Zaynutdinova Makhliyo Bobomurodovna – head of the department
100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 09:00 – 17:00
Email address: zaynutdinovam28@gmail.com
History of the department
The Department of Russian Linguistics has a long history. In the late 30s of the 20th century, inter-faculty departments of foreign languages, Russian and Uzbek languages were established at the Central Asian State University (CASU).
In 1942 the History and Philology Department of SAGU was divided into two independent faculties – History and Philology. At the same time, the Department of Russian Linguistics was established and the inter-faculty Department of Russian Language was merged into it. The Chair was headed by the prominent Russian Scholar Dr. Stepan Dmitriyevich Nikiforov, who organized a series of lectures on modern and historical linguistics.
In different years the heads of the chair were outstanding scientists-linguists, who made a significant contribution to the development of Russian linguistics, known not only in our country, but also abroad: prof. G.I.Kolyada, prof. A.N. Tikhonov, prof. O. M. Kim, Ph.D. I.B.Shatunovsky, Assoc. L.L. Kim, Assoc. E.Sh. Mirochnik, Assoc. S.I. Zinin.
Their students continue the best traditions of scientific and pedagogical Russian studies in Uzbekistan, which they have laid down today.
During last decades, the scientific potential of the department has grown: Ph.D. Professor A.G. Sheremetyeva, Candidate of Science Associate Professors N.N. Shchitka, E.A. Alieva, Kukatova O.A., Tsoi A.P., Ataeva R.R .; senior lecturers with extensive experience in university work, Khalilov F.Kh., Rogozinnikova N.G., Faizova F.Sh., young novice teachers – graduates of master courses.
The department has prepared scientific-pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification: more than 30 young lecturers and doctoral candidates of philological institutes of the Republic have defended theses and received the degree of PhD in philological sciences.
Professor A.G. Sheremetyeva has been the chairman of the Specialized Council on Defense of Dissertations for many years, associate professor N.N. Shchitka executed duties of Secretary of Council, teachers of chair actively participate in work of Special Council and scientific seminars, giving all forces to preparation of scientific shots of philologists-russists for our Republic.
The Department of Russian Linguistics is one of the graduating departments of the Faculty of Foreign Philology. In addition to the traditional direction of the bachelor’s degree “Philology and language teaching (Russian language)”, preparing specialists in philology of a wide profile opened directions “Native language and literature (Russian language and literature)”, “Native language and literature (Russian language and literature in foreign language groups)”, preparing mainly teachers of Russian language and literature for schools and secondary specialized educational institutions, meeting the needs of the Republic in Russians-bilinguals, able to teach Russian language and literature in a foreign language audience. In 2013 the specialty of Master’s degree 5A120102 – Linguistics (Russian language) was reopened.
The department is a developer of several generations of State Educational Standards, Qualification requirements for the content of teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels and other normative-methodological and technical documentation for universities of the Republic.
Keeping up with the times, the teachers of the department regularly update the content and forms of teaching linguistic disciplines, develop and publish university textbooks of a new generation, prepare educational and teaching aids on the basis of new pedagogical technologies. The department has developed unique special courses on the history of the Russian language, modern Slavic languages are taught.
The results of their scientific achievements are presented by the members of the chair at international and republican scientific conferences, they publish articles in scientific journals and collections.
During the years of Independence has strengthened scientific contacts of chair with high schools, research and educational institutions of our Republic. The agreements on cooperation have been concluded with SamSU, Andijan University, TSPU named after Nizami, UzSUWL, Russian and Ukrainian cultural centers of Uzbekistan, academic lyceums, educational schools, libraries and museums have been concluded.
The department also pays great attention to international cooperation. Agreements have been signed with the philological faculties of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Tula State University, Pskov Pedagogical University, Kalmyk State University, etc., Joint events, conferences, seminars and round tables are held with the Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo. The teachers of the department actively participate in the work of international forums, congresses and conferences .
In accordance with the trends of the times, lectures are organized, a joint meeting of departments and scientific seminars with partner universities are organized online.
In the 70’s and 80’s of the 20th century the Uzbek scientific school in the field of Russian word formation was formed in the department. Outstanding role in this was played by the research of Dr. A. N. Tikhonov, whose activity was inseparably connected with Samara State University and National University of Uzbekistan. A. N. Tikhonov created the first in the world lexicography nested word-formation dictionaries, in the preparation of which the teachers, graduate and doctoral students, as well as students of the Russian Linguistics Department took part. These outstanding lexicographic sources provided material for further scientific research within the framework of the established scientific school. Within the framework of the scientific school, annual conferences and seminars are held, the geography of their participants expands from year to year (Russia, Kazakhstan, USA, Japan and other countries). At present, the scientific school is headed by A.N. Tikhonov’s student, Ph.D. Professor of the department A.G. Sheremetyeva.
Teachers of the department pay great attention not only to the professional training of future philologists, but also to the upbringing of a new harmoniously developed generation of our country, conduct educational and cultural and educational activities.
