The department began its activities in 1971 under the name “Mathematical Support of Computing” (MSC) under the leadership of Academician N.Y. Satimov, in connection with the establishment of the Faculty of “Applied Mathematics and Mechanics” at Tashkent State University.
The faculty, including the MSC department, at that time set the main goal of training high-level specialists who would be able to model practical problems encountered in various sectors of the national economy of our Republic and automate management issues using computers.
Since 1992, the department has been operating under the name “Mathematical Support of Computing and Automated Systems”, since 2002 “Programming Technologies”, since 2005 “Programming and Network Technologies”, since 2016 “Algorithms and Programming Technologies”, and since 2024 “Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence”.
Over the past years, the department has been headed by:
1971-1972, Ph.D.-M.Phil., prof. N.Y.Satimov,
1972-1997, Ph.D.-M.Phil., prof. B.Kurmanbaev,
1998-2010, Ph.D.-M.Phil., prof. A.A.Khaldzhigitov,
2010-2016, Ph.D.-M.Phil., Assoc. Prof. Sh.F.Madrakhimov,
2016-2017, Ph.D., Associate Professor A.Kh.Ishmukhamedov,
2017-2022, Ph.D., Associate Professor Sh.F.Madrakhimov,
2023 to present Ph.D.-M.Phil., Assoc. Prof. U.E. Adambayev is the head of the department.
Until now, the department has trained specialists with high scientific degrees and titles, in particular, doctors of science B. Kurmanbayev, I. Mirzayev, U.Y. Yuldashev, A.A. Khaldzhigitov, N.A. Ignatyev, A.M. Polatov, Sh.F. Madrakhimov and candidates of science M.Kh. Khakimov, T.T. Imamov, S.M. Gainazarov, A.M. Ikramov, G. Matlatipov, U.E. Adambayev, A. Kalandarov, PhDs: D.Y. Saidov, Q. Khudoyberganov, Y.S. Yusupov, U. Tuliyev, B. Khaitkulov, M. Rahimova, Q. Makharov, D. Nigmanova, E. Navruzov.
To date, the department has trained thousands of software developers. They are effectively working as IT specialists in state organizations, banks and companies. Most of the graduates of the department are engaged in pedagogical activities and scientific research, and among them there are many candidates of sciences and those who have defended their doctoral dissertations. Among them, we can mention the following: professors Sh.U.Nazirov, K.S.Fayazov, M.Tukhtasinov, I.Mirzaev.
Most of the talented graduates of the department are engaged in pedagogical activities and scientific research, and among them there are many candidates of sciences and doctors. Among them, we can mention the following: professors K.S.Fayazov, professors M.Tukhtasinov, professors Sh.U.Nazirov and others.
We can proudly mention the following professors who conducted scientific and pedagogical activities at this department: I. Mirzaev, U. Yuldashev, B. F. Abdurakhimov, N. A. Ignatyev, Sh. F. Madrakhimov, associate professors: V. B. Buzrukhonov, M. Ikromov, A. Sattorov, T. Imomov, T. Azlarov, N. R. Kadirova, A. A. Abdukodirov, S. S. Gulamov.
Department of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
The department conducts scientific research in the field of mathematical modeling of applied problems and modeling of intuitive decision-making processes of artificial intelligence.
Research topics in mathematical modeling of applied problems are the construction of equations representing the process of plastic deformation of isotropic and anisotropic bodies, fundamental problems of deformable solid mechanics and the theory of plasticity, that is, scientific research is being conducted on the construction of mathematical models representing the process of nonlinear deformation of composite materials, in particular, linear, nonlinear mathematical and numerical models of fibrous and layered composite materials, anisotropic bodies, and the creation of their software.
The main topics of scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence are nonparametric methods for solving image recognition problems, calculating generalized estimates based on linear and nonlinear mapping of descriptions of objects in the space of features of different categories onto the number axis, methods for selecting a subset of informative features, minimizing the training sample by constructing a cover with object standards for a minimum set of informative features, calculating the compactness dimension, forming latent features based on the stability property of features of different categories, solving the problem of Big Data in the fields of medicine, mathematical linguistics and information security, and designing artificial neural networks.
The professors and teachers of the department actively participate in the competition for scientific, practical and innovative grants announced by the Ministry of Innovative Development of Uzbekistan.
