Lalikhon Ashuralievna – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
71 246-67-72
lalixon@list.ru, lalixonm@gmail.com
Ethics and aesthetics in Uzbekistan have for centuries served the development of society and the stability of the country. We can particularly note the services of philosophers, literary critics and art critics in the development of these sciences. Academician Ibrahim Muminov has made a great contribution to the further development of these disciplines in our country. Ibrahim Muminov had been creating the aesthetic sector in the system of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan since the 1960s. The first graduate students were admitted there and a number of young people were sent to study in Moscow. Students who studied in Moscow successfully defended their dissertations in the field of aesthetics, philosophy and art history.
Taking into account the need for ethics and aesthetics in our country, in 1986 a separate interdepartmental department of “Ethics and Aesthetics” was established at Tashkent State University.
For more than twenty years, the department was headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Hojimurod Rasulov (1986-1988), Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Mahmudjon Nurmatov (1988-1993), Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor Ibodulla Ergashev (1993-1994). Candidate of Philological Sciences, People’s Writer of Uzbekistan Muhammad Ali (1994-1996), Associate Professor Abdulla Sher (1996-1997), Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Erkin Umarov (1997-2002), Associate Professor Abdulla Sher (2004-2005), Philosophy Doctor of Sciences Oknazar Kurbanmamadov (2005-2006), Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor Husanov Bahodir (2006-2017). Since the 2017 academic year, the department has been headed by the candidate of philosophical sciences, professor Lalikhon Ashuralievna Muhammadjanova.
Initially, the department began its work with 7 teachers, but today there are 9 professors and teachers in 7 states. There are 3 candidates of sciences, 3 PhDs, 3 senior teachers, 2 teachers and 1 trainee-researcher and 3 senior researchers.
The independence of our country has created ample opportunities for scientific research in the field of aesthetics and ethics. Currently, research is being conducted on the basis of trainee-researcher-researcher and senior researcher in the specialty 09.00.04-Aesthetics. In 2000 he opened a master’s degree in 5A220303-Aesthetics, in 2005 a master’s degree in 5A 220304-Ethics. In 2011, these specialties were merged and the specialty 5A 120503-Ethics and Aesthetics was opened and talented students were admitted to it. From 2020, all fields were merged and the specialty 5A120501 Philosophy (by fields) was opened and talented students were admitted to it.
Ensuring continuity and continuity of higher education and secondary special vocational education in the implementation of the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” and the “National Training Program” Improving the effectiveness of education, research and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel wider involvement of students in research institutions (undergraduate and graduate) in research work, ensuring the effective integration of science and education, the rapid development of science in educational institutions and the training of competitive personnel on this basis.
For this purpose, the department closely cooperates with the following institutes of the Republic of Uzbekistan, higher and secondary special vocational education institutions, state and public organizations.
System of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Institute of Philosophy and Law named after I. Muminov
Institute of Art History of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan.
Higher and secondary special educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Uzbek State Institute of Arts, Faculty of Art History and Man-made Arts.
Tashkent State Technical University, Department of “Fundamentals of Spirituality and the Idea of National Independence.”
Samarkand State University, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities.
National Institute of Art and Design, Faculty of Applied Arts.
National Institute of Art and Design, Faculty of Fine Arts.
National Institute of Art and Design, Faculty of Design.
Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction.
Faculty of Orchestral Instruments of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan.
Faculty of Oriental Music, State Conservatory of Uzbekistan.
Faculty of Composition, Musicology and Piano, State Conservatory of Uzbekistan.
Faculty of Variety Arts of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan.
Faculty of Singing and Choir Conducting, State Conservatory of Uzbekistan.
Secondary special vocational education institutions
Tashkent Construction Communal Vocational College, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Tashkent city Yunusabad Professional College of Design, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Academic Lyceum No. 2 under the National University of Uzbekistan, Academic Lyceum named after S. Sirojiddinov and Academic Lyceums Zangiota
The system of public organizations
Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, International Charitable Foundation “For Healthy Alad” Scientific-educational, popular, decorative monthly magazine “For Healthy Generation”.
Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbektheatre Creative and Production Association. Literary-artistic, information-advertising magazine “Theater”.
Magazine “Art” of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan.
At the beginning of the department’s activity, the university taught only 2 subjects – ethics and aesthetics, but today it teaches 10 subjects in bachelor’s degree and 13 subjects in master’s specialties.
Thanks to the efforts of the leadership of the Faculty of Philosophy and teachers of the department, the number and scope of subjects taught in the bachelor’s degree has further expanded. In recent years, the Faculty of History has a bachelor’s degree in “Culture of Communication”, the Faculty of Philosophy has a bachelor’s degree in “Philosophy of Art”, “Spiritual Foundations of Art”, “Teacher’s Speech Culture”, “Oratory”, “Philosophy of Morality” and “Philosophy” , “Etiquette”, “Bioethics”, “History of Ethics and Aesthetics”, “Theoretical Foundations of Ethics and Aesthetics”, “Ethical and Aesthetic Culture”, “Management Ethics”, “Environmental, Design and Technical Aesthetics”, “National Ethics” Aesthetic values ”,“ Applied ethics and etiquette ”,“ Ethical mysticism ”,“ Methods of teaching ethics and aesthetics ”. Also, the Faculty of Philosophy introduced a course work for 2nd year students in the field of philosophy “Ethics”, for 3rd year students in the field of “Philosophy of Fine Arts”, which led to positive changes in the attitude of students to science.
