Latipova Nodira – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
e-mail: n_latipova@nuu.uz
2. History and main directions of activity of the department
On September 28, 2017, at the Academic Council of the National University of Uzbekistan No. 2, it was decided to create a department of social work, and the university was created by order No. 01-598 dated October 21, 2017.
Since October 21, 2017, the leading professors and teachers of the department have been training students in the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work.
Today the department employs 1 doctor of sciences, 3 associate professors, 3 doctors of philosophy (PhD) in sociology, 2 senior teachers, 4 teachers.
The department is headed by Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor N.M. Latipova was appointed head of the department and is currently working.
Professors and teachers of the Department of Social Work are working on the scientific topic “Features of social work with low-income families and children.” In addition, the department has its own scientific topics and works with professors and teachers.
Also in the department of social work:
• Republican Center for Social Adaptation of Children;
• Association of Children’s Villages – SOS of Uzbekistan;
• Boarding school No. 1 “Muruvvat” for children with disabilities,
• Tashkent city administration of the off-budget pension fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
• Public association of disabled people of the city of Tashkent “Sharoyit plus”;
• Association of People with Disabilities
• Tashkent city employment department of the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
• Republican Center for the Study of Public Opinion “Public Opinion”;
• Samarkand State University (SamSU);
• Fergana State University (FarDU);
• Namangan State University (NamSU);
• Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Military Technical Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
• Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Tashkent region;
• Contracts have been signed with secondary specialized school No. 11 of the Almazar district of Tashkent, with which we are cooperating.
At the department 60920100-Social work (with family and children) full-time and part-time bachelor’s degree and 60920100-Social work (citizens’ self-government bodies) part-time education.
She has a master’s degree in the areas of 70920101-Social work (with family and children) and 70920101-Social work (organization of work with youth).
Social workers with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work work in all universities, colleges, the Center for the Study of Public Opinion, government, science and education, and all systems of government. Social work students with bachelor’s degrees in social work and master’s degrees work in various sectors of the country.
Professors and teachers of the department conduct research on the topic “Features of social work with low-income families and children” and actively participate in national and international research projects and grants.
• PZ-2017092819 Requirements for vulnerable groups Training and improvement of young volunteers (head of the social fund project, prof. NM Latipova).
• OT-P1-100 Scientific and methodological foundations for improving the system of sociocultural adaptation of children with disabilities (project leader, Doctor of Economics, Professor Ganieva M.Kh.).
• А-OT-2021-64 Development of a mobile application for the provision of high-quality and fast social services to families (head of the social fund project, prof. NM Latipova).
• International project “Improving the educational system in the field of social work in Uzbekistan based on international standards” in cooperation with the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek and the UNICEF office in Uzbekistan (project manager sots.fd, prof. Ganieva M.Kh.).
3. Subjects taught at the department
№ | The name of the subject | Short information about the subject |
60920100- Social work (in various spheres of activity) | ||
1. | Introduction to social work | The use in professional work of normative acts, legal acts, necessary elements of social life, causes and problems of orphanhood, the device of children in need of help, the ability to conduct a sociological analysis of personality, communicative competence and methods of social work, organize assistance and social protection for socially vulnerable children, conduct empirical sociological research, expertise, use scientific, technical and reference literature, develop skills to solve urgent problems of social work. |
2. | History of social work | Forms the ability to analyze the process of development and formation of the practice of social assistance in the history of society, to be able to apply the categorical apparatus in solving social and professional tasks, to apply the Basic concepts, features of social processes, methods of analyzing the processes of social development, to make decisions on problems of social development. |
3. | Sotsialnaya rabota s semyami i detmi | To deepen the system of knowledge in identifying methods and techniques for solving the problem of different types of families in social work, to gain professional imagination and knowledge in the field of choosing the method and direction of organizing social work with families. The application of theoretical knowledge in the social work with families and children, the analysis, the application of theoretical models of social work in the practice of social protection of families and children. On the basis of the historical-comparative and biographical method is to develop students’ skills to know and analyze the specific aspects of private, public and state social assistance operations abroad and at home. |