Scientific grants implemented by the department staff:
F-4-64 “Creation and justification of methods for calculating generalized estimates and individual metrics of objects in the intellectual analysis of data” Scientific supervisor Professor Ignatev N.A. (2013-2017);
OT-Atex-2018-224 – “Development of an information model for predicting the development, course and consequences of colon inflammation and colorectal cancer, as well as for carrying out diagnostics and treatment taking into account etiopathogenesis and risk factors”. Scientific supervisor Professor Ignatev N.A. (2018-2020);
A-OTM-2020-2 “Creation of an intellectual software product that predicts and diagnoses pulmonary aspergillosis in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and bronchial asthma”. Scientific supervisor Professor Ignatev N.A. (2020-2021).
S-204 “Creating an intellectual system for meaningful analysis of text documents”. Scientific supervisor Associate Professor D.Y. Saidov (2023-2024yy)
S-204 “Assessing the risk of developing gestational diabetes in the early stages of pregnancy using artificial intelligence”. Scientific supervisor PhD U.Y. Tuliyev. (2023-2024yy)
B-2023-41 “Creating a mathematical model for early diagnosis of liver cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma caused by HBV infection” funded by the Ministry of Digital Technologies. Scientific supervisor Professor Sh. F. Madrakhimov (2023-2024yy.)
Under the leadership of Professor A.M. Polatov, 05.01.07- carries out scientific activity in the field of “Mathematical modeling. A set of numerical methods and programs”. The department regularly holds a seminar on “Mathematical and numerical methods for solving applied problems”. At it, doctoral students of the department give lectures on their scientific results, and dissertations are discussed.
Doctoral dissertations: Kurmanbaev B. (1992), Ignat’ev N.A. (2005), Polatov A.M. (2016), Madrakhimov Sh.F. (2020),
Candidate dissertations: Gainzazarov S.M. (1994), Abduqodirov A.A. (1994) Madrakhimov Sh.F. (1994), Rasulov S. (1994), Matlatipov G. (2001), Ikramov A.M. (2005), Adambaev U.E. (2008), Yuldashev R. (2009), Eshmurodov Sh. (2010) .
PhD dissertation defenses: Saidov D.Yu. (2018), Qalandarov A.A. (2018), Khudaybergenov K.K. (2020), Yusupov Yu.S. (2021), Hayitkulov B.H. (2021), Tuliyev U.Yu. (2023), Rahimova M.A. (2023), Makharov Q.T. (2024), Jumaniyozov S.P. (2024), Nigmanova D.B. (2024), Navruzov E.R. (2024).
Members of the department publish their scientific works in prestigious national and foreign scientific journals, and present at scientific conferences.
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology published a monograph on the subject:
1. Ignatyev N.A. Generalized estimates and local metrics of objects in data mining. Monograph. – Tashkent: Publishing House “University”, 2014.
2. Madrakhimov Sh.F., Khurramov A.Kh. The concept of class compactness and classification. Monograph, Karshi: Karshi Davlat University, 2014.
3. Ignatyev N.A. Data mining and the hypothesis of class compactness. Compactness measures, evaluation criteria. Palmarium Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, 2016.
4. Ishmukhamedov A.Kh. Modeling of reliability assessment of communication system control. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing RU, 2019.
5. Polatov A.M., Computer modeling of fibrous materials FEM. Monograph. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing RU, 2018.
6. Ikramov A.M. Finite element modeling of three-dimensional elastic-plastic problems. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing RU, 2018.
7. Ishmukhamedov A.Kh. Modeling of reliability assessment of communication system control. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing RU-2019.
8. Khakimov M.Kh. Technology of multilingual simulated computer translator. LAMBERT. Academic Publishing, 2019.
9. Khaljigitov A.A., Kalandarov A.A., Yusupov Yu.S. “Related Problems of Thermoelasticity and Thermoplasticity”, “Fan va technology”, 2020.
10. Madrakhimov Sh.F. Systems for detecting hidden patterns based on methods for calculating generalized estimates. Monograph // Tashkent, “MUMTOZ SЎZ” 2021.
11. Marakhimov A.R., Khudaibergenov K.K. Structural and parametric synthesis of neural network models for data mining and pattern recognition problems. // Monograph. – Tashkent: “MUMTOZ SЎZ” 2021.