Much attention was paid to the transfer of lessons on the basis of modern pedagogical technologies. All members of the department have improved their skills in modern pedagogical technologies over the past three years. As a result, modern pedagogical technologies in such disciplines as “Ethics”, “Aesthetics”, “Philosophy of Art”, “Philosophy of Morality”, “Oratory”, methods such as “Cluster”, “Brainstorming”, “Press Conference”, “FSMU”, “Quickbeat”, “Working with groups” are used effectively.
Also, for students of the bachelor’s degree department of the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy, Associate Professor Abdullah Sher introduced the writing of academic essays on the subject of “Philosophy of Morality.” This gives the student effective results in independent thinking, scientific interpretation of the object of the problem, the development of artistic thinking, a deep understanding of the events around him.
The activities of the department with students are wide-ranging. This activity is determined by the scope of the educational process, research work, spiritual and educational work. Although the department is not a department that prepares graduates in the field of education, each year, according to the wishes of students, professors and teachers of the department supervise more than 20 qualifying works.
Especially important is the fact that the content of the subjects taught by teachers of the department is directly related to the spiritual and educational processes, as well as the basic knowledge of the leading professors and teachers of the department in the field of art, literature, culture, spirituality. In particular, Associate Professor Lalikhon Muhammadjanova as the chairman of the Women’s Committee of the National University of Uzbekistan is an organizer and active participant in all spiritual and educational work. Professor Erkin Umarov, as a member of the Uzbek Theater Creative Association, has been giving practical advice on performances at the Nihol and Hazina festivals at the University. Senior teacher Dilbar Kadyrova as a member of the Union of Composers of the Republic of Uzbekistan closely assists in the selection and preparation of students for the song contest “Uzbekistan Vatanim-manim”, which is held at the University and throughout the country. Associate Professor Abdulla Sher, a member of the Union of Writers and Journalists of Uzbekistan, as a well-known poet, holds a series of meetings with students of the University.
Senior Lecturer Nilufar Agzamova, as a course tutor and teacher, their valuable advice helps to guide students in the right direction, to determine the right way of life.
In addition, the scientific work of professors and teachers of the department, published in the field of spiritual and moral issues, is significant. In particular, Professor E. Umarov’s “Language and the image of speech”, Ph.D. B. Husanov’s “Days of spirituality at the National University of Uzbekistan: experience and problems”, Associate Professor L. Muhammadjanova’s “Family spirituality – a mirror of society”, senior teacher N. Agzamova’s The role of the art of music in educating young people on the basis of the ideas of tolerance “has a special place in the process of spiritual and moral education.
Research works are studied in the field of history of aesthetic thinking, general issues of aesthetics, global problems of modern aesthetics. To date, our graduate students, doctoral students and researchers have conducted a number of research papers and defended dissertations in conjunction with aesthetics and its branches, ethics and its modern teachings, culture and its universal principles.
In 2020, the department opened a specialty 5A 120501 Philosophy (types of fields) at the Department of Ethics and Aesthetics 20 masters are studying.
The master’s degree of the department is formed on the basis of the development and implementation of state educational standards that define the necessary requirements for the quality of cultural, spiritual and moral level of high level of training of students.