4. | Zashchita prav detey in sotsialnoy rabote | The future professional activity will provide students with knowledge of the protection of children’s rights and legitimate interests in national and international law, as well as developing students’ practical skills in applying legislation to protect children’s rights in social work. |
5. | Eticheskie printsipy i tsennosti sotsialnoy rabotы | The content and essence of the science of ethics of social work, Basic concepts in science, ethical values, nationality and identity, adherence to the principle of humanism in working with segments of the population, writing national and international codes, client assessments and reflective reports, anti-discrimination terminology, the use of ethical values in the process of providing social services, taking into account national and specific characteristics and the ability to put the interests of clients above their interests. |
6. | Social policy | The subject of social policy is to teach students the essence of the system of measures aimed at improving the mechanism for implementing state social policy, consistently improving the level and quality of life of the population, supporting socially vulnerable segments of the population. In this science, it is necessary to explain the essence of the object, subject, basic concepts and categories of social policy, to acquaint with the theoretical foundations of social policy, to show the role of monthly wages in improving the skills of the population, to explain social services, to explain the main directions of state social policy in the field of social protection of the population, to study the world experience in the implementation of social policy, the system of social partnership: training in establishing links with government structures, explanation of the strategy and priority directions of social policy of Uzbekistan, teaching finance and economics, explanation of demographic policy, explanation of the essence of the pension system and its reform, employment, unemployment: explanation of socio-economic consequences, main manifestations, ways to reduce, explanation of poverty problems and ways to solve them, explanation of state policy aimed at the family, explanation of the essence and meaning of social policy and social security teach students the need for scientific analysis of social processes, phenomena, what is happening in society. |
7. | Sotsialnaya rabota s lyudmi s invalidnostyu | Various models of disability, world experience in protecting the interests of disabled people, mechanisms for ensuring the employment of disabled people, types of disability and its consequences, understanding disability models, distinguishing types of disability, protecting the legitimate interests of disabled people, developing innovative projects to improve the lives of people with disabilities, communicating with people with disabilities, representing the interests of disabled people when communicating with government agencies, the ability to distinguish types of disability, the ability to work with people with disabilities, develops skills in developing mechanisms to ensure the employment of disabled people and solving urgent problems of social work. |
8. | Theory of social work | From the point of view of theoretical knowledge of the professional field of social work, the branches of human understanding, its principles and basic categories: Separate presentation of the subject, object and methods of the theory of social work. To study socialization as a science. Analysis of the sociological, psychological and moral foundations of social work. Systematize the basic concepts used in the theory and practice of social work. Demonstrate the main directions of socialization with different strata of the population. Identify the main directions of social work in various spheres of society. Analysis of foreign models of social work theory. Describe the theoretical and practical complexities of social work. Knowledge of the place and role of social work in modern societies from the point of view of revealing the prospects for development , the formation of critical, valued attitudes and knowledge of the relevance of important events in the social sphere , develop skills in social protection, employment mechanisms and problem-solving in social work. |
9. | Methods of research in social work | The subject “Research Methods in Social Work” is intended to instill in students the knowledge, skills and abilities for conducting specific sociological research based on empirical methods, the methodology of sociological knowledge. At the same time, science develops in future sociologists the skills of creating a sociological research program, collecting primary data, processing the data obtained and analyzing the processed data. |
10. | Sotsialnoe obespechenie i zashchita detey i molodyoji | The problem of social protection and protection of young people and children is extremely relevant in the context of radical reforms, it is distinguished by both theoretical and practical novelty and, to some extent, complexity. This problem is cross-sectoral in nature and is at the intersection of sociology, social psychology and pedagogy; It covers issues such as the social sources and social structure of the phenomenon of orphans, street children and children subjected to violence, social policy for this category of the population, measures taken in cooperation with relevant institutions for those in need, education, social benefits and housing. The stability and successful development of the Republic of Uzbekistan also to a certain extent depends on integration into our society, which needs support. |
