Boboyev Sayfulla – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 97 720 58 62
email: d.rahmonova@nuu.uz
Subjects taught at the Department of Genetics
№ | Subject name | Brief information about subjects |
Bachelor’s degree | ||
1. | Cytology | The main component of a living organism is a comprehensive in-depth knowledge of the cell, the basics of the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, their characteristics, the interrelationships with cell evolution. |
2. | Basics of genomics | Scientific research on the sequencing of genomes of living organisms, the study of the structure and function of genes, new technologies created at the genome level are aimed at providing knowledge about their laws and principles. |
3. | Basics of genetics and genomics | Teaching heredity, heredity and variability and other genetic laws specific to all living organisms, sequencing the genomes of living organisms and studying the structure and function of genes, knowledge of new technologies created at the genome level, their laws and principles |
4. | The theory of evolution | Knowledge of the laws of development of the organic world, the origin of life, the general laws of its management, the emergence of new species and their diversity, the driving forces of evolution, the laws and principles of adaptation of living organisms, the role of humanity in the movement and development of living nature. |
5. | Basics of selection | To provide knowledge on the origin of the main agricultural crops, the use of genetic resources, selection methods, varieties, breeding mechanisms, the laws of heredity of traits and characteristics in different hybrids, varietal testing at the level of modern requirements |
Magistracy | ||
1. | Current problems of biology | The purpose of teaching subject is to acquaint students with current problems in the field of biology and promising areas of modern research. |
2. | Plant genetics | The emergence of traits under the influence of hereditary and non-hereditary factors consists of in the transmission of traits and characteristics from generation to generation, the peculiarities of the use of classical and modern methods in the study of heredity and variability, the study and solution of problems. |
3. | Experimental mutagenesis of plants | The laws of genetic inheritance and character inheritance in plants, genetic analysis, starting material for the selection process and its importance in the cultivation of the variety, as well as methods for identifying genes and cloning them. |
4. | Human and animal genetics | Research methods of human genetics, the role of human chromosomes in heredity and heredity, teaching methods for diagnosing and applying hereditary diseases such as human genes, chromosomes and genomes, analysis of silkworm reproduction characteristics, genetic interbreeding, mutant and hybrid offspring and genetic basis of animal selection focused. |
5. | Cytogenetics | The structure and composition of genetic material at the cytogenetic level – the morphology of metatic and meiotic chromosomes, the specific laws of both divisions, chromosome parts, recombination mechanisms, the characteristics of meiosis in long hybrids |
About researchers and scientific work
№ | The surname of the research professor-teacher | Academic degree, title | The topic of the dissertation |
1 | Boboyev Sayfulla Gafurovich | DSc., senior researcher | Creation and disclosure of new multi-genomic hybrids of cotton through complex interspecific hybridization |
2 | Bekmukhamedov Abdukayum Azimovich | PhD | Study of the combined action of gamma rays and phytohormones on the lines of the genetic collection of cotton species G.hirsutum L. |
3 | Mirakhmedov Mirvakhob Sadikovich | PhD., senior researcher | Studying the inheritance of the structural features of the bush on inbred lines of the cotton genetic collection |
4 | Yakubov Iskandar Tokhirovich | DSc., senior researcher | Molecular-genetic analysis of rhizobial bacteria. |
5 | Abdulov Ildar Abdulxaevich | PhD | Variability of barley under the action of chemical mutagens in various high-altitude zones |
6 | Bobokhujaev Shukhrat Umarovich | PhD | Cytogenetic analysis of forms with substitutions of individual chromosomes in cotton species G.hirsutum L. |
7 | Akhmedova Dilfuza Khudoyberdievna | Inheritance of the stability of agronomic valuable traits in cotton hybrids on artificially infected a, in races of verticillous wilt | |
8 | Gulmirzaeva Kumush Kadirbergan қizi | Identification of univalent chromosomes in new monosomal lines of cotton G. hirsutum L. using translocation markers | |
9 | Amanturdiev Ikrom Gulomovich | DSc., senior researcher | Genetic aspects of tolerance to biotic factors and correlation with some biochemical parameters in ecologically-geographically distant cotton hybrids |
10 | Sanamyan Marina Feliksovna | DSc., senior researcher | Cytogenetics of translocant and monosomal cotton plants G.hirsutum L. |
