Educational and methodological department
- 100174 University str 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
- Monday - Friday, 14:00 - 17:00
- +998 71 246-95-20
- vtopildiyev@mail.ru
Activity of educational methodical administration:
- Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on education, Presidential Decrees, Orders, Decisions, Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers,
- Decisions of the Board of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, orders, instructions, modemograms and telephonegrams, as well as the rector’s to ensure and monitor the execution of orders in faculties, departments, departments
- Delivering to students the content of decrees and decisions adopted by the President and the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Ensuring the organization of educational work based on state educational standards
- Ensuring the implementation of educational work plans of faculties and departments
- General management of all activities and employees of the Board
- To improve the quality of the lessons, to ensure and control the fulfillment of personal plans of professors and teachers
- Development of proposals for efficient use of classrooms, improvement of technical equipment of auditoriums and laboratories
- Providing and analyzing annual activity reports of faculties and departments
- Internal attestation of UzMU in the established order, preparation for external attestation and carrying out relevant work on transfer
- Preparing for the academic year and ensuring the formation of the annual work plan of the educational process
- Ensuring and controlling the distribution of the book of study loads in faculties and departments correctly and based on existing normative documents
- Ensuring the use, use and distribution of the auditorium fund at the university
- Ensuring and controlling the correct use of the soatbay fund at the university
- Ensuring the availability and storage of documents related to the educational process
- Organizing work on the creation, translation and provision of teaching-methodical sets of textbooks and educational-methodical literature in all faculties
- To ensure the training of pedagogic personnel and specialists, their retraining and professional development, the development and implementation of plans for the professional development of professors and teachers
- Providing all educational areas with curriculum and science programs
- Ensuring the organization of educational and production practice of students
- Ensuring the implementation of modern rating systems for evaluating students’ knowledge
- Ensuring the implementation of modern methods and tools for independent education of students
- To ensure the quality preparation of the issues related to the study process on the basis of the plan of the Scientific Council of UzMU within the specified period
- Providing information and reports on the activities of the department to the Ministry in a timely manner, in the established order