The department organizes traditional republican scientific and scientific-practical conferences, seminars and thematic round tables. The seminar “Topical problems of Russian word formation” is regularly held within the scientific school. Every year the number of participants in the scientific conference “Russian language and literature in Uzbekistan”, which brings together teachers of all levels of the educational system from school to college is increasing. Young scholars and gifted students present the results of their research at the traditional conference “Young Philology of Uzbekistan”.
One of the aspects of the department’s activities is the organization and holding of the Republican Olympiad in the Russian language and literature, as a result of which the students of the Slavic department have repeatedly taken honorary places.
The Department of Russian Linguistics is a creative team with great scientific potential, capable of solving urgent problems of the modern educational process. The prospects for the scientific activity of the department include the further development of theoretical problems of modern linguistics, a multifaceted description of the facts of the Russian language in their current state and functional dynamics with an appeal to the historical formation.
Readable disciplines in undergraduate and graduate programs
The list of readable disciplines at the Department of Russian linguistics of the bachelor degree direction 60230100- Philology and language teaching (Russian language)
№ | Name of discipline | Brief information about the course (abstract) |
1. | Introduction to linguistics | To provide solid basic theoretical knowledge of the system of Russian literary language, functioning of units of different levels in synchronicity, as well as to familiarize with the theoretical foundations of modern linguistics. |
2. | Modern Russian | To acquaint students with the regularities of the modern language system, with the main levels (tiers) of the modern Russian language in their functioning and interaction; to impart skills of qualified analysis of the Russian literary language material with regard to the modern state; to teach students to analyze. multilevel linguistic units in language and text. |
3. | History of the Russian language | To acquaint students with the sources of historical study of the Russian language; with historical processes in the field of phonetics, grammar (morphology, syntax), vocabulary and word formation in different periods of language development. |
4. | Modern Slavic languages | To give an idea of the sound and grammar structure of the studied Slavic languages, to familiarize with the necessary lexical minimum, to lay the foundation for further study of any Slavic language and the formation of linguistic competence. Expanding philological outlook and forming skills of comparative linguistic analysis. |
5. | Comparative and Comparative Linguistics | Theoretical and practical preparation of students for professional activity of a translator. The relevance of the course is due to the need to form practical skills and abilities necessary for professional translation. |
6. | Methodology of teaching Russian language | Theoretical and practical preparation of undergraduate student for professional activity of teacher of Russian language and literature; acquaintance with the newest pedagogical technologies in teaching Russian language. |
7. | General Linguistics | To give a holistic view of world linguistics, introducing the main directions in linguistics, introducing students to outstanding linguists, their contribution to world science; to substantiate the integration links of linguistics with the humanities and natural sciences. |
The list of readable disciplines at the department of Russian linguistics of the bachelor’s degree direction 60111700-Russian language in foreign language groups
№ | Name of discipline | Brief information about the course (abstract) |
1. | Introduction to linguistics | To provide solid basic theoretical knowledge of the system of Russian literary language, functioning of units of different levels in synchronicity, as well as to familiarize with the theoretical foundations of modern linguistics. |
2. | Practical Russian language course | Mastering the Russian language system for communication; mastering the language of the specialty necessary for professional education in higher education |
3. | Modern Russian | To acquaint students with the regularities of the modern language system, with the main levels (tiers) of the modern Russian language in their functioning and interaction; to impart skills of qualified analysis of the Russian literary language material with regard to the modern state; to teach students to analyze multilevel linguistic units in language and text. |
4. | Comparative and Comparative Linguistics | Theoretical and practical preparation of students for professional activity of a translator. The relevance of the course is due to the need to form practical skills and abilities necessary for professional translation. |
5. | History of the Russian language | To acquaint students with the sources of historical study of the Russian language; with historical processes in the field of phonetics, grammar (morphology, syntax), vocabulary and word formation in different periods of language development. |
6. | Methodology of teaching Russian language | Theoretical and practical preparation of undergraduate student for professional activity of teacher of Russian language and literature; acquaintance with the newest pedagogical technologies in teaching Russian language. |
7. | Practical stylistics | To acquaint students with the main concepts and categories of practical stylistics and stylistic properties of phonetic, lexical-phraseological and morphological-syntactical means of language; to develop linguistic flair, to teach students to assess linguistic facts correctly and to select stylistic means depending on the content, sphere and conditions of communication. |
8. | General Linguistics | To give a holistic view of world linguistics, introducing the main directions in linguistics, introducing students to outstanding linguists, their contribution to world science; to substantiate the integration links of linguistics with the humanities and natural sciences. |