11 | Ernazarova D. | PhD., post doctoral student | Genetic characteristics of some cultured allopolyploid species belonging to the family Gossypium L. and their relationship to phylogeny |
12 | Toshpatova G.K. | PhD student | Tolerance of wilt and soil salinity of cotton families and ridges with different genetic bases |
13 | Norova S.U. | PhD student | Identification of chromosomes in interchromosomal exchanges using a set of test lines with numbered chromosomes |
14 | Oripova B.B. | PhD student | Molecular characterization and func-tional study of flowering genes in cotton |
15 | Ergashev Sh.D. | PhD student | Recombinant vaccine for the prevention of human papillomavirus infection and its method of obtainment |
16 | Abdukodirov M. | PhD student | Development of a method for obtaining genetic sequences of mulberry silkworms balanced on two non-parallel Z-letals and with high quality of the cocoon |
17 | Asadov F.S. | PhD student | Analysis of genetic relationships between varieties belonging to differ- rent ecological geographical groups of wheat using molecular markers |
18 | Narkizilova G.N. | PhD student | Determination of patterns inheritance of certain morpho-economic traits in hybrids of cotton G.hirsutum L. on basis of traditional and modern methods |
Information on domestic and foreign partners
№ | Name of partner organizations and centers | The goal of cooperation |
1. | Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Genomics and Bioinformatics | Involvement of qualified specialists in the educational process, joint preparation of teaching aids, conducting laboratory classes for undergraduate and graduate students, the organization of internships; Creating conditions for the department to conduct research at the molecular level of basic doctoral students, doctoral students, independent researchers, masters, training of young staff on the basis of the appointment of supervisors and consultants and joint research projects, textbooks and articles; Preparation of joint research projects, organization of scientific conferences, round tables, seminars. |
2. | Center of the Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan | |
3. | Research Institute of Cotton Breeding, Seed Production and Agrotechnology under the National Center for Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation under the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan | |
4. | Silk Research Institute of the Committee for the Development of Silk and Caraculology of the Republic of Uzbekistan | |
5. | Republican Center of Forensic Examination named after H. Suleymanova under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan | |
International cooperation | ||
6. | Belarus State University, International Sakharov International Institute of Ecology | |
7. | M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University | |
8. | Pamir Biological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan | |
9. | Navosbirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics |
The structure of the department
№ | Name | Position | Academic Degree | Title Associate |
1 | Boboyev Sayfulla Gafurovich | Chair of department, professor | DSc, senior researcher | Basic |
2 | Bekmukhamedov Abdukayum Azimovich | Senior teacher | PhD | Basic |
3 | Mirakhmedov Mirvakhob Sadikovich | Associate Professor | PhD., senior researcher | Basic |
4 | Yakubov Iskandar Tokhirovich | Associate Professor | PhD., senior researcher | Basic |
5 | Abdulov Ildar Abdulxaevich | Senior teacher | PhD | Basic |
6 | Amanturdiev Ikrom Gulomovich | Associate Professor | DSc, senior researcher | Basic |
7 | Bobokhujaev Shukhrat Umarovich | Teacher | PhD | Basic |
8 | Akhmedova Dilfuza Khudoyberdievna | Senior teacher | Basic | |
10 | Gulmirzaeva Kumush Kadirbergan qizi | Teacher | junior researcher | Basic |
11 | Sanam’yan Marina Feliksovna | acting professor | DSc, senior researcher | intern (project manager) |
12 | Kushanov Fakhriddin Nematullaevich | Associate Professor | DSc, senior researcher | external counterpart |
13 | Rakhimov Atanazar Karimovich | acting professor | DSc, Associate Professor | external counterpart |
14 | Nasrillaev Bakhtiyor Ubaydullaevich | Professor | DSc, professor | external counterpart |
15 | Turaev Ozod Sunnatalievich | Associate Professor | PhD, senior researcher | external counterpart |
History of the department
- The department was founded in 1920 as a department of “Cytology”. The head of the department was prof. Pavel Aleksandrovich Baranov.
- 1925 – renamed the Department of Plant Morphology and Biology. Chair holder prof. P.A.Baranov.
- 1938 – renamed the Department of Plant Morphology and Anatomy. Chair of department, prof. P.A.Baranov.
- 1945 – Named after the Department of Darwinism and Selection. Chair of department, prof. I.A.Raykova.
- 1950 – Named after the Department of Darwinism and Genetics. Chair of department. prof. I.A.Raykova.