11. | Sotsialnaya rabota s razlichnymi gruppami naseleniya | Formation of skills for working with various spheres of life, working with people with disabilities and their social rehabilitation, social work with women who have been abused by youth, the elderly, children who find it difficult to adapt to society, technologies for social work with various population groups, migrants and refugees, with military personnel and their families, without a fixed place of residence, with serving or serving sentences, search skills. |
12. | Management of social work | Implementation of effective management in the provision of social services, theoretical and methodological bases, categories and laws of the discipline of social work management in various areas, the process of socialization of the individual and his social status, social status of members of society, social status of members of society, develops a holistic perception of the interdependence of processes and the ability to classify key factors in the development of society. |
13. | Sotsialnaya rabota v usloviyax gumanitarnyx krizisov | Awareness of the impact of emergencies on the mental health and psychosocial well-being of children and adults, as well as high-risk groups, approaches and interventions in the development of an emergency action plan, first psychological aid in emergency situations, the use of the key management method, the development of an action plan to provide psychological and social services to citizens in situations that may worsen or worsen the living conditions of citizens, identification and evaluation, providing psychological and social assistance in response to emergencies using a matrix of international approaches and interventions, developing an action plan for providing psychological and social assistance in emergency situations. to ensure the right to education and access to justice services, formulate the client’s skills in using personal resources, professional methods of assessing environmental resources. |
14. | Sotsialnaya rabota s detmi ostavshixsya bez popecheniya roditeley | Discipline practice of social work with children left without parental care teaching students the problems and prospects of better socialization of children left without parental care in society, the essence of the system of measures aimed at improving the mechanism of implementation of state social protection, consistent improvement of the level and quality of life of orphans and children left without parental care, support for socially vulnerable segments of the population. This science examines the concepts of “guardianship and guardianship” and “children left without parental care” and their essence, institutionalization of orphanhood as a social phenomenon, research related to the problems of children left without parental care, reflection of issues of social protection of children left without parental care in the norms of international and national legislation, the system of social protection of children left without parental care, theory and practice of solving the problem of preventing early social orphanhood, research analysis, organization of work with women, It is aimed at explaining to students the need for scientific analysis of social processes, phenomena occurring in society, by revealing the essence and meaning of the model of prevention of early social orphanhood in Uzbekistan. |
15. | Sotsialnaya rabota s litsami podvergshixsya nasiliyu | Organization of social and psychological assistance to victims of violence, creation of a system of work for specialists working with victims of violence, through the introduction and use of innovative methods of social work, scientific and theoretical foundations for the prevention of social work with victims, types of violence, its elimination Basic methods and theories aimed at achieving goals are the formation of skills of familiarity with foreign experience, aimed at overcoming violence. |
16. | Sotsialnaya rabota s pojilymi | This is due to the fact that the number of elderly people in the world today is growing and the average age is increasing. That is why there is a growing demand in society for the elderly, their social status, family status, medical and social rehabilitation, social security, guardianship and trusteeship of the elderly. This science teaches the study of the aging process from a general biological point of view, as well as the impact of aging and its onset on man and society. The course also contributes to the development of technologies for the provision of social services to the elderly, the moral values of the social worker and the role of trends in the social work profession. To develop students’ skills in applying ethical principles and theories in social work practice. |
60920100- Social work (in various spheres of activity) (zaochnoe) | ||
1. | Introduction to social work | The use in professional work of normative acts, legal acts, necessary elements of social life, causes and problems of orphanhood, the device of children in need of help, the ability to conduct a sociological analysis of personality, communicative competence and methods of social work, organize assistance and social protection for socially vulnerable children, conduct empirical sociological research, expertise, use scientific, technical and reference literature, develop skills to solve urgent problems of social work. |
