D.J.Urakov – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
998 71 227-12-24
The department of “World History” began its work in 1935 after the reorganization of the Faculty of History under the name “New and Recent History”.
Some departments of the faculty, such as “History of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages”, “History of Eurasia”, “History of Asia and Africa” and “New and Recent History” merged and in 1998 were renamed “World (General) History”.
The department has trained more than 3,000 highly qualified specialists, more than 20 doctors of sciences, more than 180 candidates of sciences.
The following well-known scientists and professors of the Republic worked at the department:
- G.A. Khidoyatov,
- T.S. Sattorov,
- T.K.Xodjaev,
- R.F.Farmonov,
- A.Axmedjonov,
- A.M.Matveev,
- X.G’. Gulomov,
Currently – Professor Dilshod Jamoliddinovich Urakov heads the department.
Professors and teachers currently working at the department:
- D.J.Urakov
- A.G.Xolliev
- S.I.Gabrielyan
- R.N.Tursunov
- B.B.Xaynazarov,
Head teachers:
- A.A.Razakov
- R.Djuraev
- Q.Matxoliqov
- O.A.Maxmudov
- S.N. Madyarova
- T.R. Shadmanov
- A.A.Biykuziev
- X.Sayfullaev
- A.A. Abdusattorov
- M.I. Berdieva
- Sh.Luqmonov conduct their scientific and pedagogical activities.
Currently, the department has a master’s degree in History (by directions and countries). The research work of the department is related to the topic “Actual problems of studying and teaching world history”, in the framework of which the department conducted research and published textbooks and manuals.
From 1991 to the presentGA Khidoyatov’s book “My dear history” in Uzbek and Russian languages has been published. Docent H.G. Gulomov – published a book on the history of “Diplomatic relations between Russia and the Bukhara Khanate.” It covers the history of relations between Russia and Bukhara in a broad and meaningful way.
Docent Farmonov R. – Defended his doctoral dissertation in Moscow, “The Revolution of 1848-1849 and the evolution of the French political system of the Second Republic (1848-1851).”
On the basis of the department there were three independent departments: “New and modern history”, “History of Asia and Africa”, “History of the ancient world and the Middle Ages.”
1993-1994 to the department of “New and modern history”. till September, professor R.F.Farmonov, Department of “History of Asia and Africa” Ph.D. T.S.Sattorov, The department of “History of the ancient world and the Middle Ages” was headed by TK Khodjayev.
After the merger of the departments of “New and Recent History” and “History of Asia and Africa” in 1995-1998, Ph.D., Professor TS Sattarov – Head of the Department of “New and Recent History”.
In May-June, a graduate student of the department AG Holliev returned to the University of Exeter in the UK to improve his skills.
Head teacher of the Department AS Tatybaev’s “Central Asia and World History” Tashkent, University Press. “Uzbekistan: the frnits of independence” // Aqua et Terve, № 6-7, English / Italian Text. His articles have been published abroad.
In May-June, the graduate student of the department AG Kholliev returned to the University of Exeter in the UK to improve his skills.
In 1998, the departments of “History of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages”, “New and Recent History”, “History of Eurasia”, “History of Political Parties” and “Methods of Teaching History” were renamed the Department of World History. ., docent AS Tatiboev headed until September 2005.
Azizbek Guzalovich Kholliev, Docent of the Department, defended his dissertation on “Economic, scientific, technical and cultural relations between the United Kingdom and the United States with independent Uzbekistan.”
The department held an international conference on “Central Asia and World History” on the basis of the TASIS (TEMPUS) program, which was attended by 15 professors and teachers from Great Britain, France, Germany, Denmark and Russia.
Professors and teachers of the department are in constant contact with leading universities in Europe in the field of research and pedagogy. In particular, TASIS (TEMPUS) has partnered with the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom, the University of Rennes in France, and the Frederiksberg Seminary in Denmark on the History project.
Docent U.V.Raxmonov – University of Rennes, France,
A.S.Tatybaev – University of Exeter, UK and At the Frederiksberg Seminary in Denmark, Ph.D. AG Holliev – At the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom, Head teachers S.I. Gabrilyan and A.A. Razakov – They returned to improve their skills at the Frederiksberg Seminary in Denmark.
