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Smanova Zulaykho Asanalievna – Head of the Department
4, Universitetskaya str., Almazar district, Tashkent, 100174
Reception days: Wednesday-Friday, 15: 00-17: 00
Phone number: +998909971670

Year of foundation of the department: 1933

Head of the department: Academician, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Talipov N.T. (1942-1990).), Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Assoc. Shesterova I.P. (1990-1995).), Ph.D., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, professor. Babaev N.B. (1995-2000), Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Assoc.Turabov N.T. (2005-2005), from 2016 to the present, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor. Smanova Z.A.

The composition of the department: Head of the department, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor. Smanova Z.A., Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Assoc. Kutlumurova N.H., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Assoc. Turabov N.T., PhD., assoc. Ruzmetov U.U., PhD., assoc. Ziyaev D.A., senior lecturer PhD. Tojiev Zh.N., PhD, Rakhimov S.B., teachers Tursunkulov J.B., Saifiev M.N., Sagdullayeva L.B. 

Educational and methodical work. The department conducts lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes in four undergraduate educational areas: “Analytical Chemistry”, “Environmental Chemistry”, “Organic reagents in analytical chemistry”, “Chemical analysis and environmental monitoring”, “Analysis of polymer and composite materials”, “Analysis of oil and gas products”, Master’s degree 5A140501- Specialty chemistry (subject areas) disciplines such as “Analytical and physico-chemical methods of analysis”, “Methods of electrochemical analysis”, “Chemical separation and concentration”, “Methods of atomic absorption analysis”, “Molecular spectroscopic analysis”, “Methods of electrochemical analysis”.

The teaching staff of the department has published more than 20 textbooks, textbooks, monographs and methodological manuals.

Research work. At the Department of Analytical Chemistry, one of the priority areas of research in analytical chemistry is “the use of organic reagents in analytical chemistry”; together with the scientific directions “immobilization of reagents used in optical methods, creation of modified electrodes and their application for the analysis of environmental objects and development of optical and electrochemical methods for the determination of heavy and toxic metals, combustible substances, ecotoxicants from biological materials, organic and inorganic substances from environmental objects”. Professors, doctoral students and researchers managed to establish research work in the following new areas: analysis of environmental objects and food, pharmaceuticals.

More than 50 scientific papers are published annually at the department. Since the foundation of the department, about 40 patents and copyright certificates for inventions have been obtained. In recent years, 5 patents have been obtained for the invention, the results of scientific research have been introduced into the educational process.

Dissertation defense: since the foundation of the department, 16 doctoral and 50 candidate dissertations have been defended.

Cooperation: M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Academy of Sciences Zolotov, prof. O.A.Shpigun, prof. T.N.Shekhovtsova, prof. M.A.Proskurnin); Eurasian Kazakhstan National University named after Gumilev (Prof. S.S.Dosmagambetov). The Russian Academy of Sciences and foreign higher educational institutions and research institutes.


For bachelors

Subject nameBrief information about subject
12nd course of chemistry. Analytical chemistry (uzb.)Determination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of substances, the study of methods for conducting analytical reactions. Familiarity with various methods of analysis and their application in practice.
22nd course of chemistry. Analytical chemistry (rus.)Determination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of substances, the study of methods for conducting analytical reactions. Familiarity with various methods of analysis and their application in practice.
32nd course of chemistry. Analytical chemistry evening education (uzb).Determination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of substances, study of methods for conducting analytical reactions.
42nd course of chemistry. Analytical chemistry evening education (rus.).Analytical Chemistry evening education (Russian). Determination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of substances, study of methods for conducting analytical reactions.
5Chemistry of oil and gas 2nd year. Analytical chemistry (uzb.)Determination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of substances, the study of methods for conducting analytical reactions.
6Chemistry of oil and gas 2nd year. Analytical chemistry (rus.)Determination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of substances, the study of methods for conducting analytical reactions.
7Chemical analysis of products 1-course. Analytical chemistry and chemical analysis.Qualitative and quantitative study of the composition of food products. Familiarity with the methods used in the analysis of food products.
8Chemical analysis of products 1st year. Chemometrics.Qualitative and quantitative study of the composition of food products. Familiarity with the methods used in the analysis of food products.
9Direction of chemistry of natural and physico-active compounds 1st year.Analytical chemistry. Determination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of natural and physico-active compounds, study of methods for conducting analytical reactions.
10Direction of chemistry. 3rd year. Environmental Chemistry (uzb.).The use of various chemical analyses in analyzing the composition of environmental objects and solving environmental problems.
11Direction of chemistry. 3rd year. Environmental Chemistry (rus.).Environmental chemistry (rus.). The use of various chemical analyses in analyzing the composition of environmental objects and solving environmental problems.

For Masters

Subject nameBrief information about subject
1The direction of chemistry. 1st year. Analytical and physico-chemical methods of analysis (uzb.)The purpose of the training is to give undergraduates in-depth knowledge of the theoretical foundations, basic concepts and methods of chemical analysis, the elementary chemical structure of various objects in the environment, using these methods that provide qualitative and quantitative determination, and to form skills of their application in practice.
2The direction of chemistry. 1st year. Analytical and physico-chemical methods of analysis (rus.)The purpose of the training is to give undergraduates in-depth knowledge of the theoretical foundations, basic concepts and methods of chemical analysis, the elementary chemical structure of various objects in the environment, using these methods that provide qualitative and quantitative determination, and to form skills of their application in practice.
31st year. Radioanalytical chemistry.The purpose of the training is to provide undergraduates with in-depth knowledge of the theoretical foundations of radioactive analysis, principles of operation and methods of analysis, optical and electrochemical hybrid methods of analysis, as well as to form skills of their application in practice.
4The direction of chemistry. 2nd year. Chemical separation and concentration.Types of concentration of substances, absolute and relative, individual and group concentration, quantitative characteristics of separation and concentration, knowledge and use in the analysis of objects using concentration methods.
5The direction of chemistry. 2nd year. Molecular spectroscopic analysis.The purpose of teaching the discipline is to give undergraduates of a special course of molecular spectroscopic analysis the theoretical foundations and methods of studying patterns, knowledge of the scheme and principles of operation of equipment used in the analysis of objects of analysis, using modern knowledge about modern types of molecular spectroscopy.