12. Khayitkulov B.Kh. Algorithms and numerical modeling of the process of heat propagation control and conflict resolution. 22.04.2022 The University of Uzbekistan has received the title of Technical Director of the University of Uzbekistan No. 4. FAN ZIYOSI.
13. Gaynazarov S.M. Mathematical modeling of dynamic processes in soil structures. Monograph. – T: “Ma’rifat”, 2023. 116 p.
Students’ lives and their achievements (achievements in academic and scientific fields, holders of prestigious scholarships)
№ | N.S.M | Achievements | Head |
1. | Rustam Qosimjonov | – Shahmat bo‘yicha Osiyo chempioni (1998 y.)
– Shahmat bo‘yicha Jahon chempionati kumush medal sohibi (1999 y.) – FIDE yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha jahon chempioni (2004 y.) |
Prof. Madrahimov Sh.F. |
2. | Nodira Nodirjonova | Shaxmat bo‘yicha O‘zbekiston chempioni (2017 y) | prof. A.Polatov |
3. | Maxarov Qodir Tolkunovich | Beruniy nomidagi Davlat stipendiyasi sovrindori (2009 y.) | Prof. Madrahimov Sh.F |
4. | Ibrohimova Zulayxo Ergash qizi | Mirzo Ulug‘bek nomidagi Davlat stipendiyasi sovrindori (2010 y.) | Prof. Hakimov M.X. |
5. | Raximova Mehribonu Akrom qizi | Beruniy nomidagi Davlat stipendiyasi sovrindori (2011 y.) | Dots. Maxarov T.A. |
6. | Abdikamalov Askar Baxtiyarovich | O‘zR Prezident davlat stipendiyasi sovrindori (2015 y.) | Dots.Gaynazarov S.M. |
7. | Usmonov Maxsud Tulqin o‘g‘li | “Mard o‘g‘lon” davlat mukofoti sovrindori (2023 y.) | Dots.Haytqulov B.H. |
8. | Abdurasulova Oydin Shuhratovna | O‘zR Prezident davlat stipendiyasi sovrindori (2024 y.) | Dots.Adambayev U.E. |
- Professors and teachers who won prizes and received awards (diplomas) in prestigious international and republican competitions
Professor M.Kh. Hakimov was awarded the “10 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN” badge in 2001.
The teacher of the department A.A.Djamirzaev was awarded the “20 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN” badge, established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 17, 2011.
The teacher of the department A.A.Djamirzaev was awarded the “25 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN” badge, established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 1, 2016.
Associate Professor M.Kh. In 2007, Khakimov was awarded a diploma of the II degree and a cash prize as the winner of the Republican competition “Author of the best textbook and textbook of the year” for the textbook “English-Russian-Uzbek computer science”.
In 2014, associate professors Khakimov M.Kh., Gainnazarov S.M. were awarded a diploma of the I degree and a cash prize as the winner of the Republican competition “Author of the best textbook and textbook of the year” for the textbook for higher education institutions “Database management systems”.
In 2018, Khakimov M.Kh. and in 2021, Polatov A.M. were elected corresponding members of the International Academy of Engineering.
In order to recognize and encourage the work of employees who have shown selflessness during the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020, in accordance with the Decree of the Head of our State No. PF-5999 dated May 26, 2020 “On the Establishment of the “Mehr-Sakhovat” Badge”, a truly selfless employee of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education and higher educational institutions who has shown dedication in combating the pandemic and regularly protecting the health of the population, was awarded the “Mehr-Sakhovat” badge.
The department’s core doctoral student Rakhimova Merbonu Akrom kizi was awarded a gold medal and a 1st degree diploma in the “Best Young Scientist of the CIS – 2021” project organized by the International Association of Young Scientists.
In 2023, Professor Polatov Askhad Mukhamedzhanovich was awarded the “LABOR HERO” badge by the decision of the Board of Trustees of the “Nuroniy” Foundation for Supporting the Social Activities of Veterans of Uzbekistan.
In 2024, Senior Lecturer Nig’manova Dilobar Bahramovna was awarded the “BEST STUDENT YEAR -2024” badge and the 1st degree Diploma by the “Bobek National Movement” Association of Kazakhstan.
International cooperation
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