Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Directorate of Student Accommodation

Head of the Department of the Student Dormitory Directorate


  • 100174 University str 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
  • Monday - Friday, 14:00 - 17:00
  • (Oʻzbek) +998

The main document regarding the activities of the university student accommodation is the REGULATION on “Student Accommodation”. This document is based on the Decree No. 107 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of May 18, 2005 “Educational Process, Spirituality in Inculcating the Idea of ​​National Independence in the Mind of Students in Higher and Secondary Special Vocational Educational Institutions” – Order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education No. 11 “Student ) was developed on the basis of the order “On the approval of the new version of regulatory documents related to the activity of residences”.
The student residence operates on the basis of the internal regulations of the university, the regulation on “Student residence”, the work plan of the “Student Council” of the TTJ. All the documents are approved by the management of the institute and are available in the student accommodation. The University Student Residence consists of 11 buildings with 5,000 seats, and currently 5,600 students live there. The current repair works have been carried out in the TTJ.
All rooms are equipped with hard and soft beds, furniture, room equipment (beds, folders). Landscaping works are carried out on a regular basis. Among them, decorative trees, annual and perennial flower seedlings were planted, trees and sidewalks were decorated.
All equipment is in good condition, sanitary condition is good, fire safety requirements are being followed. The study hall, the spiritual and enlightenment room, the medical and educators’ rooms are located on the first floor of the “Student Residence”. Kitchen, toilet, washroom, shower are located on the right and left sides of each floor. There are modern TVs on every floor. The “Spirituality and Enlightenment” room is equipped. All orders and plans of activities related to the student residence, as well as news about the life of the student residence, are posted here in the window of regulations and announcements.
Temporary registration of students living in student accommodation is carried out based on the established procedure. For this, the student applies to the vice-rector for work with youth. After approval by the vice-rector, the passport officer of “Student Residence” temporarily registers students based on the rules established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. “Student Council” consisting of active and social students is functioning in order to organize student self-management in TTJs. A meeting of Council members is held once every two weeks. At the meetings, issues such as conditions in the student accommodation, compliance of students with internal discipline, duty of students in the student accommodation, preparations for various holidays held here are discussed. At the same time, there are “Floor Captains” on each floor.
Faculty deans, deputy deans for working with youth, professors and trainers are involved in educational work in the university student accommodation. Chairs of the institute are assigned to be in charge of each room in the student accommodation, and educational work with students is regularly carried out by them.
The university management, the administration of the student accommodation, the primary organization of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan and the university departments organize various spiritual-educational, educational events, meetings, and roundtable discussions based on the wishes and wishes of the students.
In order to meaningfully spend free time of the students living in the student residence of the university and to organize a healthy lifestyle among them, various sports clubs operate in the sports hall of the student residence. Also, language clubs, computer literacy clubs, cookery clubs, housekeeping clubs, art hobby clubs are being organized based on students’ wishes and suggestions.