Djafarova Dildora – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 9
History of department
In 1962 in the roman-german philology faculty of Tashkent University English and german language department existed initially. From the year 1963 students were started to be accepted to study in French language department. In 1966 French language department was created and in 1972 latin language area was opened under the French language department.
In the beginning a person called A.A. Kraheninnikov managed the department (between 1963 and 1969) after that following heads managed by oreder: F.F.N, A.Umarov(1984-988), F.F.D.Professor, A.E.Mamat
(2002-2003); high position teachers A. C.Asqarov, V.V.Magidovich, M. Mirxoliqovlar(1988-2005).
In 1972 under the head of E.F.Vaganov latin language department opened under the French philology department. Besides that not only roman-german philology faculty but also history faculty were applied. Between 1968 and 1984 French professionals worked in French philology department of Uzbekstan and they assisted overwhelmingly to make knowledgeable professionals grow up.
A group of teachers of the department added their parts by gaining high positions. For example:A.E.Mamatov(1991, doctor), Sh.xaydarov(1972), A.U.Umarov(1972),Yu.S.Muratova(1982), F.S. Salimova(1997).
In 2004 Sh.I.Isakova did a dissertation and from 2005 she started her job as a manager of the department. The former managers of the department were these following names: high teacher Kurbonova G.S(2010-2012) and between 2013and2018 F.F.D, professor P.X Shirinova.
Today’s performance French philology department
Today in this department students are taught in two areas: first is philology and teaching languages(French language) and second is the theory of translation and it’s practice(French language). In general in both bachelor and masters fields 190 student study over all.
In 2020-2021 study periods in French philology department of foreign philology faculty of UzNU 4 professor teachers work based on exchanging over the main 21 states.
The subjects that are taught in bachelor and masters differentiate thiw each other it means they are separated
The list of subjects are taught to students in bachelor degree
№ | Name of the subject | Brief information on the subject given |
1 | The introduction of linguistics | The introduction of linguistics is the main concept of the subject. The supplement of knowledge about categories, to make generating of how to put the knowledge in practice. |
2 | The independent learning skills | A foreign language is used and studied in a purely modern information technology |
3 | Practical phonetics | Improving the functional forms and methods of the studied foreign language, practical and theoretical knowledge of the language, as well as ensuring that they can freely apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in professional and scientific activities. |
4 | The aspect of learning language | Integrated teaching of four foreign language skills and ensuring that they can use a foreign language fluently as a means of communication |
5 | The second foreign language | To teach the analysis of communicative, linguistic, sociological, discursive, strategic, professional, cultural skills of the second foreign language and to use an integrated, communicative approach. |
6 | The Communicative grammar | The aim is to improve students’ practical and theoretical knowledge of the grammar of the language within the professional direction and to ensure that they can freely use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in professional activities. |
7 | The introduction of literature | To provide knowledge about the essence, characteristics, ways of development of literature, literary works and literary events, and to develop skills of literary analysis. |
8 | Lecsicology | The formation of knowledge about the active use of a number of words and phrases and changes in the meanings of words, the ability to give full information about it is to ensure the acquisition of knowledge, skills. |
9 | The subject of country | Formation of skills and abilities through theoretical and practical training, information on the structure, power, history of the French state |
10 | The communication over the cultures | Forming the idea of culture as a system that covers all aspects of human life, including its communicative activities. |
11 | The geography of Uzbekistan | Teaching and inculcating in our students the millennial history of the Republic of Uzbekistan and our people, the latest achievements of modern civilization, the spiritual riches, traditions, economy, culture, scientific achievements of our country, its current life and prospects for development. |
12 | The language of social media | To form an understanding of the style of modern media, the language of the media, the formation of skills in analyzing the grammatical structure of the media and media texts, their lexical-semantic and morphological-syntactic features. |