2. | History of social work | Forms the ability to analyze the process of development and formation of the practice of social assistance in the history of society, to be able to apply the categorical apparatus in solving social and professional tasks, to apply the Basic concepts, features of social processes, methods of analyzing the processes of social development, to make decisions on problems of social development. |
3. | Sotsialnaya rabota s semyami i detmi | To deepen the system of knowledge in identifying methods and techniques for solving the problem of different types of families in social work, to gain professional imagination and knowledge in the field of choosing the method and direction of organizing social work with families. The application of theoretical knowledge in the social work with families and children, the analysis, the application of theoretical models of social work in the practice of social protection of families and children. On the basis of the historical-comparative and biographical method is to develop students’ skills to know and analyze the specific aspects of private, public and state social assistance operations abroad and at home. |
4. | Zashchita prav detey in sotsialnoy rabote | The future professional activity will provide students with knowledge of the protection of children’s rights and legitimate interests in national and international law, as well as developing students’ practical skills in applying legislation to protect children’s rights in social work. |
5. | Eticheskie printsipy i tsennosti sotsialnoy rabotы | The content and essence of the science of ethics of social work, Basic concepts in science, ethical values, nationality and identity, adherence to the principle of humanism in working with segments of the population, writing national and international codes, client assessments and reflective reports, anti-discrimination terminology, the use of ethical values in the process of providing social services, taking into account national and specific characteristics and the ability to put the interests of clients above their interests. |
6. | Social policy | The subject of social policy is to teach students the essence of the system of measures aimed at improving the mechanism for implementing state social policy, consistently improving the level and quality of life of the population, supporting socially vulnerable segments of the population. In this science, it is necessary to explain the essence of the object, subject, basic concepts and categories of social policy, to acquaint with the theoretical foundations of social policy, to show the role of monthly wages in improving the skills of the population, to explain social services, to explain the main directions of state social policy in the field of social protection of the population, to study the world experience in the implementation of social policy, the system of social partnership: training in establishing links with government structures, explanation of the strategy and priority directions of social policy of Uzbekistan, teaching finance and economics, explanation of demographic policy, explanation of the essence of the pension system and its reform, employment, unemployment: explanation of socio-economic consequences, main manifestations, ways to reduce, explanation of poverty problems and ways to solve them, explanation of state policy aimed at the family, explanation of the essence and meaning of social policy and social security teach students the need for scientific analysis of social processes, phenomena, what is happening in society. |
7. | Sotsialnaya rabota s lyudmi s invalidnostyu | Various models of disability, world experience in protecting the interests of disabled people, mechanisms for ensuring the employment of disabled people, types of disability and its consequences, understanding disability models, distinguishing types of disability, protecting the legitimate interests of disabled people, developing innovative projects to improve the lives of people with disabilities, communicating with people with disabilities, representing the interests of disabled people when communicating with government agencies, the ability to distinguish types of disability, the ability to work with people with disabilities, develops skills in developing mechanisms to ensure the employment of disabled people and solving urgent problems of social work. |
8. | Theory of social work | From the point of view of theoretical knowledge of the professional field of social work, the branches of human understanding, its principles and basic categories: Separate presentation of the subject, object and methods of the theory of social work. To study socialization as a science. Analysis of the sociological, psychological and moral foundations of social work. Systematize the basic concepts used in the theory and practice of social work. Demonstrate the main directions of socialization with different strata of the population. Identify the main directions of social work in various spheres of society. Analysis of foreign models of social work theory. Describe the theoretical and practical complexities of social work. Knowledge of the place and role of social work in modern societies from the point of view of revealing the prospects for development , the formation of critical, valued attitudes and knowledge of the relevance of important events in the social sphere , develop skills in social protection, employment mechanisms and problem-solving in social work. |
9. | Methods of research in social work | The subject “Research Methods in Social Work” is intended to instill in students the knowledge, skills and abilities for conducting specific sociological research based on empirical methods, the methodology of sociological knowledge. At the same time, science develops in future sociologists the skills of creating a sociological research program, collecting primary data, processing the data obtained and analyzing the processed data. |
