The Department of Legal Sciences has had different names over the years of independence, due to changes and optimization of the education system. In particular, the reforms carried out in Uzbekistan are aimed at comprehensively communicating to citizens the content of the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers and other adopted regulatory legal acts. In accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 11, 2016 No. PP-2527 “On measures to further improve the activities of the National University of Uzbekistan”, changes were made to the structure of the National University of Uzbekistan, the Department of “Theory of Law” Democratic State Building and Practice. Department of “National Idea and Legal Education” 2012
June 27, based on the decision of the Academic Council of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek “On the transfer of the direction of the national idea, the foundations of spirituality and legal education, previously located at the Faculty of Philosophy, to the Faculty of Law.” Since May 12, 2014, by the order of the Rector of the National University of Uzbekistan, the department was renamed into “National Idea and Social Philosophy” as a result of the merger of the departments of “Social Philosophy” and “National Idea and Legal Education” at the faculty. Philosophy. Rector of the University 2016
According to his order of April 4, the department was named “National Idea”. Based on the order of the Rector of the University No. 01-811 dated October 4, 2019, as a result of the merger of the departments of “Theory and Practice of Democratic State Building” and “National Idea”, the department was renamed into the Department of “Civil Society and Legal Education”. By the order of the Rector of the University No. 01-285 dated September 4, 2023, the Department of “Civil Society and Legal Education” was divided into the departments of “Political Science” and “Legal Sciences”. Currently, the department is headed by Doctor of Philosophy (Ph D) Sh. Saidov.
Legal sciences
Head of the department

Fan doktori, DSc
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
In the 2024-2025 academic year, 25 full-time and 27 part-time professors will be involved in the educational process at the Department of Legal Sciences. The department employs 6 professors and teachers with a doctorate degree and 14 candidates of science. This academic year, doctoral dissertations are being prepared by professors and teachers of the research department E. Raimov, Kh. Chorieva, A. Fayzullaev, G. Aminova. Department 09.00.04-Social Philosophy
and 12.00.03-Civil Law, Business Law, Family Law, International Private Law, in total, more than 15 doctoral students, main doctoral students and independent researchers are engaged in scientific activities. Over the past 5 years, the department’s staff has published more than 150 scientific papers, including 3 textbooks, 9 teaching aids, 4 monographs, 2 electronic computer programs, and more than 100 articles published in leading domestic and foreign journals.
Topics of scientific research
# | Full name | Specialty code | Topics of scientific research |
1 | Raimov E.B. | 12.00.03- Civil law. Business law. Family law. International private law | Civil status of higher education institutions (PhD) |
2 | Choriyeva X.X. | 12.00.03- Civil law. Business law. Family law. International private law | Issues of improving guardianship and patronage relationships (PhD) |
3 | Fayzullayev A.U. | 12.00.08- Criminal law. Criminology. Criminal executive law | Criminal-legal and criminological aspects of intentional destruction or damage to property (PhD) |
4 | Amirov A.A. | 12.00.03- Civil law. Business law. Family law. International private law | Protection of consumer rights in construction participation (PhD) |
5 | Ergashev X. S.
09.00.04- Social philosophy | Socio-philosophical features of the formation of the worldview of modern youth (PhD) |
6 | Xoldarov M.T. | 09.00.04- Social philosophy | The role of the family as a social value in the new Uzbekistan (PhD) |
7 | Ismailov Sh.A. | 09.00.04- Social philosophy | Transformation of the social protection system for people with disabilities in Uzbekistan (PhD) |
International cooperation
The department actively holds methodological and practical seminars with the invitation of foreign professors and teachers.
From May 8 to 12, 2024, S.S. Agzamkhodjaeva took part as an expert in the international conference “Chinese-Uzbek Society with a Single Judge”, which was held in Xi’an jointly with the Central Asian Institute at Shaanxi Normal University. On April 29, 2024, the Director of the Religion, Law and International Relations Programme of the Oxford Regent’s Park International Research Network for third-year students of the Patent Studies program of the National University of Uzbekistan and the Editor of the Oxford Journal of Law and Religion (The master class was organized with the participation of Peter Petkoff, Editor-in-Chief of the Oxford Journal of Law and Religion and Professor at Brunel University in London.
On September 30, 2024, Li Senwei, a scholar from Shaanxi University in China, visited the Department of Legal Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences. The main purpose of the visit was to exchange views with the faculty of the department on the topic “The role of relations between Uzbekistan and China in the development of modern tourism culture.”
On October 24, 2024, the Department of Legal Sciences was visited by Professor Patrik Olsson, Department of Law and Sociology, Lund University, Sweden (75th place in the QS World University Rankings, 106th place in the THE ranking).
October 31, 2024, a meeting was held with Olga Benditskaya, Associate Professor of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), PhD in Law.
November 1, 2024, Rustamzhon Urinboev, Lecturer in the Department of Legal Sciences and Professor in the Department of Law and Sociology at Lund University, Sweden (75th place in the QS World University Rankings, 106th place in the THE ranking), will be appointed a member of the Jurisprudence Committee. A lecture on “Legal Pluralism” was held in English for first-year students of the Faculty of State and Law.