Allaberdiyev Rustamjon Xamrayevich – Dean of the faculty 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9
E-mail: zikirov_os@nuu.uz

Eshonqulov Otabek Donyorovich – Deputy Dean 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9

Xurramov Nodir Norboy o’g’li – Deputy Dean 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9

On March 5, 2020, according to paragraph 14 (training of personnel in the field of Ecology and Environmental Protection) of the 19th meeting statement “on the issues of radical reform of the Ecology and environmental protection system in the Republic of Uzbekistan” by the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Faculty of “Ecology” was established as part of the National University of Uzbekistan
The Faculty of ecology is the youngest in the university, as well as the only one in Central Asia.
Bachelor’s degree – duration of study – 4 years
•5630100- Ecology and Environmental Protection (by sectors)
Master’s degree – duration of study – 2 years
5А630102 – Ecology (by sectors)
Doctorate and base doctorate – duration of study – 3 years
Special skill:
03.00.10 – Ecology
Student contingent
Bachelor’s degree daytime Department-204 people
Bachelor’s degree correspondence Department-208 persons
Master’s degree-23
Base doctoral student – 9
Structure of professors and teachers
Doctor of Science and professors-6
Candidate of Science and associate professors-16
Department of Ecology–Since 1990 the Department of Hydrobiology and ichthyology has been named as the Department of Ecology and ichthyology for the purpose of training specialists of Ecology.
Scientific theme of department:
– Scientific justification of resistance of plants to drought, industrial waste.
– To study the ecology of beneficial medicinal plants and to establish a community of plants on the lands subjected to degradation.
– Ecological classification of plants of the Adir and steppe regions in Uzbekistan systematic analysis of structural – functional and biological signs.
– Study of the ecology of hydrobonds in Uzbekistan.
– Scientific work is carried out on the topics of sustainable use of Nature, Ecology of Cities, Sustainable Development.
Department of Environmental monitoring – Established on the initiative of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020.
Scientific theme of department:
– Rational use of Environmental Facilities and restoration of biological resources.
– Improvement of Environmental Protection and environmental monitoring system.
– Rational use of natural resources, as well as development of technologies for processing of non-exhaust and low-output technologies in production, as well as mining and processing enterprises’ wastes. Currently, a total of 435 students (204 in the directions of Bachelor’s education, 23 in the specialties of Master’s degree, 208 in correspondence education) are studying at the faculty.