The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek is the first and leading higher education institution not only in Uzbekistan, but also in Central Asia: 15 faculties, 80 chairs, 16 joint education programs, The number of graduates is 200,000+

Department of fundamentals of philosophy and spirituality

Head of the department - Doctor of Science, DSc Shermukhamedova Nigina Arslonovna

100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4

Wednesday - Friday, 15:00 - 17:00

+998 71 227-13-91

History of the department: According to the decision No. 42, in September 1, 1991 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education the department of "World Culture and History" was established within the National University of Uzbekistan (then Tashkent State University, National University of Uzbekistan). In 1999, the department was renamed the Department of "Fundamentals of Spirituality." On February 10, 2005 by the decision of the Council of the National University of Uzbekistan the departments of "Fundamentals of Spirituality" and "Religion" were merged, the department of "Fundamentals of Spirituality and Religion" was established and operated until 2019.

Heads of departments: From 1991 to 2019 the head of the department was, prof. A.Abdusamedov (1991-1995),, E. Gulmetov (1996-1997);, docent Sh.Shoabdurakhimova (1998-1999), d.h.s., prof. M.Abdurahmonov (2000-2016),, prof. M.Nurmatova (2016-2017),, prof. O.Nishanova (2017-2018), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) A.Tashanov (2018-2019), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) F.Bozarova (2019-2020).

Current activities of the department: On November 4, 2019 by the decision of the University Council was renamed the Department of "Fundamentals of Philosophy and Spirituality." Since 2019, Ph.D., prof. N.A. Shermuhamedova is the head of the department "Fundamentals of Philosophy and Spirituality".

The structure of the department: consists of 12 staff units, including 4 doctors of sciences, professors, one candidate of sciences, associate professors, 3 doctors of philosophy (PhD). Scientific potential 73%, average age is 41.

Members of the department:, prof. N.A.Shermuxamedova,, prof. M.A.Nurmatova,, substitutor of  prof.  O.J.Nishonova, substitutor of, N.B.Abdullaeva,, docent,  B.X.Jalilov,  PhD,  substitutor of docent FG Bozarova, Ph.D., senior teacher U. Makhamov, Ph.D., senior teacher Yu.Q. Yusubov, teachers Yu.Namozova, B.Yalgashev, G.Ikramova scientists and experienced educators are working effectively.

Educational affairs

The department prepares staff for the bachelor’s degree program "Philosophy" (full-time, part-time and part-time), "Philosophy (by industry)" and Master’s degree in "Cultural Studies".

Subjects taught in the bachelor’s degree program "Philosophy": "Introduction to Philosophy", "Ontology and Epistemology", "Philosophy of Spirituality", "Philosophy of Religions", "Philosophy of Existence and Development". Theory of Knowledge ”,“ Fundamentals of Globalization ”,“ Philosophy and Methodology of Science ”,“ Philosophy of Culture ”;

Disciplines taught in the specialty "Philosophy (by field)": "Scientific research methodology", "Philosophy of Science", "Human Philosophy", "Technical Philosophy", "Semiotics", "Philosophical Innovations: Concepts and Approaches";

 The subjects taught in the specialty "Cultural Studies": "Theory and History of Culture", "Ethnoculture", "Media Culture", "Management Culture", "Professional Culture", "Religious Culture".

In addition, professors and teachers of the department conduct lectures and seminars in Uzbek and Russian on the subject of "Religion" in the first block of the Social and Human Sciences curriculum of all undergraduate programs of the university.

Educational and methodical affairs:

Professors and teachers of the department have published textbooks in all disciplines for students of bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

In particular, bachelor’s degree programs in "Introduction to Philosophy", "Philosophy of Existence and Development", "Gnoseology", "Philosophy of Natural Sciences", "Methods of teaching philosophy", "Philosophy of Religions", "Theology", "Religious studies".

Textbooks and manuals for scientific specialists "Methodology of Scientific Research", "Philosophy of Science", "Philosophy of Technology", "Human Philosophy", "Semiotics", "Ethno culture" have been published.

The department published 6 manuals, 8 guidelines for the systematic organization of the educational process: (Preparation of master’s dissertations for specialists in "Cultural Studies", "Preparation of graduate work for undergraduate students of national ideas, spirituality and law", "Bachelor and Guidelines for course work and independent study for master’s students".

The Coordinating Council of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan received 17 certificates and 4 patents for the publication of textbooks, prepared 178 video lessons.

Scientific research works:

The department works in two research areas: "Philosophical innovations: conceptual and methodological approaches" and "Religious, spiritual, cultural values​​of the Uzbek people and the present."

Within the framework of the directions, full-time doctoral studies in the specialties 09.00.01 - Ontology, Gnoseology and Logic "and 09.00.02 - Forms of Consciousness, Culture and Practice" are organized, as well as independent researchers and researchers.

