Madraximov Shavkat – Head of the department 100174 University street 4, Almazor district, Tashkent city
Wednesday-Friday,15:00 – 17:00
+998 9
Madrakhimov Shavkat Fayzullaevich, was born on September 10, 1960 in the city of Urgench, Khorezm region, nationality – Uzbek. In 1983 he graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of the Tashkent State University (now NUUz) with a degree in Applied Mathematics, specialty of Mathematician.
In 1994, Sh.F. Madraksimov defended his Ph.D. thesis, and on 2020 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Detection systems of hidden regularity on the basis of the methods of calculation of generalized estimates” in the specialty 05.01.03 – Theoretical Foundations of Informatics.
In 2006 he received the title of Associate Professor in the specialty Theoretical Foundations of Informatics.
The total work experience of Sh.F. Madrakhimov is 39 еars. He has 32 еars of scientific and pedagogical experience in higher educational institutions (32 еars in the main staff), worked as an assistant professor for 4 еars, in 2010-2016. and from 2018 to June 8, 2022 he worked as the head of the Department of Algorithms and Programming Technologies.
The general scientific and pedagogical work experience of Sh.F. Madrakhimov is 39 years. Of these, 32 years in a higher educational institution as an assistant, associate professor and head of the Department of Algorithms and Programming Technologies, and since 2022 he has been the head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence.
Sh. Madrakhimov effectively combines educational and administrative work with scientific research. carries out effective scientific activity. The area of his scientific interests is data mining. He has published more than 80 scientific papers and participated in scientific grants as a responsible executor. He is the author and co-author of 6 educational and 4 manuals on programming and artificial intelligence.
Address: 100174, Tashkent, Almazar district, University street, 4
Reception hours: Wednesday-Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Phone: +998 901250736
e-mail: sh.madrahimov@nuu.uz
2. History and main activities of the department
The department was established by the decision of the 13th meeting of the Council of the National University dated June 29, 2022 in pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 17, 2021 PP-4996 “On measures to create conditions for the accelerated introduction of artificial intelligence technologies” at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Intelligent Technologies at base of the department Algorithms and programming technologies.
Educational activities of the department
In the department works the head of the department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Sh.F. Madrakhimov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor N.A. Ignatiev, PhD in Phys.-Math. D.Yu.Saidov, K.Khudaybergenov, senior lecturer U.Tuliev, teacher Sh. Ramazanov, trainee teachers Sh. Khodzhaev, Kh. Shukurova, PhD students M. Rakhimova, K. Makharov, F. Akbarov, D. Tursunmuradov.
Teachers of the department conduct classes for the following areas of undergraduate studies:
5330100 – “Mathematics and software of information systems”;
5330200 – “Computer science and information technologies”;
5330300 – “Information security”;
60610100 – “Informatics and programming technologies”;
60610200 – “Information systems and technologies”;
60610300 – “Information security”;
60610700 – Artificial intelligence,
as well as in master’s programs:
70610101 – “Computer science and programming technologies (by directions)”;
70610201 – “Computer systems and their software (by branches and branches)”;
70610701 – “Artificial intelligence”.
Scientific activity of the department
The department conducts research in the field of modeling intuitive decision-making processes in artificial intelligence. Research topics – non-parametric methods for solving problems of pattern recognition, calculating generalized estimates based on linear and non-linear mapping, description of objects in a heterogeneous feature space on a numerical axis, methods for extracting a subset of informative features, minimizing a training sample by constructing a coverage of reference objects according to the minimum set of informative features , calculation of the measure of compactness, formation of latent features based on the stability property of heterogeneous features, solving the problem of big data using data mining methods.
There is a seminar “Intellectual and numerical methods for solving practical problems” in the department. It listens to reports, employees of the department, including PhD students on the results of scientific research, as well as discussions of dissertations.
Defense of doctoral dissertations: N.A. Ignatiev (2005 y.), Sh.F. Madrakhimov (2020 y.).
PhD dissertation defenses: D.Yu. Saidov (2018), K.K. Khudaibergenov (2020).
Members of the department publish their scientific works in prestigious scientific journals of the republic and foreign, actively participate in scientific conferences.
Scientific articles published in recent years:
- Игнатев Н.А. Вычисление обобщённых показателей и интеллектуалный анализ данных // Автоматика и телемеханика. 2011, №5, С.183–190.
