication skills necessary for students to master the studied foreign language at S1 level in accordance with generally accepted international standards. |
8 | Country study of Uzbekistan (1st course) | The purpose of teaching subject is to teach students to take a long and bright path, to achieve the national independence, self-determination and self-development of our motherland, the Republic of Uzbekistan and our people. , to teach our students about culture, scientific achievements, its current life and prospects for development, and to inculcate them in the minds of students. |
9 | Listening and speaking comprehension (3rd course) | Students will be taught listening comprehension (using a variety of audio and video materials) and speaking (grammar, new words and terms, phraseological units, etc.) in English according to their level. |
10 | CEFR (4rd course) | CEFR is interrelated with other general and specialized subjects in the curriculum and is taught for 7 semesters in accordance with the sequence and content of the modules. Curriculum reading and writing practice, oral practice, grammar practical courses and theoretical courses of the studied foreign language – general linguistics, stylistics and text analysis, the skills and abilities acquired in these modules are important in acquiring the necessary knowledge of theoretical grammar. |
11 | Comparative typology (4th course) | Comparative typology and comparative analysis of languages is a science aimed at teaching current problems, the theoretical foundations of their main directions. Skills that reflect the differences and similarities of the languages being compared are of great importance in linguistics. The knowledge acquired in the field of comparative linguistics is the basis for improving practical skills in the language being studied. The subject of comparative typology is a specialty that serves to increase students’ theoretical knowledge of language theory and its aspects, both theoretically and practically, as a teacher of higher and secondary education. |
12 | Teacher speech culture (3rd course) | The purpose of teaching science is to provide complete information about the history of the study of speech culture, cultural speech, the requirements for it; provide information about the main qualities of speech (accuracy, precision, purity, logic, effectiveness, expediency); formation of literary speech skills on the basis of acquired theoretical knowledge. The teaching of the subject “Teacher’s speech culture” is based on the knowledge of students in such disciplines as linguistics, philosophy, logic. |
13 | Introduction to philology and history of the language being studied(3-course) | The subject “Introduction to philology and the history of the studied language” is to acquaint students with the basic theoretical concepts of language history, methods and approaches to the history of foreign languages, the role of language history in the system of scientific knowledge, teaching them the basic laws of language development.The task of the subject is to enable students to gain knowledge of the history of English, to develop skills in scientifically studying the formation of language, the historical development of language layers and units, as well as to understand the interrelationships of different periods of English history.A student who has mastered the history of the studied language must be able to functionally distinguish changes in English as a result of historical development, to understand the grammatical and phonetic laws, as well as to fully master the following topics |
14 | Methods of teaching foreign languages in primary school(3rd course) | Taining of qualified foreign language specialists for general education institutions, in particular, to help students acquire knowledge and skills that are important for the effective teaching of a foreign language in the primary grades of secondary schools. |
15 | Methods of teaching languages and teaching technologies(3rd course) | The methodology of language teaching and educational technology is a specialty that prepares students for the professional activity of teachers of higher and secondary education, both theoretically and practically. The relevance of the science is determined by the need to form pedagogical skills and competencies that are primary to the teacher’s work. |
Information about local and International cooperation
Scientific degree | Name | Last name | Position | Department | University | Location | Email adress |
Mr | Fernando | Almeida | Doctor of Philology, professor | Linguistics | Barcelona University | Spain | alamedo@ub.edu |
Mr | Jose | Francisco | Doctor of Philology, professor | Linguistics | Barcelona University | Spain | j.francisco@ub.edu |
Prof | Margana | Margana | Vice Rector | Academic Affairs | Yogyakarta State University | Indonesia | margana@uny.ac.id |
Prof | Bruri | Triyono | Head of department | International Affairs | Yogyakarta State University | Indonesia | bruritriyono@uny.ac.id |
Prof | Basikin | Yogyakarta State University | Indonesia | ||||
Ms | Dewi | Yogyakarta State University | Indonesia |
- Members of the department
№ | Full name | Email address |
1 | Usarov Ibrohimjon Kurpashaevich | tmamura123@gmail.com |
2 | Nazirova Shakhnoza Olimjonovna | shaxnoza.nazirova@mail.ru |
3 | Sarimsakov Khurshid Abdimalikovich | hurshidsarimsokov@gmail.com |
4 | Sotlikova Rima Olimjonovna | rima.sotlikova@gmail.com |
5 | Abdullaeva Munojot Mukhtorovna | mundil1326@gmail.com |
6 | Aliboeva BarnoValijonovna | Barno_A_1701@mail.ru |
7 | Rashidova Zulfizarhon Bakhtiyorbekovna | zulfizaryolchiyeva@gmail.com |
8 | Khabibrahmonova Diana Ildarovna | idivovibi@gmail.com |
9 | Nazarova Munisa Sodiq qizi | Munisxon07@gmail.com |
10 | Soibova Gulchiroy Bakhtiyorovna | Gsoibova@list.ru |
11 | Arifjanova Nilufar Mirsidiqovna | Neno2003@mail.ru |
12 | Ismailova Rayme Setiyaevna | ismailova.rayme@mail.ru |
13 | Muminova Mukhtasar Odiljonovna | mukhtasar3190@mail.ru |
