On November 23, 2022, the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek will hold a scientific and practical conference on the topic “The role of women in achieving the goals of sustainable development”, which is one of the priorities of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. in the middle
In this scientific-practical conference, along with major women scientists working in the republic, foreign women scientists, including Turkey’s Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Professor Dilek Erduran Avci, Marmara University Social Faculty Dean Sebahat Deniz, Israel Holon Institute of Technology Vice-Rector for International Relations Toni Levy, vice-rector for international relations of Immanuel Kant Baltika Federal University O. Kim, director of the Institute of Regional Development and Management of Kazan Federal University of the Russian Federation, professor N. Bagautdinova, rector of South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Avezov, professor D. Kojamjarova, executive director of the “Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan” friendship society, Z. Kadyrova, professor of Baku State University, Clotilde Brogniart, researcher of Strasbourg University, and Virna Velázquez Vilchis, professor of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, participate with their lectures.