The Scientific Council No. 2 of the National University of Uzbekistan on September 28, 2017 decided to establish the Department of Social Work.
Since October 21, 2017, leading professors and teachers of the department have been teaching students in the social work bachelor’s and master’s majors.
Today, the department has 1 doctor of science, 3 associate professors, 3 doctors of philosophy (PhD), 2 senior teachers, 4 teachers.
Doctor of sociology, professor N.M. Latipova was appointed to the position of head of the department and currently works.
Professors and teachers of the Department of Social Work are working on the scientific topic “Peculiarities of social work with needy families and children”. In addition, professors-teachers of the department have their own scientific topics and are active in their creative works.
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
№ | The research professor is a teacher F.I.Sh. | Academic degree, title | The topic of the dissertation |
1. | Abdukhalilov Abdullo Abdukhamidovich | Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Sociology, Associate Professor | Improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities as a strategic direction of social policy |
2. | Alekseeva Victoria Sergeevna | Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Sociology, Associate Professor | Dynamics of social mobility of young people from low-income families |
3. | Zaitov Elyor Kholmamatovich | Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Sociology, Associate Professor | Mechanisms for improving the system of social services for the elderly in Uzbekistan |
4. | Kalanova Sabohat Muradovna | Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Sociology, Acting assistant professor | Interaction of intergenerational relations in society: consistency and contradictions |
5. | Qayumov Qahramon Nozimjonovich | Senior Lecturer | Mechanisms of management and development of social infrastructure of small towns in Uzbekistan |
6. | Ahmedov Kahramon Abdulhamid oglu | Senior Lecturer | Features of improving the quality of the training process for social work in Uzbekistan |
7. | Kamilov Farhod Oblakulovich | Teacher | Improving the system of social protect children with disabilities in Uzbekistan |
International cooperation
Department of Social Sciences collaborates with Columbia University, USA Professors Timothy Hunt and Lyudmila Kim of Columbia University,
Also, in October 2018, June 2019, and April 2020, 132-hour training classes were organized at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Uzbekistan by Sasha Graumann of the UNICEF International Organization, which implemented joint projects in cooperation with the International Organization of UNICEF. exchange of experience and internships were carried out. In particular, the Department of “Social Work” cooperates with the following organizations and has concluded cooperation agreements with them. In particular, with RBIMM (Republica Children’s Center for Social Adaptation), with the Non-Budget Pension Fund with the Tashkent City Administration, with the Tashkent City Employment General Directorate, with the Nuroni Foundation, with Muruvvat boarding house No. 1 for disabled children, O’ Agreements on mutual innovative cooperation for 2018-2022 have been signed with the Association of Disabled People of Uzbekistan, with “SOS Uzbekistan children’s neighborhoods” and with the “Social Opinion” public opinion research center. In addition, agreements on cooperation in the field of scientific research and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel for 2018-2022 were signed with the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Public Security, Fergana State University, and Samarkand State University.