13 | The method of teaching languages | Development of practical skills, formation of basic professional skills, formation of educational, pedagogical, practical and developmental goals of the lesson, selection and preparation of teaching materials on the topic, lesson plan and syllabus, questions and assignments, surveys and evidence-based assessment of students’ independent work organization, focusing on the analysis of colleagues and their own lessons. |
14 | The culture of teacher’s communication | It helps them to develop a culture of speech, to learn the secrets of speech, to speak and write correctly in accordance with the norms of literary language, to use lexical and grammatical units of language appropriately and purposefully. |
15 | Theoretical phonetics and theoretical grammar | Creating opportunities for the acquisition of knowledge about the nature of natural language, the formation of skills in the scientific study of the internal structure of language, its levels and units |
16 | The subject of Styles | In addition to studying various types of communication, including traditional, artistic and scientific communication, it is necessary to have communication skills in business relations (business, marketing, management) . |
17 | The history of learning language | Origin of the studied language, etymology of words, history of development of phraseological units, teaching spelling changes |
18 | The introduction of roman filology | The novel is a study of the relationship, origin and place of French, Spanish, Italian and other languages in the family of languages. |
19 | The theory of translation and it’s practice | The first schools of translation are the formation of knowledge, skills and competencies of translation scholars who have contributed to the development of science and the modern school of translation, as well as the development of translation. |
20 | World literature | Theoretical knowledge, practical skills, understanding of literary events and processes at the global level, correct interpretation and formation of the scientific worldview, knowledge of the content and essence of literary-theoretical laws and concepts, teaching their correct application in the process of literary analysis. |
21 | The motivation for linguistics | Providing knowledge about the types and categories of motivation, the formation of students’ ability to apply knowledge in practice |
22 | Comparative typology | Classification, systematization and generalization of language systems and analysis of problems of comparative-typological study of phonetic, morphological, lexical, syntactic and semantic systems relevant to all levels of language |
23 | Foreign language method for profession | focus on analyzing colleagues, and their own lessons. |
24 | The literature Of learning language | Working with fiction created in various works in French, getting acquainted with literary critical materials and expanding their skills in the field of translation |
The list of subjects for the students of masters degree
№ | Name of the subject | Breif information on subject given |
1 | MODERN LINGUISTIC | Methods of linguistic analysis and the necessary terms and concepts related to them, as well as the creation of these methods, their stages of development, the founders and the scientific nature of scientific concepts. |
2 | The methods of linguistic analyzing | Methods of linguistic analysis and the necessary terms and concepts related to them, as well as the creation of these methods, their stages of development, the founders and the scientific nature of scientific concepts. |
3 | Comparative Linguistics | It consists of teaching students the theoretical foundations of their knowledge of comparative linguistics, its basic concepts and terminological apparatus, the problems of categorization, methods and principles of comparison. |
4 | The bases of lexicology | formation and improvement of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the profile of the specialty on methodological principles, current problems and basic concepts of lexicography, as well as the development of research skills in the field of basics of lexicography. |
5 | The bases of lingoculture | formation and improvement of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the profile of the specialty on methodological principles, current problems and basic concepts of linguoculturology, as well as the development of research skills in modern linguistics. |
6 | Psycholinguistica | formation of scientific knowledge, skills and competencies in accordance with the profile of the specialty on the methodological principles, current problems and basic concepts of the basics of psycholinguistics. . |
7 | Sementimentika | to acquaint students with the basic theoretical concepts of language, methods and approaches to learning a foreign language, the role of language in the system of scientific knowledge, to teach them the basic laws of language levels observed in the process of speech communication. |
8 | The important issues of comparative phraseology | formation of students’ theoretical foundations of knowledge of comparative phraseology, its basic concept and terminological apparatus, problems of categorization, skills of application of methods of comparative linguistics. |
