The departments of “Interfaculty General Physics”, established in 1969, “Physics Teaching Methods and History” established in 1976, and “Atmospheric Physics”, which began its activities in 1955, were merged in 2005, and the department of “General Physics, Physics Teaching Methods and Atmospheric Physics” was established, and since 2011 it has been called the “General Physics” department. The Department of Physics has been operating since the foundation of the University. Famous scientists N.N. Zlatovratsky, A.E. Levashev, N.V. Krimenevsky, L.N. Dobretsov made a great contribution to the development of the work of the department. The services of the great scientists A.N. Dobretsov, S.V. Starodubsev, U.A. Arifov and G.N. Shuppel are very important in the formation of the Department of Physical Electronics. The department was founded in 1936, and it was called Experimental Physics, Electronics, Electro-Physics. Since 1957, it has been called Physical Electronics. The Department of Physical Electronics was headed by G.N. Shuppe in 1957-1966, by prof. V.I. Veksler in 1966-1972 and 1980-1991, by assoc. prof. A.A. Adilov in 1972-1980 and 1991-1993, by acad. O.Kh. Rasulev in 1993-1995. In 1995-2009, the Department was headed by assoc. prof. N. Norkulov, and in 2009-2011, by prof. U.S.H. Begimkulov.
From 1969 to 1991, the Department of “Interfaculty General Physics” was headed by prof. M.A. Ma’rupov, a prominent scientist in the field of “Physics and Chemistry of Solids”. The head of the Department of “Interfaculty General Physics” was prof. M.A. Ma’rupov’s services in improving the teaching of physics at universities and higher education in general are particularly noteworthy. He also trained about ten candidates of science and created a unique scientific school.
In 1976, on the initiative of Professor E.N. Nazirov, the Department of “Methodology and History of Physics” was established for the first time in Uzbekistan. E.N. Nazirov was appointed head of this department and devotedly worked in this position until the end of his life (1976-2004).
From 1991 to 2012, the Department of General Physics was headed by Professor U. Abdurahmanov, from 2012 to 2013, Professor A.V. Umarov, and since 2013, Associate Professor D.A. Begmatova has been working as the head of the department.
The professors and teachers of the department provide education in general physics to students of the faculties of physics, astronomy, medical physics, as well as chemistry, mathematics, computer engineering, biology, geology and soil science, and philosophy of the university. Along with scientific research, the professors and teachers pay great attention to improving the teaching methods of physics, developing scientific methodological work, creating new laboratory work and applying them in the educational process, and using technical means in the teaching process.
In recent years, the department has successfully established the Institute of Senior Research Fellows. In particular, 4 candidates of science were defended under the leadership of prof. U. Abdurakhmonov, 9 candidates of science were defended under the leadership of prof. K.A. Tursunmetov, 7 doctors of philosophy in pedagogical sciences (PhD), 1 doctor of pedagogical sciences (DSc), and 3 candidates of science were defended under the leadership of assoc. prof. D.A. Begmatova. Currently, the professors and teachers of the department are conducting scientific research with 12 basic doctoral students and independent researchers on the basis of the mentor-student system.
The department pays great attention to the preparation of textbooks, manuals and teaching materials. In particular, in 1990-2021, the department team prepared and published 7 monographs, more than 20 manuals and about 30 teaching and methodological manuals, and textbooks and a number of new educational laboratory devices were developed.
General physics
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
Scientific directions
Study of electrophysical properties of various mixtures of substances;
Problems of theoretical and experimental teaching of physics in higher educational institutions;
Study of emission and adsorption properties of metals and alloys;
Improvement of teaching methods of general physics departments and semiconductor physics.
Scientific projects implemented at the department
“Preparation of experimental samples of heat-sensitive fire alarm and receiving devices” (2003-2005)
“Creation of nanocomposite and polycomplex composites based on natural polymers” (2017-2020)
International cooperation
– Saint Petersburg Pedagogical University (Russia)
– Moscow State University (Russia)
– Chelyabinsk Pedagogical Institute (Russia)