10. | Sotsialnoe obespechenie i zashchita detey i molodyoji | The problem of social protection and protection of young people and children is extremely relevant in the context of radical reforms, it is distinguished by both theoretical and practical novelty and, to some extent, complexity. This problem is cross-sectoral in nature and is at the intersection of sociology, social psychology and pedagogy; It covers issues such as the social sources and social structure of the phenomenon of orphans, street children and children subjected to violence, social policy for this category of the population, measures taken in cooperation with relevant institutions for those in need, education, social benefits and housing. The stability and successful development of the Republic of Uzbekistan also to a certain extent depends on integration into our society, which needs support. |
11. | Sotsialnaya rabota s razlichnymi gruppami naseleniya | Formation of skills for working with various spheres of life, working with people with disabilities and their social rehabilitation, social work with women who have been abused by youth, the elderly, children who find it difficult to adapt to society, technologies for social work with various population groups, migrants and refugees, with military personnel and their families, without a fixed place of residence, with serving or serving sentences, search skills. |
12. | Management of social work | Implementation of effective management in the provision of social services, theoretical and methodological bases, categories and laws of the discipline of social work management in various areas, the process of socialization of the individual and his social status, social status of members of society, social status of members of society, develops a holistic perception of the interdependence of processes and the ability to classify key factors in the development of society. |
13. | Sotsialnaya rabota v usloviyax gumanitarnyx krizisov | Awareness of the impact of emergencies on the mental health and psychosocial well-being of children and adults, as well as high-risk groups, approaches and interventions in the development of an emergency action plan, first psychological aid in emergency situations, the use of the key management method, the development of an action plan to provide psychological and social services to citizens in situations that may worsen or worsen the living conditions of citizens, identification and evaluation, providing psychological and social assistance in response to emergencies using a matrix of international approaches and interventions, developing an action plan for providing psychological and social assistance in emergency situations. to ensure the right to education and access to justice services, formulate the client’s skills in using personal resources, professional methods of assessing environmental resources. |
14. | Sotsialnaya rabota s detmi ostavshixsya bez popecheniya roditeley | Discipline practice of social work with children left without parental care teaching students the problems and prospects of better socialization of children left without parental care in society, the essence of the system of measures aimed at improving the mechanism of implementation of state social protection, consistent improvement of the level and quality of life of orphans and children left without parental care, support for socially vulnerable segments of the population. This science examines the concepts of “guardianship and guardianship” and “children left without parental care” and their essence, institutionalization of orphanhood as a social phenomenon, research related to the problems of children left without parental care, reflection of issues of social protection of children left without parental care in the norms of international and national legislation, the system of social protection of children left without parental care, theory and practice of solving the problem of preventing early social orphanhood, research analysis, organization of work with women, It is aimed at explaining to students the need for scientific analysis of social processes, phenomena occurring in society, by revealing the essence and meaning of the model of prevention of early social orphanhood in Uzbekistan. |
15. | Sotsialnaya rabota s litsami podvergshixsya nasiliyu | Organization of social and psychological assistance to victims of violence, creation of a system of work for specialists working with victims of violence, through the introduction and use of innovative methods of social work, scientific and theoretical foundations for the prevention of social work with victims, types of violence, its elimination Basic methods and theories aimed at achieving goals are the formation of skills of familiarity with foreign experience, aimed at overcoming violence. |
16. | Sotsialnaya rabota s pojilymi | This is due to the fact that the number of elderly people in the world today is growing and the average age is increasing. That is why there is a growing demand in society for the elderly, their social status, family status, medical and social rehabilitation, social security, guardianship and trusteeship of the elderly. This science teaches the study of the aging process from a general biological point of view, as well as the impact of aging and its onset on man and society. The course also contributes to the development of technologies for the provision of social services to the elderly, the moral values of the social worker and the role of trends in the social work profession. To develop students’ skills in applying ethical principles and theories in social work practice. |
