Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Department of Formation and Coordination of Educational programs

Head of the department for formation and coordination of educational programs


  • 100174 University str 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
  • Monday - Friday, 09:00 - 17:00
  • +998 71 246 39 63

Employees of the department:

  1. Akramov Ortiqboy Akramovich – stylist;
  2. Sadiqova Saida Abdurakhmonovna – stylist;
  3. Yuldashev  Shokhrukh Ilkhomjon’s son – stylist;
  4. Mirtursunov, son of Sirojiddin Zukhriddin, stylist;
  5. Abdurahmanov Abdumutal Abdujabbar’s son – stylist.
  6. Mirzatullayev Doston – dispatcher;

Tasks of the department:

  • State educational standards, qualification requirements, training and work curricula based on the established requirements, improvement, monitoring and control of coordination;
  • Departments keep track of educational workloads, monitor additional workloads and control coordination;
  • Forming educational programs and ensuring their compliance with international standards and educational legislation;
  • To study and plan, coordinate and analyze the distribution of academic loads performed by professors and teachers of the university, the staff schedule of professors and teachers;
  • Based on the time standards, determining the size and composition of the educational loads, educational-methodical and organizational-methodical works that the professors-teachers, department heads and faculty deans of the university must perform during the academic year;
  • Together with the faculties and departments, reviewing the departments’ working curricula, curricula of subjects and other types of academic documents;
  • Regularly improving the state educational standards, curricula, science programs in each educational field based on the experience of developed countries and the requirements of the times.