Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Labor activity

Dr. Hasan Qayumov

Senior Lecturer, PhD, Department of Human and Animal Physiology, Faculty of Biology and ecology

Dr. Hasan Qayumov is a senior lecturer and researcher with a strong background in experimental physiology and pathophysiology. His research primarily explores the effects of biologically active compounds derived from natural plants on metabolic and immune-related disorders, particularly in animal models of autoimmune thyroiditis, pancreatitis, and diabetes. His work aims to elucidate the mechanisms of action of these compounds, with a focus on glucose transport, absorption processes, and potential therapeutic applications.

Through his contributions to the field, Dr. Qayumov seeks to advance our understanding of plant-based bioactive substances and their role in the modulation of physiological and pathological processes. His research has significant implications for the development of novel, nature-derived therapeutic strategies for metabolic disorders.

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