60920100- Sotsialnaya rabota (organs of self-government of citizens) (zaochnoe) | ||
1. | Theory and history of social work | Theoretical knowledge of the professional field of social work, areas of human understanding, its principles and main categories, practical knowledge and use of social services, the historical-comparative method to students in the practice of social assistance by private, public and state must have skills on specific aspects. |
2. | Sociology | Historical-political, economic and socio-philosophical bases; The object and subject of sociology, its structure and place in the system of disciplines, social development and its main forms, the sociological significance of national ideas and ideology in social life, the factors of socialization of the individual, the socially significant manifestations of society. forms a sociological explanation of the factors, social problems in the development of society from a sociological point of view, as well as methods and techniques for solving current problems of science, practical skills in the creation of sociological analysis and recommendations. |
3. | Social policy | The subject of social policy is to teach students the essence of the system of measures aimed at improving the mechanism for implementing state social policy, consistently improving the level and quality of life of the population, supporting socially vulnerable segments of the population. In this science, it is necessary to explain the essence of the object, subject, basic concepts and categories of social policy, to acquaint with the theoretical foundations of social policy, to show the role of monthly wages in improving the skills of the population, to explain social services, to explain the main directions of state social policy in the field of social protection of the population, to study the world experience in the implementation of social policy, the system of social partnership: training in establishing links with government structures, explanation of the strategy and priority directions of social policy of Uzbekistan, teaching finance and economics, explanation of demographic policy, explanation of the essence of the pension system and its reform, employment, unemployment: explanation of socio-economic consequences, main manifestations, ways to reduce, explanation of poverty problems and ways to solve them, explanation of state policy aimed at the family, explanation of the essence and meaning of social policy and social security teach students the need for scientific analysis of social processes, phenomena, what is happening in society. |
4. | Sotsialnaya rabota v usloviyax gumanitarnyx krizisov | Awareness of the impact of emergencies on the mental health and psychosocial well-being of children and adults, as well as high-risk groups, approaches and interventions in the development of an emergency action plan, first psychological aid in emergency situations, the use of the key management method, the development of an action plan to provide psychological and social services to citizens in situations that may worsen or worsen the living conditions of citizens, identification and evaluation, providing psychological and social assistance in response to emergencies using a matrix of international approaches and interventions, developing an action plan for providing psychological and social assistance in emergency situations. to ensure the right to education and access to justice services, formulate the client’s skills in using personal resources, professional methods of assessing environmental resources. |
5. | Methods and techniques of conducting sociological research in the study of local and semi-local problems | To provide the necessary knowledge on the methodology, methods and techniques of empirical sociological research, to develop a program of applied sociological research, data processing and analysis of data and to prepare conclusions, and to fully develop the skills of conducting practical sociological research in the study of neighborhood and family problems. the essence and content of sociological research in the study of family problems, stages and types of research, research program, its composition; types of hypothesis, hypothesis promotion; selection and its criteria, measurements and scales; primary data collection methods; quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection; data coding, processing and analysis, report content, report types, advocacy analysis of social reality from an empirical sociological point of view, organization and conduct of independent sociological research, data processing, analysis, practical suggestions and recommendations consists of. |
6. | Sociology of gender and gender | Fundamentals of sociological knowledge, the status of family sociology in the structure of sociological knowledge, features of the formation and development of the family as a social institution, theoretical foundations of family and gender sociology, laws of existence, basic concepts and categories, hierarchy of family relations, application of methods of analysis of gender distribution in family relations in general |
