Jalilov Sherzod is the head of the department
100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Monday – Friday, 09:00 – 17:00
Duties of audit service
- Coordination and improvement of activities based on the purpose of the audit service;
- Strengthening budget discipline in the university by studying budget accounting and financial reporting;
- Prevention and prevention of cases of violations of budget legislation at the university;
- Assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of budget expenditures and ensuring the execution of documents in the field of internal audit activities;
- Analysis and assessment of compliance with legislation;
- Identifying, minimizing the risks of purposeless and inefficient use of budget funds, eliminating the reasons and conditions that enable them to occur, using remote audit;
- Implementation of prevention of violations of budget legislation;
- Analysis and evaluation of the results of the effectiveness of development programs;
- Increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of budget expenditures through the rational use of the available resources of the university;
- Evaluating the implementation of information technologies in the university’s financing process, developing proposals for studying and developing the effectiveness of their use and presenting them to the Auditor General;
- Regularly provide information and reports to the Chief Auditor on service activities and performed works in accordance with established procedure;
- Complying with legal orders and orders of the employer;
- Compliance with the requirements of labor protection, safety equipment and production sanitation;
- Compliance with the position (task) instructions.