The specialty 5A120302-History (General History) was opened on the basis of the department.
The cooperation was continued within the framework of the TASIS (TEMPUS) Eurasia project. On the basis of these projects, a number of professors and teachers of the department (H. Gulomov, U. Rakhmonov, A. Tatibaev, A. Kholliev, S. Gabrielyan, A. Rozakov) returned to improve their skills in partner universities in Europe. Students specializing in the department also returned to study at these universities.
Head teacher of the Department Sofya Ivanovna Gabrielyan – defended his dissertation on “The main directions of foreign policy of Great Britain in Iran in the XIX century.”
The monograph of the docent of the department H.G. Gulomov – “Russia and the khanate of Central Asia XVIII – the first half of the XIX century” was published.
Ph.D., docent AG Kholliev – Head of the Department of World History.
Docent H.G.Gulamov defended his doctoral dissertation on “History of diplomatic relations of the Central Asian states with Russia (XVIII – the first half of the XIX century).”
Oybek Anvarovich Mahmudov, a teacher of the department, defended his dissertation on “Ismailism in Central Asia: the essence, features of development and forms of coexistence (the middle of the XIX – early XX centuries).”
Professor H.G. Gulomov and docent A. Tatibaev was awarded the UNESCO International Grant of the International Institute for Central Asian Studies “Historical Atlas of Karl von Spruner”.
Docent Ya.Kh. Gafforov’s textbook “Methods of teaching history” took part in the Republican competition “The best textbook of the year and the author of educational literature” – 2012 and won a prize.
DJ Urakov’s universal manuals on “History of Uzbekistan” and “World History” were published in “Akademnashr”.
A.Tatibaev’s scientific article “The Battle near Ankara: History and Significance” was published in Turkish (Turkey, Ankara).
A.Kholliev’s textbook “Socio-economic and political development of Russia in the XVIII-XIX centuries”, a collection of lectures “World History (New Age Asia and Africa)” and “History of International Relations and Diplomacy” were published.
O.A.Mahmudov – “Turkestan in the Imperial Politics of Russia in Monographs and Documents”. Published in Moscow.
The scientific collection of the Department of World History “Actual problems of historiography of the World History” (collection of scientific works of the Department of World History) was published.
In 2017, the team of the department led by the head of the department D.Urakov won the grant competition for the practical project OT-A-1-99 “Preparation of the 1st volume of the textbook of World History for Higher Education Institutions on the basis of foreign literature.”
On October 26, 2018 the teacher of the department Khaynazarov Bakhromjon Bakhtiyorovich defended his dissertation on “History of the Uyghur Diaspora of Uzbekistan (1925-2012)” for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in 07.00.01 – History of Uzbekistan.
In 2018 by the professors and teachers of the department World History Volume I Part I (History of the Ancient East) Textbook. – T .: “Navruz”, 2018. – 304 p. and World History (History of the Ancient East, Ancient Greece, and Rome) Textbook. – T .: “Navruz”, 2018. – 304 p. was published.
In 2018, the specialty 07.00.03-World History was opened.
In 2019, under the leadership of the head of the department D.Urakov I-OT-2019-26 won the Innovative Grant Competition “Creation of a multimedia complex on the contribution of the people of Uzbekistan to the victory over fascism in World War II.”
In 2019, AO UZVTORTSVETMET signed an agreement with the State Unitary Enterprise “Preparation and design of historical exhibitions in the library hall AO UZVTORTSVETMET in the field of educational work with employees of enterprises and members of the family.”
On June 30, 2021 the teacher of the department Djuraev Ravshan Khurramovich defended his dissertation on “The state and problems of animal husbandry in Uzbekistan (1917-1941)” for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in 07.00.01 – History of Uzbekistan.
On December 14, 2021 the head of the department DJ Urakov wrote a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences (DSc) on the specialty “History of Uzbekistan” 07.00.01 – “Relations of the Governor-General of Turkestan with neighboring countries (18671917).” Kushan-Kang relations: “Relations of nomadic and sedentary peoples of Central Asia” 07.00.01 – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in History “Uzbekistan”written dissertation to obtain protection was held.