7. | Social conflicts and ix management | To provide information on the theoretical foundations of the science of social conflicts and their management and the history of formation and development of skills in conflict management, the object and subject of conflict, the nature and types of conflicts, religion in the system of conflict problems, national-ethnic relations in the system of conflict problems. content, essence and impact on human consciousness, conflict as an integral part of human life: conflict pathogens, guidelines and advice on conflict management, aggression and violence. Social conflicts and their management consists of a scientific analysis of social processes and events in society, revealing to students the essence of the content, the nature and content of conflicts in the family and its context. |
8. | Practice of social work with families, women and children | Deepening the knowledge system in identifying ways and means to solve the problem of different categories of families; have a professional vision of future owners in choosing the method and direction of organizing social work with families, apply theoretical knowledge in social work with families and children, analyze, apply theoretical models of social work in the practice of social protection of families and children to be able to classify family problems, the main factors, to know and use the role of international organizations in ensuring the social interests of women and children, to teach students on the basis of historical-comparative and biographical methods specific aspects of private, public and state social assistance practice knowledge and analysis of specific features, the establishment of cooperation between the responsible organization and institutions in the social protection of children. |
9. | Management of self-governing bodies of citizens | Familiarization of citizens with the necessary set of information on the basics of social work management in public self-government bodies (concepts, terms, theories, methods), the acquisition by students of theoretical and practical knowledge of proper organization of social work, thorough knowledge of the history, principles and skills of social management and preparation for practical activities. |
10. | Sotsialnaya rabota s jertvami nasiliya i pritesneniya | Organization of social and psychological assistance to victims of violence, creation of a system of work for specialists working with victims of violence, through the introduction and use of innovative methods of social work, scientific and theoretical foundations for the prevention of social work with victims, types of violence, its elimination Basic methods and theories aimed at achieving goals are the formation of skills of familiarity with foreign experience, aimed at overcoming violence. |
11. | Sotsialnaya rabota s pojilymi | The fact that the number of elderly people in the world today is increasing is due to the fact that the average age is increasing. That is why there is a growing demand in society for the elderly, social status, family status, medical and social rehabilitation, social security, guardianship and custody of the elderly. This science teaches the study of aging processes from a general biological perspective, as well as the impact of aging and its onset on humans and society. The subject also contributes to the development of students ’social service technologies for the elderly, the role of the social worker’s ethical values and principles in the social work profession. To develop students’ skills in applying ethical principles and theories in social work practice. Social work builds knowledge, skills, and competencies such as introducing professional standards of practice, explaining their role in social work, and finding and discussing solutions to difficult situations where these standards may be conflicting. |
70920101- Social work (in various spheres of activity) | ||
1. | Social work with families | The science of social work with families, solving the problem of various categories of families for undergraduates, deepening the knowledge system in determining methods and techniques, developing professional knowledge and skills for future profilers in choosing the style and direction of organizing the practice of social work with families. This discipline is designed to systematize and expand the content of knowledge about the intersectoral nature of the family and to study the nature of social work with various categories of families, to master the basic methods of working with families in institutions and institutions of the social sphere, to teach to analyze and draw conclusions about family relations based on theoretical, practical, statistical data. |
2. | Sociology of Disability | The science of disability sociology consists in familiarizing undergraduates with modern concepts related to the phenomenon of disability, as well as providing information on improving the quality of life of people with disabilities. In this science, it consists in the introduction of modern sociological concepts of disability, the formation of skills for using methods of studying the phenomenon of disability, information about existing employment models for people with disabilities, information about the rules of ethics for communicating with people with disabilities, the formation of skills for the use of technology. |
3. | Services and technologies for working with children and youth | In the field of services and technologies for working with children and youth, undergraduates should consider the problem of socially unprotected children and youth as one of the main problems facing our society, show the features of the structure of this course, the specifics of the work of a social worker with children and youth and form knowledge, skills and abilities on methods of studying the possibilities of scientific and practical knowledge in this area. This science examines such issues as children as an object of social work, Features of working with socially dangerous children, social technologies and methods of working with children and youth, the practice of social work with children with special needs, social work with socially unprotected children, inadequate and reckless attitude to children and youth, features of social services for children and youth of the population, the main approaches to the study of youth problems, theoretical and practical aspects of improvement, training to draw conclusions based on the analysis of ways of youth employment. |