14 | Ravshanova is the daughter of Madina Egamberdi | ravshanovamadina090194@gmail.com |
15 | Sodiqova Sevinch Alievna | Sevinch.Sodiqova@mail.com |
16 | Egamberdieva Shahzoda Damirovna | egamberdiyevash@mail.com |
17 | Rakhimboeva Hulkar Gayratovna | hulkar.rahimboeva@gmail.com |
18 | Mengniyozova Zebo Ahmadovna | zmengniyozova @bk.ru |
19 | Eshtokhtarova Bibigul Bektoshevna | beshtukhtarova@mail.ru |
20 | Sobirova Dilafruz Akromovna | dilichka_7773@mail.ru |
21 | Mahamadalieva Zuhra Bakhrom qizi | m_zukhra.uzb@mail.ru |
22 | Soxibov Sardor Nurboboevich | sardorsoxibovcr7gmail.com |
23 | Mahmudova Shodiya Abduqayumjonovna | shodiyusha715@gmail.com |
24 | Ubaydullaeva Madina Khabibullaevna | madina.ubaydullaeva.kh@gmail.com |
25 | Juraeva Manzura Yunusalievna | manzura0904@mail.ru |
26 | Kulijanov Umid Axmedovich | umid.kulijanov@gmail.com |
27 | Jalilova Nilufar Toxirovna | n.jalilova@nuu.uz |
28 | Ibrahim Gulrukh Ismailovna | ibrohimgulruh@gmail.com |
29 | Urinova Shoxsanam Nosirjonovna | shohsanamgulamova36@gmail.com |
30 | Urolov Sarvar Bakhtiyorovich | sarvaruralovbaxtiyorovich@gmail.com |
31 | Azimov Shoxrux Shukhratovich | azimovshokhrukh@gmail.com |
32 | Kurbanova Mushtariy Abdujabborovna | Charlotta0103@gmail.com |
33 | Yuldasheva Nargiza Ergashbaevna | nargizay510@gmail.com |
Achievements of gifted students of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Philology, National University of Uzbekistan
Achievements of gifted students of the department:
1. Adilova Maftuna, a student of group 215-a, has published 3 articles so far. Participating in an international conference, the best article entered the top 10 and was awarded with a souvenir.
2. Participated in the conference “The role of English language in various spheres of Higher Educational Institutes” held on May 22, 2021 and was qualified with a certificate.
3. Foziljonova Sadokat Farkhodjon qizi, a student of group 211, wiould be qualified with a letter of appreciation for her contribution to the high-level essay contest “Bukhara Equality – a unique holiday of the peoples of the world” at the Center of Public Diplomacy of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Uzbekistan in 2021.
4. Jabborova Zuhra Davron qizi . In 2021, the British Council in Tashkent received a certificate of IELTS 7 points.
5. Group 208 student Azizova Muhlisa September 28, 2019 Tashkent city British Council IELTS 6 points, CEFR B2 certificate.
6. Group 208 student Aslanova Mushtariy July 11, 2020 Tashkent, British Council IELTS 4.5 points, CEFR B1 certificate.
7. Nilufar Abdukadirova will be awarded a certificate for participation in the contest “Conversation with little prince” on January 25, 2021 in Paris, France.
Tashkent would be qualified with a certificate for active participation in the Women’s Networking Week of the Five Initiatives Movement-2021.
Tashkent city administration will be awarded a certificate for participation in the “Women’s Networking Week”.
8. Danabaeeva Indira Joldasboy, a student of group 205, will be qualified with a certificate for her participation in the oratorical mastery of the Kazakh-German University at the Kazakh-German University.
9. 305a – student of group Juraboeva Mohinur Soyibjon qizi in the 2021 academic year achieved the following achievements:
– In May, at the first meeting with Fergana volunteers, organized by the Universe Free Volunteer Movement, he was elected as the coordinator of the Fergana region.
Published more than 10 scientific articles and theses in international and national journals, as well as at conferences
– took an active part in the competition of creative works “In the memory of the war”, organized in May, with his essay “Heroes of our nation in the memory of generations”
“Uzbekistan has joined the Democratic Party of National Reconstruction and is currently taking the initiative
– In the 1st season of the conference “BNB” (Let’s unite at one point) was one of the leading organizers and was awarded a certificate
10. 305a – students of group Ubaydullaeva Hilola IELTS 7, Hikmatov Shahobiddin IELTS 6.5.
11. Mamajonov Mahmudjon received IELTS 7.5 certificates.
12. Achievements of the daughter of group 308 Saydullaeva Dinara Lutfilla in 2021:
Namangan region “UzLiDeP” youth wing” Namangan regional council, Namangan regional branch. The Namangan regional council of the UzLiDEP youth wing took the 3rd place in the “Audio congratulations” organized by the Namangan regional branch.
5.4. Student accommodation (photo) and indicators of students’ use of Students dormitory (in numbers) 221
–Research topics: 1. Teachers’ perceptions about Communicative Language Teaching in Engineering Faculties.
2. ESP learning materials development model for ICT students.
– Results of achievement
International relations
Djogjakarta Davlat Universiteti, Purwokerto Muhammadiyah Universieti, Indoneziya.
- Foreign teachers (from which universities, in the state, in hours)
-Foreign students (from which countries)
Only Mirsaidov Saidkamol (Kyrgyzstan)
International Student Exchange
Information on foreign and domestic grants, if any, mainly on the calendar year, amount (by years, in numbers). For display in diagrams and infographics on the site.
In addition, the information on the faculty’s website will be more attractive if it provides information about the winners of competitions, Olympiads, competitions, faculty and students, quality photos of faculty life (study, practice, nature travel and other processes).
In cooperation with the university information service, it is necessary to make a short 3-5 minute video to cover the life of the faculty.
Additional courses
1. “Meraki” speaking club” - was established to ensure that students can communicate fluently in English and to form in them a broad outlook, new ideas and initiatives.
2. “Talented students ” - was established to engage students in research and to ensure that they achieve much by publishing their scientific articles in international and national journals.