5 basic doctoral students, 8 independent researchers and 1 Turkish citizen are working as independent researchers.

In 2020, within the framework of a cooperation agreement with the Kazakh National University named after al-Farobi, 2 doctoral students were trained in theology from February 3 to March.

Results of scientific research: 5 international, 3 republican monographs (4 in collaboration), 25 international journals, including 10 articles in Scopus database and 21 republican journals included in the list of HAC, as well as abstracts in more than 50 national and international conferences in 2017-2020.

Published 1 dictionary (explanation of the basic concepts and terms used in the activities of higher education institutions), 3 brochures ("Raising a healthy generation - the need of the hour", "Dear and only you, my dear Uzbekistan!").

 Activity of professors and teachers of the department in international databases:  in Scopus-12, in RINTs-10, in Google Scholar - 82 and in Researche Gate - 23, in Ziyonet - 5 articles.

 Scientific potential of the department: 1 Doctor of Sciences in 2017-2020 (N.Abdullaeva "Immanent features of design in the development of artistic and aesthetic culture" (2017) 5 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): (F. Bozarova "Transformation of the categories of beauty and glory in the aesthetics of Immanuel Kant" (2018), Yo. Ernazarova "Harmony of professional and moral culture in personal activity" (2018) , B.Mamatyusupov “Transformation of moral and legal values ​​in the development of civil society” (2018), U.Mkamhov “Dialogue - a methodological factor in explaining social processes” (2019), J.Yusubov “Spiritual and moral maturity and personal perfection of Abu Nasr Farobi (2020) successfully defended their dissertations

International cooperation: In the 2019-2020 academic year, agreements have been signed with higher education institutions of Dagestan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and the French Research Center. Within the framework of the agreement, the head of the department of Dagestan State University, Ph.D., Professor M. Bilalov, Professor of Sarbona University of France A. Fishler, Professor of Kazakh National University T. Gabitov, Professor of the Department of Social Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor A. Gezalov, Professor of the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Ayaajon Sagi kyzy organized an international scientific seminar as part of master classes and Science Week.

International and national conferences: During 2017-2020, professors and teachers of the department participated in international conferences in France, Japan, Turkey, Sweden, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Russia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

 Also, in the 2019-2020 academic years, the department organized 1 international and 1 national conference, as well as participated in the organization of 3 international conferences, 2 international seminars, and 3 national conferences.

Scientific-public works: All professors and teachers of the department are members of the Russian Philosophical Society, Professor N.Shermukhamedova is a member of the Presidium of the Russian Philosophical Society.

 Professor N. Shermuhamedova is the editor-in-chief of the international journal "Philosophy and Life" and a member of the editorial board of 6 international journals.

Members of the Scientific Council: Head of the Department, Professor N. Shermuhamedova acting Chairman of the Scientific Council on Philosophy at the National University of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) U.Makhamov Secretary of the Scientific Council, Professor M.Nurmatova, Professor O.Nishonova, Professor N.Abdullaeva, members of the Board, as well as Professor O.Nishonova, Professor N.Abdullaeva is a member of the council and seminar on national ideas, political science.

Professor N.Shermukhamedova is a member of the Scientific Council and seminar on philosophy at SamSU.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) J. Yusubov is the Secretary of the Scientific and Technical Council for "History and Social Sciences" under the Ministry of Innovation Development.

Teacher-student system

In the 2019-2020 academic year, an art evening was organized on the occasion of the birthdays of A.Navoi and Z.M.Babur under the auspices of Ghazalkhan’s youth.

In 2017-2020, 3 students won the Republican Science Olympiad on "Religion". An essay contest on "I am against religious extremism and terrorism," "We are against corruption," and "From National Revival to National Rise" is being organized.

Pardaev Sultanmurod is the winner of the republican contest "The plague of the century of corruption" and "My country".


Names of professors and teachers Position
1 Shermukhamedova Niginaxon Arslanovna Head of the department,Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor
2 Nishonova Ozoda Djaloliddinovna  Doctor of Philosophy,Substitutor of Professor
3  Abdullaeva Nasiba Boronovna  Doctor of Philosophy,Substitutor of Professor
4 Djalilov Bakhtiyor Khidaevich  Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor
5 Bozorova Feruza Gaybullaevna Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),Substitutor of docent
6 Mahkamov Ulugbek Abdugapporovich Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),senior teacher
7 Yusubov Jaloliddin Qadamovich Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),senior teacher
8 Namozova Yulduz Muzaffarovna  Teacher
9 Yalgashev Bunyod Mahmudovich  Teacher
10 Ikramova Gulnora Muzaffarovna Teacher