Tojiyeva Z – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 90 326 73 70
E-mail: z_tadjieva@mail.ru
The formation and development of economic and social geography as a discipline in Uzbekistan was associated with the Department of Economic and Social Geography of the Faculty of Geography and Natural Resources of the National University of Uzbekistan. Initially, the department was established in 1940 under the name “Economic Geography”, which is the only one in Central Asia. Later it became known as “Economic and Social Geography” (1978). 1998 jildan esa, this department Iƶtimoij geography and mintaqavij economy ‘ name Bilan kўrsatdi activities. Although its name was changed several times later, today it is still known by the same name, “Economic and Social Geography” .
The first head of the department was Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor V.G. It was Kuznetsov. He was later replaced by Ph.D., Professor M.G. Kadek (1941-1945), Ph.D. Professor VM Chetirkin (1944-1948), Ph.D., Associate Professor RS Lobach (1948-1954), Ph.D., Associate Professor Tsapenko (1954-1959). ) ruled. In the middle of 1960-1969 this task was performed by Ph.D., Associate Professor NG Smirnov. The department was headed by ZM Akramov, Ph.D., Professor, the first local Uzbek scientist. He worked as the head of the department from 1969 to 1984, from 1984 to 2010 the department was headed by a well-known scientist, Ph.D., prof. Headed by AS Soliev. At present, the department is headed by Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor ZN Tojieva.
In the development of scientific and pedagogical potential of the department and the development of educational and methodological work, scientists G.N. Cherdantsev, A.N. Rakitnikov, O.B. Ota-Mirzaev, A.A.Qayumov, T.I.Raimov, R.A. The services of Khodiev, T.E. Egamberdiev, T.T. Tajimov, SS Saidkarimov, S.B. Bakiev, M.R. Burieva, A.M. Sodikov were significant.
If we look at the history of the department, we can see that the most important and topical areas of economic and social geography: economic zoning, industry, agriculture, population geography, urban development and urbanization, in general, research in various fields of social geography. In the 1998-1999 academic year, for the first time among the CIS countries, prof. Theoretical and practical issues related to the direction of the regional economy, put forward by AS Soliev, have been studied with great interest.
In recent years, based on the standards of world development, traditional scientific directions have emerged in Uzbekistan. For example, medical, educational and other services, political geography and geopolitics, social geography, tourism and recreation, medical and disease geography (nosogeography), criminal geography are developing. In all of them, the contribution of the National Scientific School of Economic Geography, formed in the years of independence on the basis of the Department of “Economic and Social Geography” of the National University of Uzbekistan, and the scientists organized in it was significant. It should be noted that two senior scientists Ziyovutdin Mukhitdinovich Akramov and Abdusami Solievich Soliev were leaders in the formation and effective development of this scientific school.
The history of economic geography is primarily concerned with the problems of economic zoning. The issue of economic zoning of our country, in particular, at the Department of National University of Uzbekistan, covers first of all the needs and requirements of natural geography, and then agriculture. Therefore, on the basis of research conducted at the Scientific School of Economic Geography, the transition to the identification of integral, ie the main economic regions. In this regard, well-known scholars V.M. Chetirkin, Z.M. Akramov, A.S.Soliev, O.B. It is known that the scientific directions carried out by Ota-Mirzaev and others have attracted the attention of the scientific community.
The scientific school of economic and social geography in the country has two main directions. One of these areas is agrogeography (agricultural geography) and the other is population geography. In particular, the regional problems of urban development and urbanization are being studied in this direction. The above important scientific directions are the pillars of modern geography of the Motherland, two great scientists and a great man prof. Akramov Ziyovutdin Mukhitdinovich and prof. Soliev was directly connected with the scientific-creative and pedagogical-pedagogical activities of Abdusami Solievich, which were mutually harmonious and fruitful. That is why this informal scientific association can be directly called the Akramov-Soliev Scientific School.
The Scientific School of Economic Geography of Uzbekistan soon gained attention not only in the country, but also in neighboring republics and other foreign countries. In particular, professors and doctors of Moscow State University Yu.G. Saushkin, AIKovalyov, professor of Perm State University MD Sharygin, St. Petersburg State University Professor AIChistobaev, professors of the National University of Kazakhstan S.R.Erdavletov and Sh.M. The Nadirovs gave high marks.
The main goal of the members of the department is to continue the traditions of the Scientific School of Economic and Social Geography of Uzbekistan, formed by professors ZM Akramov and AS Soliev, to maintain a healthy educational and scientific environment in the community and consistently implemented in our country under the leadership of President Sh.M. Mirziyoyev. to make a worthy contribution to the idea of national independence by training highly qualified and competitive personnel. Currently, the department as a base of geography in Uzbekistan maintains scientific relations with all regional higher education institutions, as well as geographical educational institutions and research institutes of Moscow, Rostov-on-Don (ARGO, Russia), Kazakhstan (KazNU).