- Игнатев Н.А., Мадрахимов Ш.Ф. Устойчивость и обобщённые оценки классифицированных объектов в разнотипном признаковом пространстве // Вычисл. технологии, Новосибирск, 2011.-Т.16, № 2, С.70-77.
- D.Y.Saidov. Data Visualization and its Proof by Compactness Criterion of Objects of Classes// I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2017, 8, 51-58
- Ignatev N.A., Mirzaev A.I. The Intelligent Health Index Calculation System// Journal of Pattern recognition and Image Analysis, 2016, № 1, P. 73–77.
- Ignatyev N. A. Structure Choice for Relations between Objects in Metric Classification Algorithms // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. 2018. V. 28. № 4. P. 590–597.
- Ignatyev N. A. On Nonlinear Transformations of Features Based on the Functions of Objects Belonging to Classes // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. 2021. V. 31. № 2. P. 197–204.
- N.A.Ignatyev, Sh.F.Madrakhimov D.Y.Saidov Stability of Object Classes and Selection of the Latent Features // INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCES (IJETS) Vol.7 (1) June 2017 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15282/ijets.7.2017.1.9.1071
- Sh.F.Madrakhimov, A.H.Khurramov Search for regularities by intervals of values of quantitative features // ACADEMICIA. An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol 11, Issue 4, April 2021 (https://saarj.com).
- Shavkat Madrakhimov, Kodirbek Makharov, Musulmon Lolaev Data preprocessing on input // AIP Conference Proceedings 2365, 030003 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0058132.
- G. A. Rozikhodjaeva, Sh.F. Madrakhimov, K. T. Makharov Construction of fuzzy inference rules for medicine diagnostics problems// Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2032 (2021) 012032 IOP Publishing DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/2032/1/012032.
- Toychiev A, Belotserkovets V, Ignat’ev N, Madrakhimov S, Shaislamova M, Osipova S. Prevalence of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis and the antifungal drug resistance of Aspergillusspp in pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Uzbekistan. Trop Doct. 2022 Jun 30:494755221110678. doi: 10.1177/00494755221110678. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35770798.
- Мадрахимов Ш.Ф., Махаров К.Т., Хуррамов А.Х. Отбор информативных признаков с учётом пропусков в данных // Проблемы вычислительной и прикладной математики. – 2022. – №4(42). – С. 147-157.
- Marakhimov A.R., Kudaybergenov J.K., Khudaybergenov K.K., Ohundadaev, U.R. A multivariate binary decision tree classifier based on shallow neural network. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2022, 22(4), pp. 725–733.
- Marakhimov A.R., Khudaybergenov K.K. A Fuzzy MLP Approach for Nonlinear System Identification. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States), 2022, 265(1), pp. 43–51.
- Marakhimov A.R., Khudaybergenov K.K. A Recurrent Method for Structural-Parametric Identification of Fuzzy Neural Networks. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021, 1323 AISC, pp. 47–54.
- Marakhimov A.R., Khudaybergenov K.K. Approach to the synthesis of neural network structure during classification. International Journal of Computing, 2020, 19(1), pp. 20–26.
- У.Ю.Тулиев Кластерный анализ текстовых документов по отношению их связности // Проблемы вычислительной и прикладной математики, 2019. — № 5(23). — С. 102–109.
- Игнатьев Н.А., Тулиев У.Ю. Анализ степени сходства и связности тематических документов на основе мер компактности // Проблемы вычислительной и прикладной математики. – 2021. – № 6(36). – С. 89-97.
- Мирзаев А.И., Тулиев У.Ю. О важности выбора первого шага при отборе информативных наборов признаков // Проблемы вычислительной и прикладной математики, 2021. — № 1(31). — С. 118–124.
- U.Y.Tuliyev Space formation for the description of thematic documents // AIP Conference Proceedings 2365, 070007 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0056963.
- Рахимова М. А. О количественной оценке состояния здоровья по возрастным группам // III Международное книжное издание стран Независимых Государств «Лучший молодой ученый-2021». 2021. С.73-77.
- Игнатьев Н.А., Рахимова М.А. Формирование и анализ наборов информативных признаков объектов по парам классов // Искусственный интеллект и принятие решений, №4, 2021, стр.18-26. DOI: 10.14357/20718594210402.
Employees of the department actively participate in the competition of scientific, practical and innovative grants announced by the Ministry of Innovative Development of Uzbekistan.
