Inakov Komiljon Qodirjonovich – Dean of the faculty 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +99871 246-67-72
E-mail: social@nuu.uz

Mahkamov Ulug’bek Abdugaporovich – Deputy Dean 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9

Xojiyev Tunis Nurkosimovich – Deputy Dean 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9

Niyozov Sultonmurod Ochilovich – Deputy Dean 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9

Musurmonqulov Oybek Uralovich – Deputy Dean 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9

The brief overview of the departments of the faculty
The Department of Philosophy and the Basics of Spirituality. The professorial-teaching staff of the Department, which is considered to be the cornerstone in the preparation of free-thinkers and bold and courageous philosophers who are constantly in effort to be of serve in the interests of the motherland, and above all, of the humanity, specialize in training the bachelors of “Philosophy” direction, and the graduate master’s students in “Philosophy (the sphere of application)” and “Cultural Studies” specialties. The Department, and its faculty established stable and long lasting relations with prominent foreign Higher Education Institutions in such research spheres as ontology, epistemology, the philosophy of science, philosophy of culture and cultural studies.
The Department of Ethics and Aesthetics. The department is one of the few departments in whole Central Asian region to specialize in training the professional and professorial staff in the criteria of ethics and aesthetics. The department is contributing its fair share in producing highly patriotic staff for the service of the motherland.
The Department of Philosophy and Logics. The department is considered to be a leading department in the preparation of Master’s students in “Ontology, epistemology and logics” and “The history of Philosophy” specialties.
The Department of Psychology. The department was established in 1972, and is responsible for the production of “Psychology” baccalaureate and “Psychology” master’s specialists.
The Department of Pedagogy and the General Psychology. The discipline of Pedagogy serves the purpose of the formation of a person, an individual or a pin in the complex machine of the state. In defining the goals and objectives of the science of pedagogy, the content of social relations, the essence of the ideas that play a leading role in the life of the state and society are important. In the context of building a democratic, humane and legal society in the Republic of Uzbekistan, this science solves the task of developing a system of educating highly qualified personnel meeting high spiritual and moral requirements, creative development of the theory of education and upbringing based on the idea of national independence.
The Department of Civil Society and Legal Education. The priority tasks of The Department of Civil society and legal education are directed at organizing research processes within the specialty, participating in innovative projects, increasing the ideological, political and legal literacy of young people, conducting research on the implementation of the conceptual idea of “National Revival – National Rise” at a new stage of development of Uzbekistan.
The Department of Sociology. The department prepares staff for the bachelor‘s degree in “Sociology” and master‘s degree in three “Sociology” specialties. Scientific and educational activities of the Department of Sociology are aimed at organizing research processes in the field of specialization, participation in innovative projects, conducting prospective sociological research and conducting research on the implementation of the results.
The Department of Social Work. Activities of the Department of Social Work are aimed at improving the spiritual and educational culture of students, the creation of a system of training personnel working in the field of social protection of families and children, training of highly qualified social workers in the system of social security and protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan organizing the practical research and training of scientific personnel. It consists of advanced training and retraining of specialists working in the family and child protection system of the republic.
The Research Capacity.
The constant relations are established with the Scientific Councils DSc.27.06.2017.F.01.05 (Philosophical Sciences) and S.01.08 (Political Sciences) DSc.29.08.2017, awarding academic degrees at the National University of Uzbekistan.
The researchers of the faculty are conducting fundamental researches on the variety of courses such as “Improvement of the scientific and methodological framework of the system of socio-cultural adaptation of children with disabilities”, “Increasing the role of the media in Uzbekistan, social cooperation in the protection of family and children”, “Philosophy” and “National Ideology” and the creation of an e-learning complex “,” Study of the natural-scientific and socio-philosophical heritage of medieval Eastern scholars and thinkers by Western scholars “,” Development of socio-psychological aspects of management and marketing in education and the harmonization of national culture with universal culture ” preparation of methodical manual ”,“ National bases of development of aesthetic education in the process of reforming and modernization of society ”,“ Effectiveness of exchange programs in Uzbekistan (experience of sociological research) ”,“ Socio-psychological mechanism of preparation of higher education personnel for innovative activity (on the basis of foreign advanced technologies)”.
Spiritual and Enlightenment Activities.
Every month at the faculty and in the dormitory of attached students are held roundtables on various topics with famous artists, scientists, poets and doctors of the republic. In order to strengthen the historical memory, in addition to studying the spiritual heritage of our ancestors, meetings are held to acquaint our youth with the way of life of our contemporaries, to teach them to take an example.
It has also become a tradition to hold competitions for students “Cheerful and clever”, “Scientific and intellectual game of economist”, “Business Lady” among girls of the faculty, inter-faculty club “ESSAY” and “Debate-Club”. In addition, the faculty holds a traditional spiritual and educational event “Parents conferences” every year.
The faculty annually celebrates the Navruz. The Women‘s Council also organizes events on the observance of traditions and morals of female students. The retired professors, who previously worked at the faculty, are visited and the event s are covered in the column “Mehr kozda”. Their conditions are reported. Visits to heritage cities and museums are organized in order to educate students in the spirit of devotion to national values.
International Partnership.
Professors of the Faculty of Social Sciences has a wide range of cooperation with research institutes for the study of Central Asia, including the Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Belarus State University, National University of Kazakhstan, Constantine Philosopher University in Nitra, Erasmus Mundus European Community Foundation, STINIT (Sweden) International Cooperation Fund for Research and Higher Education, IFEAC (France) and many more.
Faculty members regularly participate in STINIT and IFEAC research projects and international scientific conferences and are members of the Swedish International Expert Commission “Humanities” and “Women Philosophers” (UNESCO), including the Head of the Department of Psychology, Dilbar Gafurjanovna Mukhamedova, who also happens to be the head of the international grant TEMPUS ERASMUS.
The Equipment Capacity of the Faculty.
The faculty has established the constantly upgrading of its multimedia equipment, software updates, maintenance and computer repair, constant updating of the materials of the faculty website, ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the computer network of the faculty. The faculty has all the necessary conditions for the use of modern equipment and technological capabilities, classrooms are equipped with multimedia and computer equipment. Methodological materials, conference materials, handouts, teaching aids, as well as resographs and scanners for the publication of various documents of the faculty are allocated for special courses.
The library capacity of the faculty is close to 40 thousand volumes, of which 19023 are in Uzbek, 17465 are in Russian, and 1401 are in other foreign languages.