Specifics of training – participates in the training of bachelors and masters within the faculty. The department specializes in training bachelors and masters of geography. The department has a basic doctorate in economic and social geography – 11.00.02.
Name, code and brief description of directions and specialties – On the basis of new state educational standards, teachers of the department prepare bachelors in 60530400 – Geography, 70530402 – Geography (by object of study) and 70530403 – Applied Geography (by field).
2. The disciplines taught at the department are in a separate form for bachelors and masters
№ | the name of the science | Brief information about science |
1 | Economic and social geography | is the formation of students’ knowledge of the theoretical, methodological and practical foundations of economic and social geography (concepts, laws, research methods, etc.) and the ability to apply them in practice. |
2 | Fundamentals of Urban Geography and Geourbanistics | Students will be able to form the basic concepts and categories of the basics of urban geography and geourbanistics, theoretical foundations, theoretical and practical knowledge of their importance in the socio-economic development of countries and regions. |
3 | Geography of the world economy | Students will develop theoretical knowledge and skills on the development of world economic systems, natural resource potential and the location of sectors of the world economy, to determine the position of individual countries in the world economy and to find comparative advantages. |
4 | Basics of population geography and demography | Changes in the number and composition of the population, the formation of knowledge about the location and territorial movement of the population, the natural and mechanical movement of the population, the racial, religious and ethnic composition of the population. |
5 | Geography of Uzbekistan | Formation of complex knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the natural and economic-social geography of Uzbekistan. |
6 | Geography of the world | Students will learn about the formation, development, structure, components, relief, climate, waters, soils, flora and fauna of the continents and oceans, landscapes, events in the formation of natural complexes, economic and geographical location of countries and regions, population, economic development. |
7 | Geography of Central Asia | Students will develop knowledge and skills on the laws of development and management of natural-geographical, geo-ecological, socio-economic and political processes in the Central Asian region within the “nature-population-economy” system. |
8 | Agricultural Geography | Students will develop knowledge, skills and competencies in the territorial structure of agriculture and the geographical aspects of its development. Explain the role and importance of agriculture in the national economy; Identify and assess the factors of territorial organization and development of agriculture; analysis of the development of agriculture in the world and in its various regions, in individual countries; organization, implementation and training to draw conclusions on the geographical study of agriculture. |
9 | Geographical bases of nature use | Students will be able to determine the criteria for the right or wrong use of nature, the correct use of nature, first of all, based on general geographical laws, the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities about the content and essence of ecological economic relations between nature and society. |
10 | Geography of cities | Urban geography is a separate branch of economic and social geography, which is taught to students of geography in higher education. Historical-geographical, social development of types and systems of science cities. economic-geographical, urban planning, revealing the complex, modern global nature of urbanization, the content and significance of the development strategy of cities and their territorial systems, the basics of location, development, design and management of cities. |
11 | Applied geography | It is important that students have a thorough knowledge of geography-related areas of practice. Applied geography includes landscape research, engineering and geophysical research, geographical assessment and geophysical forecasting, research of geoecological problems, rational use of land and water resources, economic assessment of natural conditions and resource forecasting for agricultural and urban planning purposes. Applied geophysics provides knowledge on the specifics of land reclamation activities and urban planning, regional organization of industry, agriculture, transport and public services. In this regard, it is important that each geographer has a deep understanding of the future direction of the problems of regional characteristics and opportunities. |
12 | Economic and social geography of Central Asia | The subject of economic and social geography of Central Asia teaches students of geography the features of economic and geographical development of our republic and neighboring Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, natural raw material potential, population and labor resources, economy, its sectors and territorial structure, development features. is the formation of knowledge |
Magistracy | ||
13 | Geodemography | Students learn the laws and characteristics of the development of natural population movements, the theory of demographic transition, types and stages of population reproduction, scientific and practical assessment of the laws of development; to study the theoretical foundations of population, to determine the demographic regularities of demographic policy and demographic concepts, to develop demographic forecasts on the basis of statistical, mathematical methods |