- 1961-1981. Named after Darwinism, Genetics and Experimental Morphology.
Chair of department. prof. I.A.Raykova.
- 1974 – The laboratory of private genetics of cotton was established at the department. Head of the laboratory, prof. D.A. Musaev.
- 1982-1988. Named after Darwinism, Genetics and Experimental Morphology.
Chair of department. DSc, associated professor M.F.Abzalov.
- 1989-2014. Genetics and Cytoembryology department. The head of the
- department is academician D.A.Musaev.
- 2015. Genetics and Cytoembryology department. Chair of department, PhD.
- 2016-2017. Genetics and Computer Biology department. Chair of department.
PhD, associated professor X.U.Xalbekova.
- From 2018 to the present, the department is called “Genetics” and the head of
the department. DSc. associate professor S.G.Boboyev.
The main scientific directions of the department
- Study of fundamental and practical problems of genetics of qualitative and quantitative traits in cotton and other agricultural crops;
- Effective use of isogenic, mutant, introgressive and cytogenetic lines of G.hirsutum cotton genetic collection and enrichment of the gene pool;
- Development of genetic basis for improving fiber quality and yield based on the study of morphogenetic determination of cotton and the inheritance of economically important traits;
- Development, research and development of research in the field of genetics, cytoembryology, molecular genetics and traditional genetics conducted in the scientific laboratory of the department;
- Carrying out and developing in-depth research on plant, animal and human genetics at the department;
- Training of educated, talented young professionals in the field of genetics.
The main achievements of the department
Among the graduates of the department are 75 candidates of sciences, 15 doctors of sciences and more than 2,000 genetic and botanical specialists.
During the years of independence M.F.Abzalov, M.F.Sanamyan, S.G.Boboev, A.K.Rakhimov, B.U.Nasirillaev, I.G.Amanturdievs defended doctoral dissertations, M.S.Mirakhmedov, I.A.Abdulov, E.Sharipova, Yu.Petlikova, A.K.Rakhimov, A.A.Bekmukhamedov, Z.N.Usmanova, V.V.Gulin, E.Rakhmatulina, Sh.Khayitova, Sh.U.Bobokhudjaevs defended candidate dissertations.
Professor of the department in 2012 M.F.Sanamyan won an international TWAS grant. The textbook “Fundamentals of Genetics and Selection”, published under the leadership of DA Musaev, was awarded a certificate in the competition “Author of the best textbook of the year-2014”.
In 2019-2020 at the department of Genetics were published textbook “Cell Biology” by I.A.Abdulov, H.U.Khalbekova, materials of pedagogical experiments on the subject “Evolutionary doctrine” by A.K.Rakhimov, monographs “Tolerance to biotic stress factors in cotton genetics and selection” by I.G.Amanturdiev, S.G.Boboyev and “Cytogenetics of mutations, translocations, monosomy and intergenerational hybridization in cotton” by M.F.Sanamyan’s and V.B.Fayziev, D.Kh.Akhmedova, M.S.Abdullaeva, D.T.Jovlieva’s textbooks.
For the last 3 years the staff of the department and scientists of the Institute of Cotton Breeding, Seed Production and Agrotechnology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan have created such cotton varieties as SP-1303, Kamolot-79, SP-Kamolot, S-7333, S-8292, S-9088, ATM-1. Employees of the department received more than 10 patents for inventions such as jointly developed varieties of cotton and “Method of pre-sowing processing of cotton seeds.” In 2019-2021, 3 varieties of cotton, created jointly, were found promising and introduced into production. Developed and obtained copyright certificates “Flowers” for the classification of cotton flowers and statistical processing of data, “Pollen” for the determination of fertility of cotton dust, “Electronic catalog of a unique cytogenetic collection of cotton G.hirsutum L.” for the description of cytogenetic collection
a) Within the framework of fundamental programs:
VA-KXF-5-027 “Cytological assessment of donor capacity of complex interspecific hybrids”. 2017-2020 yy. Project leader: M.F.Sanamyan.
F-OT-2021-155 “Creation of lines with new valuable economic characteristics on the basis of chromosome exchange of cotton from Gossypium barbadense to Gossypium hirsutum” 2021-2026. Project leader: M.F.Sanamyan.
b) Within the scope of applications:
ITD-8.№A-8-6 “Prospective lines of genetic collection of cotton and application of advanced methods in the selection of new varieties resistant to drought.” 2015-2017 yy. Project leader: A.A.Bekmukhamedov.