The list of readable disciplines at the department of Russian linguistics for Master’s degree 70230101-Linguistics (Russian language)
№ | Name of discipline | Brief information about the course (abstract) |
1. | History of Linguistics | To elucidate the main stages in the development of the science of language, to provide information about the main schools and trends in linguistics; to show in a historical perspective the development of ideas that laid the foundation for understanding the nature and essence of language. |
2. | General and Russian Variology | To familiarize master’s students with the main principles of general variology (focusing on the material of the Russian language); to give an idea of the peculiarities of formal and semantic variation of linguistic units, the relationship between variant and invariant objects; to characterize variation as an absolute linguistic universal. |
3. | Problems of Modern Lexicology and Lexocography | To reveal aspects of interaction and mutual influence of lexicology and lexicography from the standpoint of formation and functioning of fundamental and applied linguistic knowledge; to examine difficult issues in modern lexicology and their reflection in dictionaries, to present trends in modern lexicography in the aspect of creating its own theory and conceptology. |
4. | Research methodology | To form scientific thinking skills of undergraduates in the process of scientific activity, to teach them to adhere to the unity of theory and practice in the creation of a research project. |
Doctoral students of the department and their scientific activity
№ | Name of applicant-researcher | Dissertation topic |
1 | Zainutdinova M.K. | Particular morphonology of the Russian derivational system. |
2 | Kononova I.Yu. | Insert constructions as a subject-expressive form of syntax in the fiction prose of M. Tsvetaeva. |
3 | Shadieva D.K. | Dynamics of norms of Russian written speech (on the material of Uzbekistan media). |
4 | Kenenbayev E.T. | Evolutionary lexical and semantic changes in the use of non-verbal communicative in the social networks of the Internet (on the material of the Russian language). |
5 | Faizova F.Sh. | Article lists of Russian envoys to Central Asia in the 17th century as a linguistic source. |
Regional and international cooperation
International cooperation
1. Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov
2. Tula State Pedagogical University named after L. Tolstoy
3. Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after O.N. Dobrolyubova
4. Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky
5. National Research Tomsk State University
Regional cooperation
1. General Education School № 169 of the Shaykhontokhur district of Tashkent (a branch of the department)
2. General Education School №28 of the Olmazar district of Tashkent (a branch of the department)
3. General Education School 3 103 of the Chilanzar district of Tashkent (a branch of the department)
4. State Memorial Museum of Mukhtar Ashrafi
5. State Museum of Literature Alisher Navoi
6. House-Museum of S. Borodin
7. Museum of S. Yesenin
Composition of the Department of Russian Linguistics
№ | Surname/name of teachers | E-mail address |
1 | Zaynutdinova Makhliyo Bobomurodovna | zaynutdinovam28@gmail.com |
2 | Shchitka Nelya Nikolaevna | Qaadri@yandex.ru |
3 | Anna Gennadyevna Sheremetieva | sheremeteva1954@mail.ru |
4 | Nina Rogozinnikova | nina.rogozinnikova@mail.ru |
5 | Atayeva Ranusha Rashidovna | ataeva.r.r@gmail.com |
6 | Aliyeva Elvina Ametovna | alieva.elvina@rambler.ru |
7 | Gulnora Narzievna Khidirova | konfruslit@mail.ru |
8 | Faizova Feruza Shakirovna | faizova_feruza@mail.ru |
9 | Mullabayeva Lola Shaniyazovna | mullabaevalola@gmail.com |
10 | Khalilov Farhad Khalilovich | farkhad-khalilov@mail.ru |
11 | Yunusova Hilola Yusupovna | khilolayunusova77@mail.ru |
12 | Pernopasova Elena Anatolievna | lenamiyov85@gmail.com |
13 | Shin Margarita Viktorovna | dazylazy@mail.ru |
14 | Ashurova Alina Sergeevna | linusik-kisa@mail.ru |
15 | Akbarova Malika Kazimzhanovna | malika_1223@list.ru |
16 | Mukhitdinova Feruza Kutbiddinovna | fmukhitdinova@inbox.ru |
17 | Dilorom Alimjanovna Mustafayeva | dilya.noz@mail.ru |
18 | Uralbayeva Altynai Kholmurzaevna | yanitlau7@mail.ru |
19 | Albina Serverovna Shakhanova | albinashakhanova@gmail.com |
Department circles
At the Department of Russian Linguistics there are the following clubs:
– student group “Rhetoric”. The Head of the Department of Russian Linguistics is Shchitka Nellya Nikolaevna. The group consists of 30 students (three subgroups). The study group meets once a week for the 4th year students. The aim of the club is to create conditions for the students to master the Russian language system for professional communication;
– student circle “Slavic World”. The leader is senior lecturer Rogozinnikova Nina Germanovna. All in all there are 30 students (three subgroups). The studies of the cultural group are held for the 2nd year students 1 time a week. The aim of the club is to give an idea of the culture and traditions of the Slavic peoples;
– student circle “Russian speech”. The leader is candidate of ph.D. Ataeva Rashidovna. All in all there are 30 students in the group (two subgroups) of the 1st and 2nd years. Classes of the study group are held 2 times a week. The aim of the club is to form communication skills and abilities among students;
– student circle “Translation Bureau”. The leader is Gulnora Narzievna Khidirova, Ph. All in all there are 30 students from the first to the fourth year. Sessions of the group are held 2 times a week. The permanent Telegram link of the “Translation Office” group: https://t.me/+oKovY_Zow5Y4NWUy. The purpose of the club is to train students in practical translation skills and to develop speech culture in correlation with translation. The members of the circle get acquainted with different classifications of translations depending on the diversity of the text, acquire practical skills and abilities in the written translation from Uzbek into Russian.