4. Researchers and research work
№ | The research professor is a teacher F.I.Sh. | Academic degree, title | The topic of the dissertation |
1. | Abdukhalilov Abdullo Abdukhamidovich | Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Sociology, Associate Professor | Improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities as a strategic direction of social policy |
2. | Alekseeva Victoria Sergeevna | Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Sociology, Associate Professor | Dynamics of social mobility of young people from low-income families |
3. | Zaitov Elyor Kholmamatovich | Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Sociology, Associate Professor | Mechanisms for improving the system of social services for the elderly in Uzbekistan |
4. | Kalanova Sabohat Muradovna | Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Sociology, Acting assistant professor | Interaction of intergenerational relations in society: consistency and contradictions |
5. | Qayumov Qahramon Nozimjonovich | Senior Lecturer | Mechanisms of management and development of social infrastructure of small towns in Uzbekistan |
6. | Ahmedov Kahramon Abdulhamid oglu | Senior Lecturer | Features of improving the quality of the training process for social work in Uzbekistan |
7. | Kamilov Farhod Oblakulovich | Teacher | Improving the system of social protect children with disabilities in Uzbekistan |
5. Domestic and foreign partners
The Department of Social Sciences works with Columbia University in the United States. Professors Timothy Hunt and Lyudmila Kim of Columbia University,
In addition, UNICEF Sasha Graumann, who has implemented joint projects with UNICEF, organized 132-hour training courses in October 2018, June 2019 and April 2020 at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Uzbekistan. The internship was carried out. In particular, the “Social Work” department cooperates with the following organizations and signed cooperation agreements with them. In particular, with RBIMM (Republican Center for Social Adaptation of Children), the Extra-budgetary Pension Fund under the Tashkent City Hall, the Main Employment Department of the city of Tashkent, the Nuroniy Foundation, the Muruvvat Boarding School No. 1 for Children with Disabilities, the Association of Persons with Disabilities. Disabled people of Uzbekistan, Agreements on mutual innovative cooperation for 2018-2022 were signed with SOS Children’s Villages of Uzbekistan and the Center for the Study of Public Opinion. In addition, agreements on cooperation in the field of research and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel for 2018-2022 were signed with the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Public Security of the Fergana State University of Samarkand State University.
6.Composition of the department
№ | Фамилия, исми, шарифи | Электрон почта |
1. | Латипова Нодира Мухторжоновна | n_latipova@nuu.uz |
2. | Абдухалилов Абдулло Абдухамидович | a.abduxalilov@nuu.uz |
3. | Алексеева Виктория Сергеевна | v.alekseeva@nuu.uz |
4. | Заитов Элёр Холмаматович | e.zaitov@nuu.uz |
5. | Каланова Сабоҳат Мурадовна | s.kalanova@nuu.uz |
6. | Абдуллаев Акмал Гадоймурадович | a_abdullayev@nuu.uz |
7. | Зияева Холида Омонқул қизи | x.ziyayeva@nuu.uz |
8. | Қаюмов Қахрамон Нозимжонович | q.qayumov@nuu.uz |
9. | Аҳмедов Қаҳрамон Абдулҳамид ўғли | q.axmedov@nuu.uz |
10. | Камилов Фарҳод Облақулович | f.kamilov@nuu.uz |
11. | Махмудова Мунира Джураевна | m.maxmudova@nuu.uz |
12. | Холмуродов Ғулом Ўткир ўғли | g.xolmurodov@nuu.uz |
13. | Саидова Мафтуна Умаровна | m_saidova@nuu.uz |
Legislation on volunteer activities On December 2, 2019, in order to ensure the implementation of order No. ЗРУ-585, a “Volunteers Club” circle was created under the Department of Social Work, which is currently operating.
This circle works with the aim of increasing theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of social work, studying, applying, applying and consolidating knowledge about methods of social work, developing the ability to independently assess the situation.
In the circle, students work on topics of their choice. They are curated by Academic Supervisors who can help students choose a topic based on their interests and abilities.
Helps to form research papers, articles, term papers, thesis within the scope of the circle.
The research work of students in the club, various types of activity, has a special scientific and professional significance and can develop on the topic of bachelor’s work, that is, the student’s activities in the club can become the basis for his personal and scientific development, future research work.
In turn, the volunteer movement has the following positive effects on society:
1. Social activity, civic and human position of members of society will increase.
2. Opportunities for members of society to organize, unite, unite under a noble idea will increase.
3. The prevalence of moral norms in society will increase and develop.
4. Among people, such values as kindness, mutual respect, harmony develop.
5. Social capital is formed in society through volunteering.