9 | The linguistics of text | formation and improvement of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the profile of the specialty on the methodological, principles, basic problems and basic concepts of text linguistics, as well as the development of research skills in the field of text linguistics. |
10 | Progmalinguistika | Formation and improvement of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the profile of the specialty on the methodological principles, current problems and basic concepts of pragmalinguistics, as well as the development of research skills in modern linguistics. |
11 | Sociology | |
12 | Corpus linguistics | корпус лингвистикаси методологик, тамойиллари, базавий муаммолари ва асосий тушунчалари бўйича мутахассислик профилига мос илмий билим, кўникма ва малакаларни шаклланти It consists of giving masters an idea of such areas of modern linguistics as linguistics, sociology, social psychology, ethnography, as well as the development of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the methodological principles, current problems and basic concepts of the discipline. review and improve, as well as develop research skills in the field of corpus linguistics. |
13 | The method of teaching special subjects | The methodology, methodology, theoretical and practical bases of teaching special subjects in the system of higher education, acquaintance with modern pedagogical and psychological knowledge necessary for their further pedagogical and research activity. |
- About researchers and scientific projects
№ | Researcher professor teacher Full Name | Scientifi range, position | Theme of dissertation |
1 | Jafarova Dildora Ilxomovna | (PhD) Assocciate professor | Linguistic notes of phraseological units that record historical memory in French and Uzbek |
2 | O’rmonova Nigora Mo’minovna | F.F.N Assocciate Professor | A comparative study of the development of literary translation in the years of independence (on the example of French-Uzbek translation) |
3 | Qurbonova Gulsara Sodiqovna | PhD, Assocciate Professor | The re-creation of Eastern culture and philosophical views in literary translation (on the example of the works of Amin Maaluf and Montesquieu) |
4 | Otaqulov Nobir Baxromaliyevich | PhD | Linguistic features of mesurotic phraseology in French, Uzbek and Russian |
5 | Ismatov Sarvar Sadullayevich | F.F.N Assocciate Professor | Linguopoetic study of the text of French folk heroic epics |
6 | Umarova Sayyora Sobitovna | Formation of discursive competencies in bachelor students in the study of secondary foreign languages | |
7 | Raximova Gulfiya Rustmovna | Lingvokulturologicheskie aspects of “tsvetovoy kartiny mira” in French and Russian | |
8 | Yanxyo Zebo Musayevna | Reconstruction of coloristic expressions in literary translation (on the example of French-Uzbek translation) |
Information on local and foreign partners
The Department of French Philology has been cooperating with the Universities of Tour and Pute in France for the 2021-2022 academic year. Gavr Marion Emmanul Dufour and Matilda Saburin from the Sorbonne University of Paris IV have also been teaching students speaking skills.
The structure of department
№ | Full name | E–mail |
1 | Jafarova Dildra ilxomovna | djafarovadildora@gmail.com |
2 | Mamatov Abdi Eshon qulovich | Mamatov.A@gmail.com |
3 | Aliyeva Dilaram Tursunboyevna | Tursunbayeva.D@gmail.com |
4 | Djalova xurshida Mirxaliqovna | Djalilova.X@gmail.com |
5 | Qurbonova Gulsara Sodiqovna | gulsara.qurbonovna@gmail.com |
6 | O’rmonova Nigora Mo’minovna | m.forestiere@mail.ru |
7 | Ismatov Sarvar Saydullayevich | isarvar@mail.ru |
8 | Rofiyeva Gulasal Yusupjonovna | rofiyeva87@gmail.com |
9 | Axrorova Fotima Baxramovna | fatiman.b83@mail.ru |
10 | Inogamova Fazilat Mansurovna | fazilatinogamova29@gmail.com |
11 | Tursunmuroteva Gulnoza To’ramurotovna | d.tursunmuratova@nuu.uz |
12 | Inogamova Nozima Rashotxonoana | nozimainogamova@gmail.com |
13 | Umarova Sayora Sobitovna | umarovas@bk.ru |
14 | Yaxyayeva Zebinso Musayevna | zeboyaxyoyeva@gmail.com |
15 | Raximova Muxayyo Akmalovna | Raximova.m@gmail.com |
16 | Raximova Gulfiya Rustamovna | goulfiyarakhimov@mail.ru |
17 | Yaxshiboyeva Nodira Ergash qizi | nodira.1001@mail.ru |
18 | Abdullayeva zulfiya Miroliovna | zulfiyabmsz@bk.ru |
19 | Miryunusova Kamola Abdujalil qizi | miryunusova@gmail.com |
20 | Shxobiddinova Shaxlo Muxammad qizi | |
21 | Umarova Obida Avazxonovna | Obida.umarova@gmail.com |
The department has 1 circle for students with special abilities for language learning. A Conversation quotidienne was organized for students interested in translation and talented in this field, and a number of discussions were organized by students. Under the leadership of the teacher of the department Inogamova N.R. As a result, talented students Oripov Alijon, Karimova Maftuna, Sobirova Leyla, Abdurahmonov Abduvosid, Shahobiddinova Shahlo received certificates of language proficiency.