14 | Methodology of economic and social geography | This course provides students with research methods, and parts of the process of teaching geography, didactic tools, information about teaching, the use of technical means in teaching science and geography, non-traditional and interactive lessons. |
15 | Geourbanistics | Students will develop theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the field of urbanization and urban development, the laws of location, their planning, territorial organization and monitoring and regulation. to analyze them as a single system, to determine the interrelationship of all objects and elements in the city, to teach the process of urbanization and forecasting the development of cities. |
16 | Medical geography | It is to teach students the development of methods of teaching nature and geography, their relationship with other disciplines, structure, content, methods and techniques, the educational process. This course provides students with research methods, parts of the process of teaching nature and geography, didactic tools, information about teaching, the use of technical means in teaching science and geography, non-traditional and interactive lessons. |
17 | Population policy | The structure and methods of conducting population policy for students in the master’s program, family, marriage and demographic situation and the impact of others on demographic policy, the implementation of demophysical policy and the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities. Population policies and their directions, solving important tasks in the field of demographic security, drawing conclusions, developing the concept of development in the field of population, teaching to draw conclusions based on analysis |
18 | Ecological planning of urbanized areas | Masters gain knowledge of the theoretical foundations and concepts of urban ecology, environmental problems of the urban environment and their study. |
19 | New directions of social geography | It consists of teaching students the scientific and theoretical foundations of social geography and its new scientific directions. The task of science is to acquaint students with the scientific and theoretical foundations of social geography, the features of its formation and development, new directions of social geography – service geography, socio-geographical ideas of Western scientists, medical-geographical research, social zoning and the organization and conduct of scientific research. and skills formation. |
About the scientific work of researchers
№ | Full name of the researchers of the teaching staff | Academic degree, title | The topic of the dissertation |
1 | Nazarov Mamatkodir Ismatillaevich | g.f.n., docent | Territorial organization and development of social infrastructure in rural areas of Uzbekistan |
2 | Kurbanov Shukhrat Bekmetovich | G.f.f.d. (PhD), docent | Socio-geographical analysis of the quality of life of the population in the regions of Uzbekistan: theory, methodology, practice |
4. Information about agreements of foreign and local cooperation
Information about the agreement of cooperation with local authorities with the Department of Economic and Social Geography
т\р | Name of organization | Date of signing the contract or memorandum | Name and phone number of the person in charge of contacting the university |
1 | Research Institute “Mahalla va Oila” under the Ministry of Mahalla and Family Support of the Republic of Uzbekistan | 25.12.2020 | Director. N.M.Egamberdieva Tel .: +998(71) 267 05 36 |
2 | 24th school of Tashkent district | Beganchov Y.U. Tel .:+998(99) 0064050 | |
3 | “O’ZGASHKLITI” unitary state enterprise | 24.12.2019 | Director. Y.D.Magrupov Tel .: +998(71) 271-27-07 |
4 | “Oʼzb. Res. Institute of Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research under the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction | 01.11.2019 | Director.U.K.Abidxajaev Tel .: +998 (71) 244-01-17 |
5 | G.O. Named after Mavlonov Institute of Seismology | Director.V.A.Rafiqov Tel .: +998 (71) 241-51-70 | |
6 | Republican Academic Lyceum named after SH Sirojiddinov, specializing in “Natural and Exact Sciences” | Director. B.J.Rajabov Tel .: +998(71) 2788649 | |
7 | “Scientific bases and problems of development of economy of Uzbekistan” at TSUE scientific research center | Director.M.B.Kalonov Tel .: +998 (71) 244-01-17 | |
8 | Regional Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan | Director. B.F.Yalgasheva Tel .: +998(71) 232-83-94 |
Information on agreements of foreign cooperation of economic and social geography
т\р | Name of a foreign university | Date of signing the contract or memorandum | Name and phone number of the person in charge of contacting the university | The term of the contract |
1 | Osh State University, Kyrgyz Republic | 2021 February 1 | Самиев К.Т Tel: +996 772713617 | 2031 February 1 |
2 | Penza State University | 2019 October 16 | Гулякова А.Д Tel: +7(841-2)563511 | 2024 October 16 |
3 | Kazan federal University | 2019 September 20th | Панасюк М.Б Tel: +7 (843)292-69-77 | 2022 year December 31 |
4 | Moscow State University | 2017 year April 11 | СадовничийВ.А. Tel: +7 (495) 939-1000 | 2022 year April 11 |
5 | National Geographical Society of Kazakhstan | 2018 year March 17 | Байғарин Қ. Tel: +8 (7172) 999 336 | 2023 year March 17 |
6 | Baltic Federal University | 2018 year May 2 | ДружининА.Г. Tel: +7401259-55-95 | 2023 year May 2 |
5. The structure of the department
№ | Фамилия исми шарифи | Электрон почта |
1 | г.ф.д., проф. З.Н.Тожиева | z_tadjieva@mail.ru |
2 | г.ф.д.проф. Н.Қ.Комилова | nkomilova75@mail.ru |
3 | доц. М.И.Назаров | nazar_0820@mail.ru |
4 | доц. С.Қ.Таштаева | stashtaeva@mail.ru |
5 | доц. М.М.Эгамбердиева | egamberdiyevam@mail.ru |
6 | доц.У.Т.Эгамбердиева | Umri_1960@mail.ru |
7 | доц. С.Л.Янчук | YanchukSL@mail.ru |
8 | доц. Ш.Б.Қурбонов | Qurbonov1977@mail.ru |
9 | У.Пазилова | Umidapazilova965@gmail.ru |
10 | Н.Жалолиддинов | n_jaloliddinov@mail.ru |