OT-A-KX-2018-379 “Improvement of fiber quality of G.hirsutum L. type of cotton, use in target hybridization for targeted hybridization of G.barbadense L. species for separate replacement from interspecific homologous chromosomes”. 2018-2020 yy. Project leader: M.F.Sanamyan.
OT-A-KX-2018-348 “Creation of lines and varieties with a set of early-ripening, high fiber yield, wilt-resistant traits of fiber quality type IV on the basis of the use of new introgressive complex interspecific hybrids” 2018-2020. Project leader: S.G.Boboyev.
c) Within a unique scientific object:
A unique scientific object: “Genetic collection of isogenic, introgressive, mutant and cytogenetic lines, which are sources of synthetic genes of cotton traits”. Scientific adviser: A.A.Bekmukhamedov.
From 2019 to 2021, the staff of the department has more than 10 patents (with scientists from partner organizations), 3 copyright certificates, articles in more than 80 journals of the HAC, 34 foreign information, including “Web of Science Core Collection”, “Scopus” 10 scientific articles were published in journals indexed on the basis of In 2021 alone, 2 doctoral (PhD) and 1 doctoral (DSc) dissertations in biological sciences were defended.
School of GENETICS (Private Laboratory of Cotton Genetics)
DJORA AZIMBOEVICH MUSAEV – Founder of the School of Genetics Famous geneticist, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1984), Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan (1980), Doctor of Biological Sciences (1973), Professor (1975).
The main scientific work of D.A.Musaev is focused on these problems, creating a genetic collection for the inheritance of traits and characteristics of cotton. After the establishment of the Laboratory of Private Genetics of Cotton, the department has created about 500 homozygous lines of cotton, which are accepted worldwide and are the first in the type of G. hirsutum L. cotton. The main directions of scientific research on the fundamental and practical problems of cotton genetics on the basis of this scientific school are as follows: Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan prof. Under the leadership of Musaev D.A., as a result of identification of individual genes on chromosomes, in addition to the genetic collection of cotton, a collection of monosomal and translocation lines of plants belonging to the genus G. hirsutum was created. This collection is second only to the collection created in the United States.
The dissertation of 40 candidates of sciences and 5 doctors of sciences was defended at the school “Genetics”. Academician D.A.Musaev is the author of 170 articles, 2 authors and 2 co-authored textbooks, a number of textbooks and scientific-methodical manuals, bachelor’s and master’s degree in genetics. Since the establishment of the school, in addition to the creation of a genetic collection, several new varieties (Navbahor, Armugan, Baghdad, Farovon) have been created.
As a result of the above work, the great geneticist D.A.Musaev was awarded the Order “For High Services” in 1991, the Medal “Honor of the Nation” in 1998, the Order “For Great Services” in 2003 and the State Prize “1st degree” in 2012. awarded.
At the Department of Genetics in 2021, many scientists from leading universities and industrial organizations of foreign countries were invited to the educational process. Ravi Prokash Dani-Ph.D., Professor President of Gene Scan, Umidjon Shopulatov – Ph.D., Researcher of the National University of Singapore, Yusupov Shamshaddin – Ph.D., M.Auezov Associate Professor of South Kazakhstan State University, Abdulamonov Kazimamad – Ph.D., Academician, Pamir Institute of Biology of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Barno Rizaeva – Lebnitz Hanover researcher gave lectures to undergraduate and graduate students.
Well-known professors and graduates of the department
S.X.Yuldashev – President of the Central Asian Department of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Academician of Agricultural Sciences of the Russian Academy.
A.A.Abdullaev – Academician of Uzbek AS, member of the Presidium of Uzbek AS, head of the laboratory of the Institute of Genetics and OEB of Uzbek AS.
O.J.Jalilov – Academician of Uzbek AS, head of the laboratory of the Institute of Genetics and OEB of Uzbek AS.
M.F.Abzalov – Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Genetics and OEB of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Academician of the New York Academy.
Ravi Prokash Dani – Academician of the Indian Academy, Head of Laboratory, US Institute of Genetics.
A.S.Sultonov – Academician of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences, Rector of the Kazakh Institute of Ecology and Experimental Biology
N.A.Vlasova – Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.
A.M.Turaev – University of Vienna professors.