2. Subjects taught at the department, for the baccalaureate
№ | Discipline | Brief information about the discipline |
1 | Philosophy of ethics | The purpose of teaching the discipline is the scientific-theoretical study and philosophical substantiation of the characteristics of the inheritance of moral thinking, their stages of development, the role of morality in the life of the individual, civil society and the state, moral understanding, structural aspects of morality and their philosophical essence. |
2 | Philosophy of aesthetics | Hereditary features of aesthetical thinking, their stages of development, the role of refinement in the life of the individual, civil society and the state, subtle understanding, structural aspects of refinement and their philosophical essence from the scientific and theoretical point of view. |
3 | Rhetorics | to improve students’ speech, to develop the ability to express themselves freely and fluently in interpersonal and community interactions, to scientifically and theoretically substantiate the essence and significance of public speaking as an art. |
4 | Art of Oratory | – a discipline that studies and teaches the laws, secrets, language norms, qualities of speech, speech techniques, and possible speech defects, and the solution of pronunciation problems in practice. possession is becoming a necessity. |
2. Subjects taught at the department, for the Master’s Studies
№ | Discipline | Brief information about the discipline |
1 | Philosophy of society, ethics and values | To give students an idea of the philosophy of society, ethics and values and its specific features, principles, criteria, to scientifically and theoretically substantiate the importance of moral values in the life of civil society and the state. |
2 | Applied ethics and aesthetics | The discipline of “Applied Ethics and Aesthetics” is one of the important factors in the moral and aesthetic education of future philosophers who master the philosophical sciences. Within the framework of this subject, students analyze the peculiarities of moral and aesthetic criteria in society and human relations. The science program plays a unique role in understanding the practical aspects of ethics and aesthetics. |
3 | Image of Civil Servant Ethics | to give students an idea of management ethics and its specific features, principles, criteria, to scientifically and theoretically substantiate the importance of management ethics and managerial image in the life of civil society and the state. |
4 | Analytical Aesthetics | that aesthetic analysis is one of the most important requirements and needs today, philosophical-aesthetic analysis of the role of the aesthetic environment in the life of the individual and society, to explain the aesthetic aspects. To develop the worldview of masters on aesthetic processes, to teach them to explain and analyze the essence of sophistication in the science of aesthetics, life, production, nature. |
5 | Etiquette | Includes the substantiation to the MA students of the moral and aesthetic essence of etiquette, as well as the scientific and theoretical study and philosophical substantiation of the practical significance of the origin of etiquette and its role in human relations. |
- Researchers and Dissertations
№ | Name of researcher and the faculty | Academic degree, title | Title of the Dissertation |
1 | Muhammedjanova Lalikhon Ashuralievna | Head of department Candidate of philosophical sciences, professor | Маърифатпарвар шоиралар Дилшоди Барно ва Анбар отиннинг Ижтимоий ахлоқий қарашлари |
2 | Kodirova Dilbar Salikhovna | Candidate of philosophical sciences, acting professor | Санъатнинг умумназарий масалаларида эстетик меъёр ва мезонлар таҳлили. |
3 | Agzamova Nilufar Shuhratovna | Candidate of philosophical sciences, acting professor | Место музыки в эстетической концепции восточных перипатетиков (на примере творчества Аль Фараби и Ибн Сина) |
4 | Shadimetova Gulshehra Mamirovna | Senior Lecturer, PhD | Миллий байрамларнинг эстетик хусусиятлари |
5 | Tulyaev Avaz Ilhamovich | Senior Lecturer, PhD | Виртуал оламнинг ахлоқий муаммолари (фалсафий таҳлил) |
6 | Abduazimova Zarina Amirovna | Senior Lecturer, PhD | “Глобаллашув жараёнида экологик ахлоқни шакллантиришга концептуал ёндашув” |
7 | Khalilov Raufkhon Rakhimjon ogli | Doctoral Researcher | Бунёдкорлик- миллий естетик тараққиёт феномини |
8 | Kipchokov Hamidjon Gulomovich | Doctoral Researcher | Давлат хизматчилари фаолиятида ижтимоий жавобгарликнинг ахлоқий асослари |
9 | Nurullaeva Zulhumor Sidamatovna | Doctoral Researcher | Мақом санатининг бадиий естетик моҳияти |
10 | Rajabov Shuhrat Sheralievich | Doctoral Researcher | Шахс естетик еҳтиёжларининг кибермакондаги трансформацияси |
11 | Alimov Sardor Komil ogli | Doctoral Researcher | Аҳоли миграцияси ижтимоий-ахлоқий муҳит трансформацияси омили сифатида |
12 | Sherova Dilorom Abdullaevna | Independent Researcher | Уйғунликнинг фалсафий-естетик ҳусусуийтлари (Меъморлик санати мисолида) |
13 | Khudoykulov Dostmurod Khidirovich | Independent Researcher | Соҳибқирон Амир Темур ахлоқ фалсафасининг замонавий талқини |
14 | Toshpolatova Shirin Muhitdinova | Independent Researcher | Давлат хизматчисини тайёрлашда касбий-ахлоқий компитентликни шакллантиришга концептуал ёндашув |
2. Information on local and foreign partners
- Members of the Department
№ | Name | |
1 | Muhammedjanova Lalikhon Ashuralievna | l.muxamadjonova@nuu.uz |
2 | Kodirova Dilbar Salikhovna | d.salixovna@nuu.uz |
3 | Agzamova Nilufar Shuhratovna | n.agzamova@nuu.uz |
4 | Shadimetova Gulshehra Mamirovna | g.shodimetova@nuu.uz |
5 | Tulyaev Avaz Ilhamovich | a.tulyayev@nuu.uz |
6 | Abduazimova Zarina Amirovna | z.abduazimova@nuu.uz |
7 | Inagamova Feruza | f.inagamova@nuu.uz |
8 | Jamolov Davron | d.jamolov@nuu.uz |
9 | Alimov Sardor Komil ogli | s.alimov@nuu.uz |
6. Scientific laboratories (if any).
7.Clubs and circles – Debate club “Oratory”
8. You can provide additional information depending on the nature of the department