Scientific grants made by the staff of the department:
F-4-64 “Creation and justification of methods for calculating generalized estimates and individual metrics of objects in data mining.” Scientific supervisor Professor N.A. Ignatiev. (2013-2017);
OT-Atex-2018-224 – ” Development of an information model for predicting the development, course and outcome of ulcerative colitis and colorectal cancer, optimizing diagnosis and treatment, taking into account the etiopathogenesis and risk factors” Scientific adviser professor Ignatiev N.A. (2018-2020);
A-OTM-2020-2 “Development of intelligent systems for the prediction and diagnosis of pulmonary aspergillosis in patients with tuberculosis and bronchial asthma”. Scientific adviser professor Ignatiev N.A. (2020-2021).
The scientific results of the department staff are reflected in the following monographs:
- Игнатьев Н.А. Обобщенные оценки и локалные метрики объектов в интеллектуалном анализе данных. Монография. – Ташкент: Издательство «Университет», 2014.
- Мадрахимов Ш.Ф., Хуррамов А.Х. Умумлашган коърсаткичлар ва улардан билимларни шакллантиришда фойдаланиш. Монография, Қарши: Қарши давлат университети, 2014.
- Игнатев Н. А. Интеллектуалный анализ данных и гипотеза о компактности классов. Меры компактности, критерии оценок. Палмариум Аcадемиc Публишинг, Саарбрюккен, 2016.
- Мадрахимов Ш.Ф. Системы обнаружения скрытых закономерностей на базе методов вычисления обобщенных оценок. Монография // Ташкент, «МУМТОЗ СЎЗ» 2021.
- Марахимов А.Р., Худайбергенов К.К. Структурно-параметрический синтез нейросетевых моделей для задач интеллектуалного анализа данных и распознавания образов. // Монография. – Ташкент: «МУМТОЗ СЎЗ» 2021.
Educational and methodological activities of the department
In addition to academic activities, the staff of the department is engaged in educational and methodological work.
Over the past 10 years, several textbooks, educational and methodological manuals have been published:
- Ш.Ф.Мадрахимов, А.М.Икрамов ва М.Р.Бабажанов. «C++ тилида программалаш бўйича масалалар тўплами» ўқув кўлланма 2014
- Т.А.Махаров, Қ.Т. Махаров, К.Нортиллайев. Паскал тилида дастурлаш асослари. КҲК ва АЛ учун услубий қўлланма. Тошкент. 2015
- Махаров Т.А., Махаров Қ.Т., Раҳимова М.А. Wеб-дастурлаш бўйича услубий қўлланма. ЎзМУ, 2017й. -160б.
- Игнатев Н.А., Усманов Р.Н., Мадрахимов Ш.Ф., “Берилганларнинг интеллектуал таҳлили” (ўқув қўлланма). Тошкент “Мумтоз сўз” 2018й.
- Т.А.Махаров, Қ.Т. Махаров, М.А.Рахимова. Wеб-дастурлаш. И-қисм. HTML, SS, JavaScipt. Ўқув қўлланма. Тошкент. “МУМТОЗ СЎЗ”, 2019
- Д.Ю.Саидов Python tilida dasturlash: Uslubiy qo’llanma. Tashkent. 2020 y. – 134 bet.
- Madraximov Sh.F., Sh. A.Eshmurotov, R.T. Djumamuratov, Q.Q.Xudoyberganov. C++ tilinde programmalastiriw tiykarlari. Oqiw-metodikliq qollanba // Nokis, “Qaraqalpaqstan”, 2019-jil. – 192 b.
- Sh.F. Madraximov, E.A.Eshboyev, F.Y.Shodiyev Dasturlash asoslari. O’quv qo’llanma // Qarshi, “Fan va ta’lim” nashriyoti. 2021. – 90 b.
- Maxarov T.A., Maxarov Q.T., Raximova M.A. Web dasturlash.- Toshkent: “NIF MSH”, 2022, 180 b.
- Madraximov Sh. Sun’iy intellekt tizimlari. O’quv qo’llanma – Toshkent: “Metodist” nashriyot, 2023, 180 b.
- S.M.Gaynazarov, D.Y. Saidov Algoritmlar va berilganlar tuzilmasi. O’quv qo’llanma. – T.: “Ma’rifat”, 2023. 254 bet.
- Sh.F.Madraximov, Sh.A.Eshmuratov, R.T.Djumamuratov, Q.Q.Xudaybergenov. “C++ Tilinde programmalastiriw tiykarlari” – Oqiw qollanba Nokis: “Qaraqalpaqstan”, 2023-jil, 192 bet.